Oxycodone False Positive On Drug Test


I take hydromorph contin and hydromorphone for pain and my doctor did a urine test on me I'm also taking adderal, cloazapam, risperidal, divalproex and on my urine test results I tested positive both times for oxycodone. How is this possible when I've not taken it at all?

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Do you know what type of test your doctor is using?

If they have really gone with the test from the lab that was the cheapest bidder for business, then it's likely that it's not a certified test and if that's the case, false positives are known to occur on the cheaper non-certified ones anywhere from 4 to 50% of the time.

The Hydromorphone is a semi-synthetic opiate and this class of narcotics is well known to cause false positives for other semi-synthetic opiates, like the Oxycodone.



What has your doctor said about this?

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The lab is in my doctors office so its probably the cheapest test that they have because he just started testing every body in the last two months and in like the only one on hydromorphone the rest r on other stuff but i looked at it and didn't see that in my test just the hydromoph contin and other meds in on and i told him that he didn't care he gave me a weeks worth and said to use those to get my self off them that he wasn't going to give me anymore. I then looked into it and everyone said the same thing that it was due to my hydromorpone more then likely cause the test didn't show that in my system. I told him that at my last apt and he said that i was probably right but he wouldn't give them back and I've never done anything wrong and i always take them when and how in suppost and always bring my bottles in with what in to have when i go to my apt so i have to live in pain he said. In on disability and have a number of problems and have test results and have had surgery to prove it but that's not good enough i also had a mri on my back two weeks after he did that and canceled it mean while my back is i so much pain at time it hurts so bad i can barely breath it hurts so bad. In in niagara falls Canada if anyone knows of a doctor who would take me on and help me please let me know i can't live in this pain for the rest of my life.

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i used marijuana 8 days ago and took golden seal 2 tab one day and 2 tabs the next day how long does it take for your system to clear of the drug if you are and infrequent user.

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I had to take a urine test and the only thing I had taken was ibuprofen 800 and a muscle relaxer because I was on my period and regular Midol no longer works on me. I came up positive for cocaine and I hadn't used any for almost 2 years is this possible? Because I am now having to plead my case at my job and they don't believe me. Please help

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I'm going to nursing school and they require a drug test for our clinical sites. I went last week to take my drug test and didn't eat anything all day, only drank 2 large cups of coffee. My results came back today as positive. It says drugs were detected but none of the drugs they have listed on the result sheet (antidepressants, antipsychotics, cannabinoids, cocaine, opiates, ect...) are circled. Only a comment is added saying caffeine was detected. Could drinking nothing but coffee all day have caused a false positive on my drug test?

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I am going through the same exact thing in the military. I took my prescribed drug oxycodone an had a false positive for hydromorphone. Do you know where I can find real research on what you said about them both being semi-synthetic opioids an one can cause false test for another..

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Re: tinker (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

1) I know a doctor who might help but he is in BC. I know he has had the same thing happen with one of his patients. Are you able to move out to Victoria BC?

2) If not, have you tried:

a) contacting the drug manufacturer and seeing if they can understand how this can happen? - there are some over the counter medications that can interact with certain opioids and cause false positives. Also have you checked with a good pharmacist and asked this? (Not all are knowledgeable enough). 811 usually has pharmacists you can talk to for free that may not be as busy as at a pharmacy. Or you could contact a professor at a medical school who is teaching about opioids. And also a professor who is teaching in the school of pharmacy.

b) have you checked on line to see what can cause the false positives?

c) to help prove your innocence I would suggest you call the health authority or a hospital and get the phone number for your provincial toxicology lab - and call them and see if they know of anywhere a doctor can get a blood test done to test for the name of the drug you need to take. If they come up with one then you want a doctor to prescribe the opiate for seven days and the morning of the 8th day. Then for you to take your medication on the 8th day and then go to the lab and have them test your blood levels and urine using the same urine test strips. Then if the urine test strip comes up with a false positive the blood test hopefully wont. And you can ask the lab - do they know of anyone who knows more about opiates and would understand how this can happen. They might have a suggestion.

d) you could also phone the drug company (that makes the drug you were taking and ask them who their drug consultant is. And then try to get into see them --- and see if they will prescribe for you or if they can suggest anyone. call and ask who the drug consultants are for the drug company making the drug you need to take.

Have you tried getting opiates from a drug rehab clinic? They would probably use methadone. But it does work for pain control.

Let me know if you are interested in contacting the doctor in Victoria. My prayers are with you.

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Re: tinker (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Please know there is hope.

1. Tinker, I had years of excruciating pain and very little helped except for these things. I don't know if they will help you without knowing what your diagnosis is. {edited for privacy}

2. These are things that helped me after years of nothing working:
a) muscle energy (also called post-isometric muscle relaxation) to fix spinal joints that are being held in misaligned positions because of tension in adjacent muscles. It is not chiropractic manipulation. Muscle energy techniques are usually done by massage therapists.
b) active release - a soft tissue treatment for the muscles done by chiropractors. It is not cracking the spine. It just has the person move in certain ways while the chiropractor presses on the muscles.
c) trigger point injections can be very helpful - check local pain clinics and physical medicine specialists to see if they do them.
d) massage therapist to break up adhesions and scar tissue on muscle attachments
e) treatment with a scenar - inter X device. They can be purchased, and there are places where one can get treatment.
f) a special type of pain injection. If you let me know your condition and what cities where you could stay with a friend or relative for a couple months and get treatment -- I could ask the doctor if the type of shots would help you and if he knows of any doctor in those locations that could help.

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Re: B (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

check with a pharmacist. And write a university - to the Pharmacology department. They may be able to help.
ALso do searches on line about false concaine positives.

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Re: Tyler (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Check this article out, it might help:

Toxicologic Testing for Opiates: Understanding False-Positive and False-Negative Test Results

Search what will cause false positives. Write schools of medicine and pharmacology and ask them for answers. Call 811 and ask the pharmacist. But one person may not have the answer.

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