Orange Subutex 153 Half Moon Better Than Strips (Page 2)
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Yes, they are Subutex 153 half moon and the are shaped like a surf board. They work way better then Suboxone strips. People keep saying they cut the strips into millions of pieces, if that is the case you don't need them in the first place. This new one orange Subutex 153 half moon surf board shape ones last way longer, and work great (oh my god they work so great!) I recommend them to anyone using the white ones or the strips, they both suck compared to the new ones. Take it of leave it but it's the truth. If you take just a half it will last you two days...unreal.
Re: Jessyka (# 5)
I don't think you need to be encouraging this behavior in any way
Re: NorcoJoe (# 58)
That's an amazing story. I'm a few years late (lol) since you posted this year's ago but it's very touching. My child saved my life. I too cried and prayed for it you get better. I'm clean 9 years now with a happy family. It can be done people! It just matters how much you really really want it. And screw you to the guy posting about mother's taking subtext while pregnant. It's easy for men to say but us women have to get clean for the baby. A baby can die from withdrawal in the womb. I wish a guy could see what's it's like to carry another human being. So bias. What a jerk. If it wasn't for Subutex my child wouldn't be here happy and healthy. I wouldn't be happy and healthy. I don't understand why people judge if they have NO CLUE what it's like. Ugh!!!!
Re: David (# 2)
You can get the 153’s with your subutex prescription. Just have to go to the correct pharmacy that has them. I get white one month and orange the next.
Tricky.. I've done it plenty of times with Subutex or Suboxone where you take a full one for 5 days and then cut it down a quarter every 5 days until you're down to nothing and you may feel sluggish and still get the depression and anxiety but you're not going to be sick as a dog crawling around on the ground honestly with the good 10 -12 pills I can completely taper off and then you're down to take a nothing done it plenty of times
Re: Anita (# 1)
A cup of coffee will kill the bad taste suboxone leaves.
Re: Jessyka (# 5)
Absolutely right with what your saying. I was pg and my Dr took me off of suboxone and placed me on subutex to keep my baby a little safer and yet still with the very small amount I was taking my baby still had withdrawal symptoms after birth. I would suggest trying to get off of them all together. Clearly at a slow pace but suboxone is not good for a baby period.
Re: Anita (# 1)
Seriously I don’t know what it’s like trying to get where you are. Where are you exactly? I live in middle TN and get the 8 mg subutex and they work better than the strips and work for pain as well. Wish I could help but they’re getting hard to get and not as much trouble as the doctor but finding them at a pharmacy. I went all through Oklahoma and had to go to another city in Manchester. The dea has got to where they ration them to pharmacies now. It’s a bloody headache but at least with a script, once you get them you have them for the month.
Wow I'm happy that I switch to the half moon. Walgreens pharmacy has them... I parted ways with CVS because they keep running out of them and the manufacturers do not send them anything. Lame excuse. My insurance covers me to go anywhere, so after a few years I decided to bike to Walgreens. Thanks for sharing. I definitely agree with you.
Who really needs more than one 8mg dose a day, really? These are strong enough and I half mine. One half when I wake up around 6:00 am and the other half around 3:00 pm and feel great. I read some taking 3 a day and think who needs this many unless you're still doing it to feel high. It's crazy to think you need that many. And I haven't seen a doc that would prescribe more than two at the most a day. Three is just a crazy amount for one days use, I think. I feel blessed to be getting just one a day, because I was bad off on oxycodone and dilaudid for a while. These have helped so much.
Suboxone are the strips. Subutex come in pill form. They are two completely different things. Suboxone Strips has Naproxen in them, where subutex does not...Therefore, making SUBUTEX MUCH BETTER.
Re: Brendinnix (# 30)
Hi. So I've been taking opiates for about 3 years now. I’m at the point where I hate it and just wanna get clean but I know it’s going to be hard! I managed to get my hands on some subutex (the orange 153 diamond shape ones). My question is, do I put the pill under my tongue and let it dissolve or do I just swallow it? And should I wait until I’m in full withdrawal or can I take it whenever? I’m going to be starting tomorrow but just wanted to get some info on it first!!! I know either way it’s going to be hard but my mind is set and I just wanna be clean cause I’m tired of having this s*** control my life!!!! Please help!!!
Re: Cafdog (# 11)
Have you tried eating kratom? I got off of everything with kratom.
Re: Cafdog (# 16)
So the orange moon ones are better and where abouts do you live to get that quanity of both drugs? Im on the same but take tech 54/411!!! I was wondering if the orange half moons do better
Recently I Was just switched from Roxanne name brand subs to the orange half moons. Honesty they give me a headache already being cut 8 mg a Day..24mg down to 16mg I'm not sure if I like them. I've been on a program for awhile and knew it'd be time to cut back soon and feel ready as ever 5 years clean this year and just want to start coming off slow safely. just hope these half moons really work Day 3 no Roxanne's in me and honestly I havnt noticed headaches is all. Thanks to all postings good luck I need to stay clean and sober . happy holidays to all hope we can all recovery successfully in due time
Re: Anita (# 1)
go to a psychiatrist get prescriptions only way to get Subutex
Re: Cafdog (# 16)
Where do you live they gave you Subutex and Xanax thats what I need I have panic attachs and back pain
Oh yes indeed you will go into full blown puking your stomach lining up wd. You HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL your feeling the withdrawals from the Percocet. I've messed up and done that before and had to drive 2 hours from my job while I continuously drank Gatorade and threw it back up into another empty bottle over and over to keep from dry heaving.
So I have never taken them I took a Percocet at 9:30 am when should I take one and am I going to have withdrawals
The halfmoon 153 are subutex of course there better than suboxone they dont have opiate blocker in them
My Rx gives me whatever is available when I fill my script . I just got the half moon for first time . In past it's been the White 54 411 for the most part. Sometimes the pinkish 54 375 with nalaxone. I always felt the orange ones helped me go to the bathroom easier . And the white ones had a much bigger initial kick off but didn't last as long. I guess it couldn't hurt to Ask my Rx for my preference. Don't notice a big difference from half moon to the 54 375.
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