OxyContin Forums (Page 2)
Recently active OxyContin forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about OxyContin and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I was wondering if anyone out there knows the name of oxycontin in spanish or of any real good pain medication in spanish. You see I am in mexico and want to fill a prescription some but I can't seem to find out their names in spanish. Can anyone help me??? ## you can go to proz.com and translate any meds you want ## Recently my son said he purchased oxycontin 80 from india. He uses it for pain but the pill is just white and round with a line down the middle of the pill. I thought pills had numbers or letters to identify them. Im afraid of what these really might be but oxy that I have seen have numbers on them. Anyone ever seen or heard of an oxy looking round and white with no identifies. He says they are 80. ## I have seen 20s like that but is been along time back ## any place in...
Can you get a prescription from 2 different doctors that prescribe different mg dosage of Oxycontin and have insurance cover it? ## You may get away with it for awhile..But trust me it will catch up with you eventually. Now if you use different RX insurance companies or pay cash for one....then it may be a little harder for the insurance companies to track. But however in Michigan I know for a fact and see it every time I get my Rx filled at the doctors that they have a computerized DEA print out sheet of the pharmacies that you get your pills from the time date quantity etc. Now if these doctors have made you sign a opiate contract with them NOT to use any other physicians for opiates other than himself or there office and only use one pharmacy .... And you choose to void that opiate c...
I've been taking op 30s for just a couple days but I'm not sure how long they take to start working can someone plz tell me ## Hello, Alize! How are you? It should have some effect shortly after taking it, though it may take a month to reach its full efficacy level in your body, but it is an analgesic. Has it been helping your pain, at all? You may need a dosage adjustment, if it's not helping. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. ## This is crazy, its supposed to be immediate relief. It shouldnt have to build up to a certain level in your body.
I have been on oxycontin... in the past but have moved to opana. The withdrawls are unbelievable! Ive been on the opana for approximately 6years...frankly im sick n tired of being sick n tired. Its ruined my life, as well as loosing my children. I want help but being broke and no insurance..I feel im stuck between a rock n a hard place... can anyone recommend any help? It would be greatly appreciated. ## Hello, Mary! How are you? I'm very sorry about what you're going through, but kudos for realizing that you need help. Since you have no insurance and are short money, I'd actually suggest looking into your local Methadone clinics. They get funding to help people like you and are generally much cheaper than Suboxone, which has to be prescribed by a private doctor. And, as thi...
I have been in Pain management since 2004 in California and just Moved out there to muskogee Oklahoma... unfortunately there are NO doctors here willing to treat my pain i was on a regiment of 80mg Oxycontin 2X daily 10/325mg Norcos every 4 hours and 4mg IV dilaudid as needed for breakthrough pain... i am in search of a doctor out this way who is actualluy willing to perscribe these meds... thanks ## Well, the first question I have is, how are you checking with the doctors about getting help? The reason I am asking is because if you're calling various doctor's offices and asking if they'll treat you and prescribe specific medications, then you will pretty much always get told no. When someone does that, doctor's and their staff are taught to see it as drug seeking behavi...
gg235 ## If the pill is pink and really says GG 235 then it IS NOT oxycontin, rather it is generic promethazine 50mg, generic for Phenergan. It is an antihistamine typically used to control moderate to severe nausea among other things. Side effects include drowsiness, dizziness, headache, among other side effects. ## Also, there are several generic forms of oxycontin 40mg now so it would be hard to pull up each picture. I can tell you that each company is trying to keep the same color as the original, kind of a yellow color. Hope this helps. ## A round pink tablet with GG over 235 on one side is manufactured by Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, and they list it as containing 50mgs of Promethazine, which is most commonly used to help treat, or prevent, nausea, and vomiting. NDC: 00781-1832 The FD...
Small pink pill OP on one side 20 on the other side ## This is the new Oxycontin OP, it is replacing the original product and has been specially designed to prevent abuse. It contains 20mgs of the narcotic Oxycodone in a time released formulation. Side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and constipation. To read more or report problems with the medication: Purdue Pharma number for drug safety/medication issues: 888.726.7535 FDA MedWatch number: 800-332-1088 ## What are the oxycontin prescribe for ## How long does the pain relief from these tablets last? ## About 8 to 12 hours at the most... High risk for abuse and overdose... I started on hydrocodone, graduated to oxycodone, then came roiycodone, opana, fentanyl, then abusing H for years... God delivered me from the grip...
