Oxycontin (spanish Name)
UpdatedI was wondering if anyone out there knows the name of oxycontin in spanish or of any real good pain medication in spanish. You see I am in mexico and want to fill a prescription some but I can't seem to find out their names in spanish. Can anyone help me???
you can go to proz.com and translate any meds you want
Recently my son said he purchased oxycontin 80 from india. He uses it for pain but the pill is just white and round with a line down the middle of the pill. I thought pills had numbers or letters to identify them. Im afraid of what these really might be but oxy that I have seen have numbers on them. Anyone ever seen or heard of an oxy looking round and white with no identifies. He says they are 80.
I have seen 20s like that but is been along time back
any place in minnesota to get the real oc 80s filled? got script dont like the ops they dont work at all.
A couple of years ago I was in Ciudad Juarez (La Frontera as the Mexicans call it [The Frontier].
Anyway, I wasn't looking for Oxys but a taxi driver parked outside a pharmacy I had gone into said he could get me what I wanted. He brought me to a Farmacia that had Valium etc (Brand) and the pharmacist behind the counter came out with a bottle of Purdue Oxys, a round purple pill. Having some knowledge of medication, to me this was the "real thing".
I know that the taxi drivers probably get a commision for taking people there. So if you are on the Frontera, you can try that approach, although everything has become much more dangerous than when I was there. You just have to find the right connection. My 2 cents worth.
No, pills do NOT all have ID imprints. Look at Terapia, Bensedin & Gedeon Richter 10mg diazepam. They are all white with a single score, and are three of the very best, and most popular diazepams in the world. The Galenika brand, Bensedin, is not their only drug with no imprint; Flormidal 15mg midazolam is plain white with no score, and Ksalol 1mg alprazolam is a small blue tablet also unscored. Lexaurin 6mg bromazepam, Denver Farma 2mg alprazolam, (Argentinian), Zorka 2.5mg lorazepam, the same cmpany's bromazepam, all have no letters or numbers on them. The blisters carry all the information you require. And by the way, oxycodone is NOT legally made in India - what gave you the impression it was available there? If you need oxycodone in India you must bring it into the country. For over 90 days' prescription an import licence is required, under that a letter from the prescribing doctor and a photocopy of the prescription will do.
Oxycontin HC1
Spanish translation: oxicodona HCl / clorhidrato (HCl) de
NEVER go to the border of Mexico for anything! If you're a foreigner you're guaranteed to be killed, kidnapped or both. First of all I live here in Mexico and whoever posted that a taxi driver went into a "pharmacy" and came out with 80 mg Oxy's is flat out lying! 2nd ALL pharmacuetical narcotics in Mexico are very strictly controlled with triplicate bar code prescriptions that only about 1 half of a percent % have! I'm in DF, Mexico City, with about 30 million people, and there are only about 8 to 10 private doctors with these special prescription pads, and they cater to only the rich and famous. Over 99% of all "doctors" in Mexico are not even doctors! FACT. That's why they can't get the Sec. of Salud (health) to give them an authorized prescription pad. I have cancer, and thank the Lord I have connections and get whatever I want and need. My wife for instance just had two wisdom teeth pulled under local aneastetic [sic] and the "dentist" gave her a prescription for tylenol 500mg - literally a prescription for over the counter tylenol. When I said aren't you gonna give her at least some vicodin or something like that he was clueless and had no idea what I was talking about. When I mentioned narcotic he said that only dying patients usely get those (I was yanking his chain to see how stupid he was). I know he wasn't even a real dentist. A recent govt. study found that nearly 95+% of all doctors and dentists don't have any medical school training and share cedulas (like a DEA #) from legit doctors to print out the generic prescription pads. The strongest pain meds that one of these fake doctors can prescribe is temgesic (subutex), and that's if you're near death. They can also prescribe benzos such as Valium etc. Meds are generally very expensive in Mexico 20 valiums will run you $25 US dollars! Someone mentioned PharmaClub; they have a good generic system and lab that makes generics. They sell boxes of 20 valiums for $34 pesos approx $3 US. Still high if you're used to paying $10 bucks for 90 valiums in the states. And as far as finding a doctor with a bar code script pad, you can forget it. If you're a foreigner they're gonna charge you like $50 US dollars a script. Again,thank the the Lord I have connections, and actually do better here for pain treament than the states. My wife also gave birth to our daughter who was 10lbs 11ozs. and my wife was 110 lbs.!!! And I wasn't there at the time to vouch for payment of a ceaserian and they nearly killed both my wife and dauhgter (as they did with my son, who died at birth in 2005) by allowing her to give natural birth; which she endured for nearly 6 hours. Blinding her in the left eye and my daughter was trapped in the birth canal for nearly 5 hours and lots of fluid enter her lungs and she nearly suffocated to death. Whe I finally got to the