Oxycodone & Norco (Top voted first)


I have Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Second degree heart block, PE, Dvt's, Chronic Hypertension. I take a long list of meds Oxycodone 30mg for my pain releif. I recently went to the ER because I couldn't walk & I was diagnosed with Gout so the ER Dr. Prescribed me 8 norcos to take in between. I picked up my Oxycodone meds on the 14th & the 8 Norco on the 28th... It's time for my regular script but my pharmacists is saying it won't go through. I only go to the one pharmacy to get All my medications filled.

2 Replies

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Have you contacted your medical provider about this situation? If you have a pain contract with your doctor, receiving and filling another opiate rx may be a violation of your agreement. Post back if you need further direction.


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It sounds as if your doctor may have put your oxycodone on hold for one of many reasons. The two questions I have is. Are you uder a pain contract or agreement to only see one pain relief provider at one time, and did your regular doctor know before hand that you had the norco filled for gout pain? Actually norco or any narcotic opiod are ineffective for treating gout like pain.

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