Oxycodone Doctor In Nj (Page 6)


I need a doctor that will prescribe oxycodone 30mg in New Jersey. My doctor recently took me off of 30mg oxycodone because I tested "negative" for oxycodone because I lost my prescription that month. I was seeing him for 2 years. I have a serious back problem - 4 discs are herniated and 1 disc is GONE. Most doctors just want to refer me to a orthopedic doctor to get surgery. I DONT WANT SURGERY I am too young!! If you know of a doctor in NJ that will write oxycodone 30mg please email me {edited for privacy}. Thanks!

249 Replies (13 Pages)

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I'm in the same boat guys. Been with docs in Manhattan for bout 5 years and I was one of the first to find out. I've known since the week after my July visit it was the end of July actually when i found out and I've been stretching my one month supply into the end of 2nd month almost and I'm also struggling, can't work, can't have a life. I'm royally screwed and I've wasted about 1700$ so far that I DON'T have going to only 4 docs! I got a joke script from one and got told not to come back ever! And I'm dealing with chronic pain and anxiety so I don't even sleep if I could. It totally sucks. I feel everyone's pain!! God bless you all.

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You have nothing better to do....these are real people with real problems.who are you to judge

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There's someone on the other med chat post that is belittling everyone on here who truly suffers from chronic pain and I do not know why this person singled me out on the other post. I have said nothing on here to offend anyone just trying to get help for my husband. I truly can't believe it. walk In the shoes of a chronic pain person's body then come talk to me about it, the DEA, Dr. Rand and all the greedy Doctors out there who took an oath to help people , not rape them by increasing his cash business and then leave everyone to suffer, scramble around get records that they don't even have all of them at the Wayne office. People who have or are addicted to pain pills and overdosing is part of the problem here, also some people turn to heroin because there in withdrawal and overdose. I don't judge I am educated on the Drug on Wars the DEA the lies Doctors tell about loosing their license it's all bull, Doctors work on your emotions so you feel bad for them. What about legitimate chronic pain patients. Unbelievable.

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BUSTED ... My post was the last post on here . Was that for me ?? I was only passing info to who needed it !!

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TO JOHNNY .... Thank you so much you are a life saver ... The info you emailed me helped me out big time ... with Monday a holiday the earliest appointment they had was for the 7th I will let you know how it goes thanks again so much .....

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I am having trouble seeing some of these messages. Some of you are referring doctors and I understand you may not want to put your referral on public display. However, would you be kind enough to share with me. I had 3 back surgeries and one become so severely infected I had to take 8 weeks off of work for antibiotics. I had a PICC line etc. I had a good doctor, but he is retiring. Given the current situation, I would retire too. However, he gave 2 weeks notice as if it was a high school summer job. Any doc in the Wayne or surrounding region is fine. On another subject, I want to know why this is damaging to so many doctors. Legit pain docs want to help, but they feel they can't. Others will force you to get epidirals etc. before giving meds. I can't be given an epidural because of my previous infection. This is terrible. A 10 mm herniated disk and 3 surgeries that gave me little to no relief. It's afree country, who are you (government etc) to tell me what I can or cannot take?

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Johnny I thought you found a doctor as Michele posted thanks for the information. Unfortunately I am not been able to get a Doctor to treat my husband on a continuous basis. Even with documentation and extensive documentation It is difficult. He's in the same position, can't find a Doctor willing to treat. I feel awful for him. Can't recommend anyone else thus far. Good luck in your situation too

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He can't to his internal medical doctor until he find another doctor

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Because some people are a**holes! If they aren't hurt or do not live with chronic pain then they go on a crusade about something they know nothing about! Those people are a joke and don't count! Hang in there I've been on Pain Management for 10 years and now because of the DEA, I can't find a doctor and I have only 2 weeks of meds left...It's scary to us REAL pain patients! Good luck to you!

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Busted .... Where are you located?? And. Who was his doctor in witch location??

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Sometimes internet trolls single out those who seem the most educated and feel safe to harass and bully because they can do so anonymously. If it means anything I find our posts to be well educated and sympathetic. Glad to see someone else figured out Rand was using us all. The less business he got with his other practice the more he raised costs with the pain practice, the same way illegal drug dealers do it.

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TO MICHELLE ... You are welcome and as I've told you before you cannot play games with them in that office... There's no guarantee in there eyes there's no excuse for a bad urine test

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To Michelle I misplaced your number .. Can you call my cell ?

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Johnny, we all seem to be discussing Rand and Sloan in the Wayne NJ office that's the reason why my husband is in this situation. Is Michelle. Hi Michelle I guess you are going to the place Johnny put up here on this post. The person named Sayswhat is the one who has attacked me, and told me off on the other Med Chat posts I am on. The nerve and whoever this person is refers to me like I'm a patient. My husband is. Like I told Sayswhat walk in the shoes of a chronic pain person's body then you can get up on your high horse. Michele if you can let me/us know how your appointment goes on September 7th please

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Who is the dr he referred you to?I am in desperateneed to be seen I am in so much pain and I'm out of meds.My dr lost his license so pretty much all his patients are screwed

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Busted ....the lady I am trying to help Michelle .. I think she jerking me around .. She's told me several different stories she said been on nothing for. Weeks and she's really sweating the urine test . Shes told my wife different stories too I don't think she's being honest

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Help me i need ASAP soon I'm in so much pain omg it's crazy I'm in so much pain

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Are you still able to help by chance? Trying to help my mom who has been disabled for 30 years...

{edited for privacy}

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Johnny, I don't know the deal with Michele. I am just trying to get information on a Doctor to treat my husband. This situation is bad and there's predators out there ripping people off for their money. I just don't believe that these types of things are going on. People don't want to share information and people can meet up and get ripped off. That's what I heard. Be careful out there. Trust no one

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That's really mess up smh you can't help everyone ppl scam artists out here smh

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