state hosp I brought a real doctor with me who tried to intervene - but they disdain anything like that - making them look like the fools they are. Well, he convinced a nurse to get a tube into the canal with oxygen to aspirate her breathing and clear some of the fluid. It's a miracle she wasn't born with brain damage or some form of deformity. She has a small birth mark on her nose (red patch) from the pressure for so long. Well, after all that, with >NO< epidural!!! She lost over 2 pints of blood (wife). She was put into a room with about 6 other women who had just given birth, given a bed with dirty sheets with blood from someone else, and to top it off there's no bathroom! She had to get on her and nearly crawl to a shraed bathroom that had no seats and feces all over the place. When I complained that she needed pain meds they countered ans said they just gave her two aspirin!!! The "nurse and doctor" had no idea what a percocet was, and told me that she gave a normal birth and she'll be ok in a day or two. Luckily I had 5/325 Percs to give her. She nearly died and had 3 transfusions after that and my daughter still has lung problems to this day. My wife is very humble and refused that we pay for a private hosptial, that nearly cost her and my daughter their lives. She's decided to go with a private hosptial with real doctors with our next child. Last thing is. Only 2 pharmacies have narcotics here the ones that carry the Liberaxim (dilaudid 2 and 4mg) - they're Mallis by Mallinkrodt, USA with an import name. But they're made and packed in Hobart, NY, USA. I'm looking at box of them right now. These specialty pharmacies are hidden, for obvious reasons, and will NOT tell you anything over the phone unless they know you. Bottom line getting narcotics in Mexico is a very difficult proposition. Don't believe any of the stories you hear. Anyone can contact me any time they like and I can assist with information and at times with "other" things. The Endocodil Oxys are not like the US Purdue Oxys. - If one wants to abuse them and snort them forget it. They have like a waxy ingredient which makes it a drag. I get injectible meds and need rapid relief from my CRPS and lymphoma. So if you were to get the Endocodils and crush them you'd get about a little over half the effect from a Purdue. The Purdue crush up real fine and absorb completely if I remember correctly - not the case with the Endocodils. They have one product worth the money if you like thebaine (oxycodone) based meds and its the injectibles. They come in boxes of 3 vials of 1ml 10mg injectible. To oxyheads - half the US, LOL- thats a dream come true to have injectible, clean pharma grade oxy. I have several boxes sitting here now that I don't use. Again, they're not cheap $20 US for 3 vials. Like $20 bucks for 3 oxy 10s. That's all folks. Feel free to contact me. God bless and get better to all. Alan...
Listen G26, I went into the pharmacy with the taxi driver; the pharmacist couln't give me enough Valium (Roche) 10 mg, blister packaged ($1/pill); They showed me the P/F Oxycontin 80mg (purple); I have a good eye and believe me these were the real thing (I didn't buy any-they wanted $5/pill which would have been well worth it.
I used to get Darvon 65mg some years ago from someone in San Diego; it was brought over the border from Mexico. Blister-packaged Eli Lilly.
So everything is available there just like it is in the States. Just a matter of comfort, safety, etc.
Hey G28, how can I get in touch with you, I just read your post. I live in Mexico DF and I am being treated for Fibromyalgia with Endocodil. I have the legit prescription pads, but it's always a hassle to buy this medication (legally!!). I am tired of hunting down the pills each time I get a new prescription (as they are only good for 4 days after the date of issue). I often fail to find a pharmacy with the right amount of pills and therefor "loose" my prescription. If you can help me to find or even purchase my medication in an easier way, I sure will be thankful. Regards!
If anyone calls me a liar again, I will "spit" at them. I do not know the Spanish translation for that.
I can tell you that I am a "quasi" professional and that my anecdotal story of buying medicine in Ciudad Juarez was very true. I was actually looking for propoxyphene (Darvocet), which Eli Lilly stopped making in Mexico. They did however have a similar product combined with Paracetamol (I don't remember the name of it). But I was on a main street in C.de J., walked into a pharmacy and they did not carry the Darvocet; upon exiting the store, a taxi driver approached me and asked me what I was looking for. I told him, he ushered me into his car and off we went across town, to a Farmacia. The taxi driver went into the pharmacy with me and the female pharmacist said they did ot carry Darvocet, She then brought out blister-packaged Valium (Roche), and then Oxycontin (purple,round) in a bottle with the Pudue label on it. Believe me, these were real enough. I never bought any, but found the Mexican propoxyphene 1 block away from my Hotel (Econo !/2*). That was in C.de J.
Today, I would never even attempt going to that city.
Toughts from the past, but just afterthoughts. if you are looking for Darvocet you can go to Belize City (I haven't bought any there in 2 years) or P.M. me.
The brand name for dextropropoxyphene/paracetamol combination is Distalgesic. Anything beginning 'darv' originates in the USA.
