Oxycodone Doctor In Nj (Page 12) (Top voted first)


I need a doctor that will prescribe oxycodone 30mg in New Jersey. My doctor recently took me off of 30mg oxycodone because I tested "negative" for oxycodone because I lost my prescription that month. I was seeing him for 2 years. I have a serious back problem - 4 discs are herniated and 1 disc is GONE. Most doctors just want to refer me to a orthopedic doctor to get surgery. I DONT WANT SURGERY I am too young!! If you know of a doctor in NJ that will write oxycodone 30mg please email me {edited for privacy}. Thanks!

249 Replies (13 Pages)

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Thank you very much for responding to my post no there is no generic and I did check on those insurance cards, no luck there. I do appreciate you taking the time to at least help. Thank you very much for that. It's friday night about 1 o'clock in the morning in south carolina. I'm going to try to rest over the weekend. I've got enough thirties to last me until next week but my prescription it's supposed to be filled tomorrow. Excuse me it's thursday night. I'm sorry, these past few days I have just not been with it. Anyway the opana is supposed to be filled tomorrow. It's 30 milligram. I know nothing about this drug. I got two-a-day and 90/15 milligram oxycodone from what I was taken which was a hundred and eighty oxycodone 30 milligram a month. My head is just all messed up. They could at least gave me a heads-up on getting a new doctor. They just came in there and treat me like I'm some kind of junky. I don't do drugs. I did when I was a kid. I'm 41 years old. I don't even consume marijuana but I have considered it to see if it would help with the pain but never did because I was scared of a drug panel. Please if anybody knows of any doctors in south carolina or north carolina anywhere in the upstate please let me know so I can contact them. That opana it's $1,200. I have no insurance. I'm still waiting on my disability from the car wreck that put me out of work that got me in this position. I could get 180 30mg oxycodone for a hundred and forty bucks. That's what I kept asking the nurse practitioner. See I have not seen the doctor yet. They just sprung all this on me a few days ago but I ask why can't I stay where I'm at with all my medication if it's doing well. They would not hear of it. They said everything has to go to time release. Pain management is changing all across america. That's all they kept saying to me. They literally had to walk me out of there talking I knew better than to get loud and rude. I knew that would not get me anywhere. I just kept asking if something is not broke why fix it? Just leave me alone. Let me be. I'm fine the way I am with what you are giving me. They kept blaming it on the legislation by politicians, the dea, that's what they kept saying to me and their defense and in my defense I'm saying what am I supposed to do? I really don't know. You see how messed up I am in the head. I didn't even know what day it was. This has been on my mind ever since I walked out of that building 3 days ago because for years I've been on this medicine that's been okay. There's been times that the pain steel shot through my leg. I've got all kinds of metal in my leg. Plates on both sides of my ankles. Not going to rant about all of that but yes my whole leg probably should have just been removed because it's nothing but metal. But my point that I was making was why are people not allowed to stand up and fight against this. It's like there's no say so on what is going on. A year ago a friend of mine told me they couldn't take their xanax anymore because of their pain medicine. So this had been a long time coming. I see this down and I look back at my friends and at my situation just in past events and I see that things were heading in this direction. Not just for me for all of us. But if there is a good lord above surely there's got to be something something that will help us that are in real pain. Not just some drug addict that wants to feel high again. Thank you for your response to my post. I didn't think anybody would even respond back. I appreciate that very much. Again I do ask if there's anybody in south carolina or north carolina georgia anywhere around in my area that can possibly help me out as far as a doctor that I could possibly see I sure would appreciate it. God bless you all. Good night!

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Since the opana r two expensive u can ask ur doctor to put u on MS CONTIN ER that's morphine extended release in on them as part of my pain management and there way less expensive to fill at CVS n the prescription card works for them I get 120 of the 30 mg MS CONTIN ER n it's like 40 buck for 120 of them.... So ask ur doc to change the opana to them but no the does alitte because there not as strong as opana I hope this helps

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Thanks again I appreciate any and all help so yes thank you very much for that information hope you have a great weekend!

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Any help in Washington St? I'm dying on the cut back & getting treated like crap! I'm 54, 2 back surgeries with 6 fusions, cervicle thoracic, bad arthritis, knees failing and on and on and NO One cares? They just want to get us off meds now? Wth, I came here 6 years ago because I had pain and needed help!! Now they act like oh well the CDC says we have to cut back!!!! ANYONE IN WASHINGTON ST. Help!!!