Light pink round pill with ox 20 on one side. Real or fake. Search brings nothin up ## They look really besides the ox instead of op or oc ## Did you try it yet? If so how was it?? ## @James, Personally, I wouldn't trust this pill if you didn't go through your doctor and a licensed pharmacy to obtain it. As from what I can tell, no one else on this site has come across anything like it in other related threads. The OX 20 imprint just seems like a fake in my opinion, based on NIH.gov depictions of how 20mg Oxycontin should look if it was actually a legitimate Oxycontin pill. Real 20mg Oxycontin's by Purdue Pharmaceuticals are, like you said, marked with OC 20 or OP 20. Have you considered getting the pill analyzed by a lab just to be on the safe side? ## There from diff count...
I was laid off from my job after 18 years!!! I have been taking OxyContin 60 for over 5 years now for chronic pain. I have applied to Purdue for their patient assistance program to receive free OxyContin. Dr. Has been in touch with them but it takes at least four weeks to receive the medication. She is presently looking up the alternative medications that I can take in between now and the delivery of my medication from Purdue. Can anyone help me with the alternatives? I'm a wreck and so worried that whatever I'm going to be given will not work as well as the OxyContin 60. ## You may want to talk to your doctor about trying the time released Morphine, the name brand is MS Contin, but it's also available as a generic. It isn't as potent as Oxycodone, so you'd need a hi...
oxcodone IR 30mg to replace oxycontin CR 40mg no insurance on oxycontin ## Hello, Freefall! How are you? Your doctor should be able to prescribe the regular release Oxycodone for you, in lieu of the Oxycontin. However, you should be aware that there is no immediate release in these higher dosages, it is only available as a capsule in 5mgs. The FDA lists this medication as being a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Have you discussed the issue with your doctor? If the 40mg twice a day has been controlling your pain, they'll likely want to try to keep you as close to that dosage as possibly. ## The new oxycontin may not work for you, but I have been put on xtampz...
insurance company now won't pay for chronic pain meds. (oxycontin) noting all kinds of reasons which I answered. It started with pre authorization, then reduced dosage, (have had same dosage for four years). I have never misused or tried to get meds. early. I know this is an abused medication but I have to go to work every day and this allows me to do so. They say I have a right to appeal and have looked for legal help but nobody will take case. Any help would be appreciated. I can't afford $900.00 per month. ## Hello, Josh! How are you? I am sorry about the problems you're having, that's horrible. As to the legal help, when the insurance company says you have the right to appeal, that is an internal process that you handle with them, they will tell you what information ...
I also have been switched to Xtampza from OxyContin 2 weeks ago. Sorry, Xtampza no where near comes close to relieving my pain. I am now back in my bed or chair for most of the day, very depressed. My Doctors have noticed a complete difference in my look, affect, body, mood. Not just my pain Dr but my primary and my Therapist. I hope all of the polititions, DEA! CDC and happy. The only cure for my pain is 6 feet under ground.......good luck all ## What dose was prescribed for you? They both contain the same active ingredient, in a time released formulation, which is Oxycodone. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth. ## 36mg. It is said to be equal to my previo...
Is it true that my prescription for oxycontin 20mg can be round pink with 02 on one side and A on the other, or did they give me the wrong medication? ## No, a round, pink tablet with an A on one side and 02 on the other is listed as being a 20mg Simvastatin tablet, it's used to help lower cholesterol. Learn more Simvastatin details here. I couldn't find any listings for any Oxycodone tablets with that marking and meeting that description. Have you double checked with the dispensing pharmacy? ## yes and no its not an oc its an op........ which they are for the most part the same thing except that an op has a additive that wont let the pill be abused. It will make the pill gel up if u try and abuse the pill... Hope that I helped out and answered your question ## Pink 02 20 round ...
What is this pill? It came from the Dominican republic and I'm told its an OC 40mg ## It's not any Oxycontin/Oxycodone that I'm familiar with. Can you provide a better description of the triangle? Is it just an outline, or a full triangle? Learn more Oxycodone details here. ## Its an imprint. Its from the Dominican republic so I don't think you'd be familiar with it if you're only familiar with American pills. ## Yes its real oxycodone 40 milligrams ... it has a triangle on one side ## Hey Jason how do you know what that pill is. I was cleaning out an old bag and found a couple in there. They are small and off white with just a triangle imprint. Never seen one before. But I heard its Oxy 40mg. Is that possible ## Did you find out what it was? I just got one and a...
