Oxycodone Doctor In Nj (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I need a doctor that will prescribe oxycodone 30mg in New Jersey. My doctor recently took me off of 30mg oxycodone because I tested "negative" for oxycodone because I lost my prescription that month. I was seeing him for 2 years. I have a serious back problem - 4 discs are herniated and 1 disc is GONE. Most doctors just want to refer me to a orthopedic doctor to get surgery. I DONT WANT SURGERY I am too young!!

If you know of a doctor in NJ that will write oxycodone 30mg please email me {edited for privacy}. Thanks!

249 Replies (13 Pages)

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Sometimes internet trolls single out those who seem the most educated and feel safe to harass and bully because they can do so anonymously. If it means anything I find our posts to be well educated and sympathetic. Glad to see someone else figured out Rand was using us all. The less business he got with his other practice the more he raised costs with the pain practice, the same way illegal drug dealers do it.

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TO MICHELLE ... You are welcome and as I've told you before you cannot play games with them in that office... There's no guarantee in there eyes there's no excuse for a bad urine test

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Who is the dr he referred you to?I am in desperateneed to be seen I am in so much pain and I'm out of meds.My dr lost his license so pretty much all his patients are screwed

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Johnny, I don't know the deal with Michele. I am just trying to get information on a Doctor to treat my husband. This situation is bad and there's predators out there ripping people off for their money. I just don't believe that these types of things are going on. People don't want to share information and people can meet up and get ripped off. That's what I heard. Be careful out there. Trust no one

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I called dr rand and was informed all of our records are in the hands of the DEA.

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I saw ur post, and I just wanted let u know the opana r very strong, they work well but if u don't have insurance the cost is ridiculous because opana doesn't make a generic version.. the one thing u can try is find one of those prescription insurance card, u don't have to pay for them.. on some meds with those cards u can get up to 70% off on some med.... I was on 300 30mil roxicodone with diladud 120 a month 8 mg n 120 2 mil Xanax a month with a muscle relaxer..... my doctor got shut down so I've had to find a new doctor, my tolerance was ridiculous, I was on those dosages for 6 yrs. Now going to a new doc no one will get those numbers anymore... but I did find a doctor who now over the last 6 months prescribes me 4 30s a day plus 2 extended release 30 mg morphine a day... it's sucks for people who really need meds.. I've broken over 70 bones plus my pelvis once and my back 2x my L3 n L4.. I've got 3 plates like 20 screws in my body plus 4 pins holding my hand n wrist together.... try n find one of those prescription cards n if u can find one let me know n I can give u the number off one of mine....


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Dr Sloan is back in business. No charges were ever filed!!!

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Do u go to this dr sloan or have u went to him b4. He was closed down. Ive posted on here b4 im not gonna list all my issues again but incase u wanted to see them if u go back u can find them.. i have a doctor i go to in pa after my doctor of 6 yrs was shut doow in nj about a yr ago.. so i would be interested in hearing about this dr sloan.

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Frank f I am in the same situation I had brain cancer about 4 years ago and the tumor mass was in the back if my head right by my upper spinal cord...I have been settling the pain w street medication because I never had medical insurance. But now I have medical insurance and I am tired of going broke just to live. I am also looking for a doc in New Jersey so if you have any new please get back to me my email is {edited for privacy}

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Deanie & or Frank if you have a name for. A Dr in NJ, I have one too. I'm willing to exchange names with you. Not sure how to do this? It seems like email addys are blocked

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Terrible that they take medication away from real sufferers. I had 3 back surgeries and now I have what is called failed back surgery syndrome. I need pain medication but no one will prescribe it. If they do prescribe it the pharmacy is almost always out of stock. I don't know what to do. I'm in NJ 5 miles from Paterson. Any recommendations pls let me know.

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Hi I'm in nj looking for a doctor for 30
Slip and fall accident major back pain

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Frank, I hope u found a doctor but if not u can get back to me. I know of a great doctor. I ended up having to have the surgery so I have 6 rods and 12 bolts in my back and this doctor was a life saver

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Hi I saw your post I am in a similar position I have severe degenerative bone disease I have my MRIS and I need a dr in nj ASAP I am willing to travel if needed I can't seem to find one in my area that doesn't want to do all these injections which I've had done and had a bad reaction I was severely sick for several days and my dr yelled at me for contacting him! Anyway please please if you can lead me in the right direction that would be great!! I don't know how to leave you my contact info on here I am new to this site!

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Oxycodone dr in nyc. Hi guys. I was seeing my dr for the last two years. He has recently retired. I am oug of meds and I am looking for a dr preferably in Brooklyn. Kindly help

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I am also looking for a pain management doctor in NJ that will write for narcotics. I just moved back here after my husband left the military. I have my medical records and I had an amazing pain doc where I was living before. Unfortunately since moving back to NJ, I'm having a hard time finding a pain managment doctor that will prescribe narcotics as well as do steroid injections. The combo works great for me. I have insurance too but no one takes it wear I live so I am willing to drive around NJ if needed. I have Ankylosing Spondylitis. I cannot take NSAIDs due to them damaging my kidneys a few years ago and have reduced kidney function. I won't take biologics due to them being immunosupprants and that I have limited kidney function. Please help. I've been in pain since I've moved back.

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Deannie, how can u help??? Am going on to 5th Dr. because of Rx issues. Was on 30mg every 4 he's, taken down to 15mg/3x day. Am suffering so......have cervical spondolytic mylopathy (am on disability for it) - bone spurs on vertebrae that impinge cord & nerves coupled w degen disc & joint diseases. Feel like a drug addict trying to get help.......

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Hi I see that someone knows of a dr could someone please give me the info the dr I am seeing is terrible he keeps changing my medication he has me on 30mg of MS Contin n then out of nowhere put me on 5 mg of percocet after trying to give me medication that would cost me almost $500 cause my insurance didn't cover it it's the 3rd time he's done this to me n everytime I end up sick I call him n he treats me like I'm crazy! If someone can help me please do I can't even walk from arthitis being so progressed I need 3 surgeries but they want to prolong them as long as they can because of my age! Also please give me instructions on how to give contact info on here I see that it blocks the info out! Thank you!!

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Guys I have a dr in manhattan who can treat pain mgmt you guys are interested.

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Hi I see you said you have a dr in manhattan! That would be great to have the information! I live in monmouth county n.j I'm not sure do pharmacies give a hard time with out of state prescriptions? Also is this dr hard like I've tried to go to different drs but they all want a release from my old dr and he doesn't do anything doesn't return phone calls nothing so new drs won't treat me and i have no choice but to keep going back to my old dr that is so mean t me an treats me like I'm a junkie I have a herniated disc a large I guess tumor that no one told me about on my spine I had to look up the word on the internet after reading my mris I have bone spires in my neck osteoarthritis in my neck n back not sure what type in my achilies tendents in my feet n in my knees i literately have days where I can't walk down a flight of stairs which is becoming almost everyday! N my dr is like yeah and??? Even my family dr says I need medication he'll write it for me he just doesn't believe in breakthrough medication so he'll only give me time released every 12 hours which is more than my pain dr is doing he puts me on 30 mg of time released for 2 months than takes me off n puts me on 5 mg of percs every 12 hours n says you won't notice the change I dunno where he learned anything but that really sucked and hurt!! Anyway please tell me how I can get the info from you thank you

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