Orange County Ca 20 Year Old Girl No Insured In Serious Need To See A Doctor But Have 0 Money&support Myself Alone
UpdatedI need mental health services I also need to get some HIV and hep c tests done I also need medication for my anxiety and other mental health issues and haven't had my meds since my insurance expired please help me out
2 Replies
Hello, Naz! How are you? I'm very sorry about the situation that you're in.
The best suggestions I can make for finding the help you need would be to contact your nearest large hospitals and ask to get connected with someone in their social work/social assistance program. They usually have lists of resources that they keep specifically for helping people like you.
For the HIV testing, contact your local health department. They often have lists of free or low-cost clinics, such as Planned Parenthood that can provide you with those services.
Does anyone else have any ideas?
CA offers tons of programs. Search your city for free/low income clinics. Planned parenthood might be able to give you resources for your mental health needs. Also Voc rehabilitation can assist you as well. F
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