Ortega For Knee Pain (Top voted first)


A US pharmacy used to sell them. What ingredient was in the first version of Ortega that they sold? The pain was relieved after the first use, also helped my son with his pain after surgery on his cartilage on his knee.

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Correction - It was not a US pharmacy, the name of the store is "the US Pharmacy" on main street. They were a purple pill, then they changed to orange and then back to purple but a thinner round purple pill, that I believe they stopped selling the original one. They also helped my son with his meniscus knee injury after two surgeries. The info on the bottle said " they also prevented bone cancer". They were $13 for 30 tablets. I have a box from them but don't know from which batch. The box is dark purple with green lettering "Ortiga" exija su Holograma Suplemento Alimenticio, about two blocks from the bridge.

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Re: Connie (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Would you be able to clarify a bit please? Is it spelled "Ortega" or "Ortiga"? Also, when you mention that the pharmacy was on Main St and about two blocks from the bridge, which city or town are you talking about? Thank you!

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Are you sure it is not Otezla? Web md has article on this with a picture (kinda orangish brown) used to treat various types of arthritis (psoriatic arthritis is mentioned).

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