Propoxyphene/dextropr- has now been banned in most countries due to its extremely high toxicity and the sheer number of deaths associated with the drug. Very difficult to find now, and there are far more effective mild narcotic analgesics - dihydrocodeine springs to mind and also has no hepato-toxic paracetamol.
hi alan. my fiancee lives in mexico and i have hard time finding dr with bar code rx pads.any idea how to find one. i have severe chronic pain
, have been on methadone and lortabs for years for pain. also pharmacies that actually carry meds from group 1 ? thanks alot. scott
Dextropropoxyphene is sold as NEOPERCODAN in Mexico; they used to have the great Darvon 65 "Plain" made by Eli Lilly in Mexico but that is no longer being sold. We have never seen any high mortality reports from d-propoxyphene, only statements. We know people that have taken these for years and several people asked their cardiologists about mortality reports and they did not know of any. Sorry folks, no dead bodies! Another "Great American Hoax".
Hello Angela, you should try looking for a "Algologo - Anestesiologo", there are some available in Mexico City. These doctors are specialized in Pain Management and will be able to help you with your chronic pain. At least all those whom I visited had a barcode rx-prescription pad. Pharmacies are very easy to find if you have the corret rx prescriptions, you only have to look for Farmaclub or Farmacias Especializadas. I know what it feels like to live in chronic pain and I hope you find the appropiate medical attention for you pain management.
I found pills that are round and light yellow almost white. They say novo 40 on one side and blank on the other. Are these oxys?
Hello Angela. Only a Doctor specialized in pain management will help you determine the appropiate medication for your chronic pain condition. Do not selfmedicate. Besides you will not be able to purchase any opioid painkiller without the barcoded prescription pad. The mexican oxycodone brandname is Endocodil and it is manufactured by BioGenTec. I take the 10mg Instant Release tablets, but I have also seen 20 and 30 mg tabs (IR and XR) and 10 mg ampulles. You will not be able to find US brands like Precocet, Vicodin or Oxycontin. Those who claim that these brands are available in bordertowns like Cd Juarez are wrong or might have purchased fake / conterfit pills. Mexico hardly produces any narcotic painkillers, if you pain management doctor prescribes you some, you might be limited to oxycodone, hydrocodone, morphine, methadone or burpenorphine. There is not much to choose from.... I am not so happy about that, I wish I could alternate my medication in order to avoid building up tolerance. I recently have been switched to morphine and I absolutely hate it.
Hey Allan, I live in TX close to the border, and I have a doctor down there that will write me a script for whatever I need and mail to me. However, i'm having trouble finding a pharmacy. Can you tell me the name/location of one of the pharmacies that carries the dillaudid? It's too hard to find OC's, and I'm fine with getting the K4's...
I was told by Pisa Labs they are not making liberaxim,oxy,etc etc at least for know. Some problems with sec de salud?????. I see palia drs and they said the same. the only available drug to me is analfin (morphine). have you heard anything?
Endocodil is still available. It's manufactured by BioGenTec. ... Haven't heard anything about Pisa's products ; I haven't been prescribed with Liberaxim for over a year now
Most Recent Replies:
Re: G26 (# 8)
I have intractable pain from a failed back surgery and take Oxycodone around the clock that I get from a doctor in Cancun. I have been able to find Endocodil IR 20 mg but they don’t seem as strong as my US Oxy and I’m paying more than I would if it was illegal. I get it prescribed by the book with a good paper trail for my protection. I would like to chat when you have time. As I’ve never been on here before I don’t know what information I can share other than what I have. Is there a safe way to give you my email?
Nene -Oxicontin - Oxicodona formula.
This is so true .I used to live in mexico and I got very sick with cancer and came back to the states.But I wish we had injectable medication here but we don't and now we have big thing going because of misuse and abuse of pain meds so it's very hard to get pain relief.Here in the states I learned to live with suffering.I had a good doctor then he retire.After my doctor leave I have not had pain meds.And I'm not a misused of meds (Addict)I have real health issues that I will continue to have the rest of my life.And Yes it is very dangerous for people who do not know mexico.
About medicine in mexico Tylox is oxycodone if that is any help to you.Also just to let you know medication in mexico is somewhat stronger than the states at least some of them anyway.I used to live in mexico with my family and was hospitalized and had to have pain meds.
Re: Mick (# 6)
How do you know it's not available you've never gone to India you don't know what you're talkin about Mexico it's not available either right you have to go to a specialist doctor every medication is available in every country but unless you go to a specialist doctor hospital and get it prescribed from their Pharmacy it's not easy to do you have to have pain cancer not just be a pill head
Hello Alan, i live Mex. DF aswell. Any way to contact you?
Hey do you know a doctor that can prescribe me the bar code scripts for endocodil? I live in mexico city {edited for privacy}
Hi all! Im driving cross-country with my dog and having a great, mellow time. Yet noticed how close ill be the to the MEX Border. Want to get a prescription for a small amount (pain killers) so seeking recos as to how to possibly pull this off ??
Hey brother i was thinking of coming to mexico to get meds for me and my wife i was wanting a script of oxycontin 80mg and roxycodone 30mg would like to know about the best approach to do that.thanks
Hi. I have chronic back pain after surgery and am moving to D.F. In two weeks. I need to find pain medication like diuladod or ox asap. Does anyone have any good
Pain management doctors to recommend? I fear I will b living
In a lot of pain unless I find a good doctor and everyone here seems to communicate really well here! Please help! Thank you!!
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