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Dr Sloan is back in business no charges where filed

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Need to Find a Dr in Hermitage or Sharon PA who doesn't have a problem giving his patients the meds that is needed. I have very bad back issues and can't walk all the time. I was taking Oxycodone and Oxycotin now a new pain management Dr will not let me take that anymore. He gave me Opana and now that drug is being taken off the market. What is a person suppose to do. I am tired of being a test subject with medications.

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Re: Destini Danea (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Hi. I saw your post here on MedsChat. I'm looking for a good Dr. I was on 30mg of oxycodone 4x a day plus 15mg for break thru pain, now I'm on 10mg 4/x a day. I'm looking for a Dr that is willing to put me back at least on the 30mg. I had 9 surgeries on my right knee. I have what is called a frozen knee. I have pins in my knee. I have R/A. I also have 3 bulging discs on my lower back, I have the R/A on my spine, on my right hip, & on my left knee. I'm a mess. I also suffer from anxiety attacks and depression. Please help, I really would appreciate it. I really need to find a Dr asap. Thank you.

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Re: Kathy (# 232) Expand Referenced Message

Does n e one know where Dr sloan practices out of.... I'm looking for a new pain management Dr

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Re: Busted (# 62) Expand Referenced Message

i know i am replying to an old post, but just read all of these messages, and my heart bleeds for everyone who is telling their stories. It just saddens me and i will not bore anyone with my pain issues, which i do have legitimately. But is Rand still practicing? What happened to him after his arrest? I saw him years ago in Wayne and then in the Oranges. Used to hit on me all the time...a real ethical guy....Was just curious

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Re: Kathy (# 233) Expand Referenced Message

Hey where is Dr Sloan practicing at! I thought the Dea arrested him two years ago?

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Dr.dalsey is a great dr. He is in swedeboro New Jersey

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Re: brooklynoxycodonw (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

You should have received a letter from your doctor informing you of his retirement and letting you know the name, address, and phone number of the doctor he had sold his practice (and given your chart) to. Practices are worth a lot of money, and he is unlikely to have foregone a one-time large supplement to his income now that he's retired.

Go see that doctor. Having your records will help the new doctor to avoid the trial and error approach your old doctor had used while trying to find a treatment regimen that would be successful. If you can avoid it, you don't want to suffer from inadequately treated pain while re-trying all of the approaches that had been unsuccessful until the new doctor finds one that does help. Without your records, he'd have to do that - he's not going to just take your word for it that your old doctor had been prescribing a heavy duty narcotic.

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Re: 2stupid2trusthim (# 211) Expand Referenced Message

I agree. "Binder and Binder" was very helpful for me. They know how to keep you from making mistakes that could cause you to need an extra appeal (almost all applicants are initially denied, so nearly everyone has to appeal at least once - it's a cheap (for the govt) way to weed out the least disabled applicants). It's hard to see how B and B make money, as they do a huge amount of work, don't get paid until you win the case, and even then the maximum fee is capped by law at $6000. The only time I ever had to leave my home was for my photocopies court date. After winning, I asked for the records (test results, imaging reports, procedure reports, surgery reports, progress notes, narrative reports, etc.) that they had collected from various doctors and hospitals (which they would have discarded otherwise), and they sent me a sheaf of letter-size papers 3.5 inches thick, at their own expense.

Their ads resemble those of ambulance chasers, but they aren't. I chose to call them after receiving a number of by-mouth recommendations (including one from my primary-care doctor, who told me that patients of his had good experiences with them). After an initial phone interview, they got back to me within a day or so to let me know that they could take my case. They don't represent just anyone, as there would be no point in their being hired by someone who clearly could not meet the Social Security Administration's very strict definition of "total disability".

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If you test negative, they will assume you were selling! Your note will go to every dr. You see. Might be hard to get something again. Have you tried RA Pain? In Sewell young Russian dr. Very sweet! He can prescribe cannabis also. He has a building next door, to get you approved.

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Dr. Barry Sloan - he is a ****, out on bail and is selling off his stock.

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Re: mark (# 244) Expand Referenced Message

What's his number (doctor Barry Sloan)? I used to be his patient.

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The younger you are, the better your surgical outcome is likely to be. I only wish I hadn't waited so long for surgery!

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Re: CiCi (# 37) Expand Referenced Message

By any chance do you know where his office is at right now? Thank you and do you know his phone number?

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Does Jersey Premier Pain prescribe oxycodone 30mg in Jersey City, NJ? I'm asking for a friend.

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Re: shay (# 248) Expand Referenced Message

Did you find out Premier Pain prescribe 30mg or another facility? even 15mg

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