I too am a chronic pain sufferer, I was in a bad car accident several years ago, all my limbs were broken at once and they used my hip to rebuild one of my feet. I have a GP that has been helping me but now feels she has been letting me use too many narcotics and has abrubtly cut me off. I'm interested in controlling the pain not using the pills but it feels like nobody really cares. Is there any doctors in the Kansas City area who believe in pain management with narcotics. I believe that if you don't understand the pain of the indivdual it's hard to understand why we ask these questions. I don't want to shop for a docotor that's not what I do but what are we suppose to do if they won't help us. ## Hello, JJ! How are you doing? I am very sorry about the problem t...
I take 100mgs of methadone every day for the past 12 years. I ran out of methadone and can't go to my Dr for 2 days. Will OxyContin 20mg help with the methadone withdrawal? If anyone knows please let me know. ## Hello John. No it will not. I have been on methadone for over 30 years, been there done that. You say you have 2 more days to go to see your Dr. Well, as you know, methadone is a long acting medication. You would be fine the first day, especially taking 100mgs. Without it, you might not feel your best, but won't withdraw. But the second day you may start to get sick. You could try to take it for the second day. Everyone is different. It may take the edge off of feeling sick and your pain, but does your Dr do drug urinalysis? Because if he does and you take the oxycontin ...
I've just moved from Santa Cruz California to Rio Vista Califorina and I've unfortunately had to change my doctors.. I have numerous medical conditions that all require close monitoring (monthly blood tests and medication adjustments per results of said bloodwork) numerous medications for said conditions as well as being a chronic pain patient for 30 plus years now. I'm apparently going too have to reestablish myself here in the Solano county medical community. I'm looking for a good primary care doctor that has a long-standing well recommended established medical practice that is accepting new patients.. I put Fairfeild down as the area however I'm willing to drive father if necessary to receive good care. I'm also looking for an established chronic pain managem...
UpdatedHas anyone else noticed that OxyContin 20mg wears off before 12 hours? I'm waiting for the extended relief pain meds to take effect and it doesn’t last for 12 hours. ## They’ve never lasted 12 hours since they were brought to market. That was how they flooded the streets. Doctors knew they didn’t last 12 hours so they would prescribe an extra here and there. Now I think they give people oxycodone for break through pain. ## They destroyed Oxycontin in 2009 with the rock hard polymer that was added to create the worthless OP version that works maybe 5 to 8 hours if you're lucky. Once the pill gets past the proton pumps in your stomach nothing will metabolize the pill any further... Prudue knew this, but no one cared how the pill worked just as long as drug addict...
ive been on these for about 7 years and was just asking coz my teeth are slowly getting worse also on oxynorm amitriptoline seratail co-codamol and have just started on fentanyl patches please help ## Your teeth can be affected by many medications, especially narcotics. The problem is caused due to the fact that they tend to sap the minerals from your body, plus they cause dry mouth, which allows more bacteria to sit on your teeth. From the medications you are taking, all of the narcotics, the Oxycontin, Co-Codamol, Oxynorm and the Fentanyl can cause a loss of calcium, as well as dry mouth. And the Amitryptiline can also cause dry mouth as a side effect. Many people on long-term narcotic pain management end up with severe dental issues and a lot have lost all their teeth and required de...
I found a couple pills in my boyfriends cig pack he is a recoverying drug addict as id like to think. no markings half white Nd half dark red so not sure what it can be. ## Hello, Veronica! How are you? I'm sorry, but without any markings, it's going to be difficult to narrow down what these are, however, I'll keep looking and post back, when I have information for you. All prescription medications have to have markings, so these are most likely and over the counter medication of some type. Does anyone else recognize these? ## OxyContin and acetaminophen. Most likely 5 mg oxy and 500 aceta But can be higher dosage. ## I too have bought them. They are compounded dilaudid 8 mg ## I have a red and white capsule,it is support to be a 8 mg dilaudid? I have never seen them in this...