Opiate Positive But Haven't Taken Any Since Being Put On Suboxone.
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I was on opiates every day for the last 8 yrs. Doctors put me on Suboxone 6 weeks ago to help me get off of the opiates. Everything is going great except the Dr keeps testing my urine every week and/or a stick test I put in my mouth till it turns blue and the opiates keep showing up. Yesterday he said I wasn't being honest. Why would I pay all this money to see him, pay for the tests, pay for the suboxone and still take opiates when I was told the suboxone blocks the effects.
Has this happened to anyone else and if so, How do I prove I'm not lying?

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False readings if your being honest , its happened to me. I was on Morphine and my urine was testing positive for hydrocodone. Found out some drugs break down in the liver showing a different opiate. Well now you have to get off Suboxone and the longer your on it the harder. I get off it all in 8 to 12 days. Most opiates are out of you in 10 days so first day of suboxone get stable so it holds you 24 hours with no WD. Keep breaking down for the next 10 to 12 days to 1mg or less of Suboxone and walk away. I've done it many times with no WDs. There are some doctors that will do a 10 day detox but some doctors and clinics want to keep you on it. Hey it's a business and the longer you stay on it the more money they get. I started Methadone 8 days ago, 35mg held me now I've been dropping I'm down to 15mg and going down to 5 by Monday. I'm dropping 5mg a day so by the 11th or 12 day I hope to walk away. I dont want to substitute one drug for another. Good luck get off it all my friend. It's up to you to stay clean not another drug

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This has been happening to me! I haven't used opiates in weeks since being put on suboxone but it keeps showing up as a positive opiate test. The only thing I can come up with is I eat poppy seed muffins and bagels.

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Well, there is an opiate in suboxone. There is a special urinalysis to show that it is suboxone. Maybe your MD does not realize there is an opiate in there. I know that if you just do a regular urinalysis it is going to come back as an opiate obviously! That's why they have special testing cups so it can show the doctor this is the suboxone and nothing else. In my opinion no you can't prove to them that you didn't do anything! My new doctor just fired me because he claimed... That my urine had codeine and dilaudid and morphine and hydrocodone and oxycodone in it. I personally know it had nothing but oxycodone which is what he prescribes. I think he's incredibly stupid. All he had to do is take a step back and go wait a minute if she's got the loaded in dilaudid in her system which I didn't. Why on earth would she take these other four opiates?? The other thing that was interesting is he has my records and it says right there I'm allergic to codeine! That is why I had a problem with the suboxone, because it has a codeine synthetic in it. I didn't have a problem saying goodbye to this doctor. There is nothing we can do to prove to them after the fact, that we did not take anything other than what they prescribed. Doctors are so incredibly skittish and paranoid these days that even if the lab makes a mistake or they make a mistake, it's all going to be put on us. They don't give second chances and they don't believe anything you say after the fact. You can download a PDF file on the internet that is applicable to your state and remove those comments from your medical record. Part of me thinks he made it up, because the MRI technician noted I can not have back injections and that's what they love to do. It also showed so much extreme damage that I think they realized 4/10 milligram percocet a day we're not going to cut it. I've known this for years. I am not really sure what happened with that. At my last appointment I basically was out the door when they said oh wait a minute can you give us a sample. They gave me the cup and I went in the bathroom did my thing and left it there. When I think back I think I was stupid.

I did not have my name written on the cup and I did not sign a prerequisite form stating this is mine. This is the medication I've taken and I swear it basically. Then you sign it. So I don't know if the mistake was made by the office when they sent it to the lab or if the lab made a mistake when they sent it back or like I said if my doctor is just a jerk and is making it up. I will never know what happened. But I do know a hundred percent that none of those crazy opiates were in my system. At all. The most incredible part was... I had the appointment for my refills for the month. He gave me the refill prescription and I gave it to my pharmacy, but they told me he had called in the 15 minutes it took me to get there, and he told them to rip it up and delete it. Wow, so now I don't have anything till I see my next doctor on March 4th and though it is not illegal for a pain management doctor to do this, it is extremely unethical and completely spiteful. They apologized profusely and said they would not charge me for the visit. The doctor said what he did was so wrong and they asked for his name. They also gave me a you and guess what it came back for very low levels of oxycodone. That is what I was prescribed and I had not had any for two days so I can find that believable. What they did not find was the crazy other opiates he tried to claim wearing my system. The doctor at the ER also stated, that dilaudid is almost impossible to get without terminal cancer and major surgeries. Utah is very limited as to what they will actually prescribed for you. I do wish you luck on getting your doctor to believe you, But Drs these days do not want to be responsible for a patient's death, they do not want it on their record that they over prescribed. They do not want their record to show they have poor judgement. In my area, they are no longer practicing medicine. They are covering their butts. The current rise in prescription drug / abuse and the rise of heroin use across the country, shows that they have been limiting the use of these medications for 12 years now and not only has nothing changed, it has worsened. In my opinion the only people who are unable to get pain relief right now are chronic pain patients. I wish the DEA and the medical society would open their eyes and realize what they've been doing year after year expecting different results, is insane. I am looking forward to a change in their behavior, but we all know that change is usually very slow. Good luck again and I totally mean it.

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It will be rather expensive but a blood screen would prove your honesty.

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Suboxone contains the synthetic opiate Buprenorphine and Naloxone. In theory, the Buprenorphine should only show up on a 12 panel test that is specifically looking for it, however, if you do some research online you will find that many synthetic opiates, such as this one, have been known to cause false positives for other synthetic opiates.

As to how to prove your not lying, I am afraid I don't really have any suggestions on that. There are many posts on our site from people that have been experiencing similar things.

Perhaps you could pay for a more expensive test to be done?

These false positives usually occur only on the cheaper, non-certified tests, which is what most doctors use.


Does anyone else have any advice to add?

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