Oxycodone Blood Test Levels


Can they test and check the levels with a blood test?

9 Replies

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Yes, the levels in your blood will be detectable, just as they are in urine, saliva and hair, they will vary depending on how much you are taking.

Learn more Oxycodone details here.

Have you had problems with administered tests?

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I am prescribed 150 percocet 10/325 every month to help me deal with severe back pain. The Dr. who was prescribing them too me has left the practice so another Dr. has picked me up as a patient. The new Dr. refuses to refill my script until I meet with him. My appointment is monday but I only have 3 pills left. I`m pretty sure this new Dr. wants to test me so when should I take the last of my meds? I am a type 1 diabetic as well.

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I'm prescribed one tab of oxycodone every 4 to 6hrs, but I took 2 of them two hours before a blood test. Will this show up as being excessive? I've been taking them for over 5 years.

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What were your results regarding taking a double dose 2 hours before blood test.

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How did your test results come out taking a double dose of oxycodone shortly before a blood screen? And do you typically take this dose? I'm thinking maybe tolerance won't show that high level?

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Can a drug test show much oxycodone is in your system? My doctor ordered a drug blood test last month and he said from the results that I'm not taking my oxycodone; and he wrote me up even though he looked back to June at a urine test and it was fine. I've only had urine drug screens all the other times and they are fine, and now the blood test comes back that I'm not taking hardly any of my meds. Does anyone know why this would be?

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Will oxycodone show up in blood work if you take it 24 hours before your blood test?

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I was given a blood test for arrest of under 'DUDrugs. I was taking Oxycodone for 2 years and hydrocodone for approx. 25 years (same dosage). How will my test come out? I took an oxycodone at 8am, they kept wanting me to say maybe I took one later. Will the test be able to tell what is true? Or how much I have in my system?

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Re: Jim (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Iam 5mg take them 2 day before i take my urine test is that good

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