Oxycontin Withdrawal - What Can I Expect. 40mg Daily
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39 year old male, I've been taking 20mg of OxyContin twice a day for almost a year do to chronic back pain. I am not addicted but rather dependent and I never take more than I'm prescribed. The result of this is my testosterone has tanked to levels that a woman has and I determined that I'm going to quit. My pain doctor said he could wean me down, but I shouldn't have any problems with the low dose I've been taking. I tried to go 24hrs without taking a 20mg and began getting severe chills and kind of achy all over. I've been reading about going cold turkey by mega dosing vitamin C; which is said to be a miracle for relieving WD. My question is, has anyone tried this method? And also how long will it be before the worst of my symptoms pass, considering my dose? I think that the majority of my pain has always been caused by low testosterone, as it was low before I ever started opioids last year. I started TRT gel and my pain went almost completely away. Any help from someone experienced is greatly appreciated.
4 Replies
Well I went back to the doctor and he dropped my dose to 15mg twice a day. I've been doing fine with it but still start the WD's in about 12hrs. Next month he wants me to go to 10mg twice a day. He then wants me to start Suboxone after that as he says it will help me with pain. From what I've read the withdrawal from those are even worse, so I'm highly against starting that crap. I didn't tell him that I wouldn't take those, but I'm absolutely not going to. I plan on toughing it out and going down to the 10x2, then taking time off work to go cold turkey.
I think that taking 9 days off work is a great idea! The worst symptoms of physical withdraw usually start to subside after 3-4 days. If I could make a recommendation on other over the counter meds to help, I would say to make sure you have some Imodium ad to help with the diarrhea and make sure you are taking in plenty of fluids i.e. Gatoraid. I have always preferred cold turkey to a slow taper. The taper just drags things out in my oppinion. If your doctor is on board with helping you go cold turkey there are some non opiod prescriptions that can help as well. Best of luck and remember you CAN do this!!
I have not tried to quit as of yet. I did however do an experiment with vitamin C mega dosing. It seemed to work well. I waited about 10 hrs after my last 20mg pill. The withdrawals had already begun as I was starting to get really cold and horrible feeling all over. I started out with 5grams for my first dose and continued with 2 grams every hour to hour and a half. I was only mildly uncomfortable and actually didn't feel the chills or aches that I had before when trying cold turkey. The only negative that I had was diarrhea. I was able to make it about 16hrs but gave up because I was at work and having to run to the bathroom nonstop. Im going to get my doc to drop my dose to 10mg x 3 a day. My plan is to take a week off work within the next couple of months and stop completely using the vitamin C method. I'm hoping that 9 days off work will be enough to get me through the worst of it.
You may still experience some withdrawal effects, according to the FDA, which may include nausea, dizziness, headache, rebound pain, depression, anxiety, and diarrhea.
Have you stopped taking it, yet?
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