Opana Er Reviews
UpdatedMy dr wants to put me on Opana ER. Has anyone else been put on it, and if so, what are the results?
My doctor just started me on Opana ER 10 MG today with Opana 5mg to take for breakthrough pain. I know pretty much nithing about this medicine byt have tried numerous different medicines in the past.
I enjoyed seeing your note stating how much it seemed to help you and it gives me hope that I haven't had in a long time.
I have tried Percoset to the pont where I even told the doctor I was taking so many each day I felt reallt uncomfortable taking that many ( 8-10) a day and still hurting.
I had tried different forms of Morphine in the past like MS Contin and Kadian wghich I couldn;t tolerate due to thewm making me vomit.
But I have a doctor that really seems to care and has been willing to not just give up and keep pouring Precosets on me and came up with this Opana to try. So far it has been amazing in controlling my pain relief and I am so grateful. I know I may not ever have the life back that I had before my injuries, but I finally have hope that I can have some of it back and keep the pain under control as much as possible without walking around doped up from too many Percosets to try to control the pain.So anyone just starting this medicine I say good luck and let us know how it works for you.
I will update in how eveerything goes for me.
I have been taking 40 mg twice a day, with dilaudid 8mg every 6 h prn for break through pain. It works but to the minute that I need that next dose and then I can't wait until its time for my pain to subside again. I see my dr again. I know it sounds like I am on a lot but maybe my dosage needs to be adjusted. Karel Thanks everyone.
I have had neck pain and associated headaches for years. Cervical spine 2 level fusion did nothing for the pain, and I have been tried on just about every pain medication, including NSAIDS, Neurontin, Tramadol, Oxycontin, Kadian--until my doctor tried Opana ER, which I'm taking at 80mg each AM and 40mg each PM with impressive results. We have to have a realistic expectation re: pain relief. There is always going to be some pain. The goal is to make it as tolerable as possible so that we can go on and have the best quality of life possible. For me, Opana ER has made a huge difference and I highly recommend it.
I have been on the opana er 40 mg two times in the morning and then another two after 12 hours so far so good but its hard to find coupons could someone help
I was diagnosed with degenerative arthritis in my neck and back 3 years ago. I have been on medication like Percoset, Darvoset, Tramodol, Fentynal patches, Lyrica, Melecoxin, and Cyclobenzapr. All of which I had a high tolerance for. My pain level was always between a 6 and 10 everyday. Two pain management Dr. later and I am still on Melecoxin, Cyclobenzapr along with Nurontin. I am also on Lynisopril for high blood pressure because of the pain I was in. My new Dr kept me on the pain medication along with Opana ER in the hope that it will help keep my pain under 5. So far it has done just that. I am only taking the 10 mg right now with a perscription for 20 mg if need be. The only problem I am having with the Opana is the off feeling I have during the day, dry mouth, numbness around the mouth and the tunnel feeling I have when driving. At night it does help me to sleep without the tossing and turning that I used to do. (I have a memory foam mattress) It is so nice to finally get a good night sleep. Has anyone else have these side effects?
Been taking Opana ER 40mg every 12 hours due to cronic pain of Transvere Myelitis. Have had great results compared to 5/500 Vicodin which i new I couldn,t stay on forever. Biggest side effect I,ve found is sleepiness which in my case is not the worst in the world. Cost will become a major factor since it is not a Medicare approved drug. Will have to make decision with pain mgt. Dr. soon but at this point and time do not wish to change, been on meds one year. It,s a battle with insurance and money and what is best for me. At 53 years old I have a long road ahead of me and wish to surpress the pain. I know the pain won,t go away. I know the pain med,s won,t cure me,it,s un-curable. But I wish to life and lead a pain managed life, cannot walk anymore. Tough illness similar to MS. one needs to research it to understand it. Opana ER does help me. Thank you T/C.
I have been on Opana 5mg ER every 12 hours for pain control with 5mg IR for break through pain. My doctor is on vacation for several weeks and I am almost out of the immediate release. Can I take two 5mg ER (extended release) instead of one 5mg ER and one 5mg IR, will I get the same pain control? I am going to call the pharmacist and ask, but has anyone had any experience with this? It sounds like a person can take up to 80 mg a day for severe pain.
I have herniated disk in my t-spine which docs are afraid of operating on. I have been on almost everything because I am sensitive to side effects. I started Opana at 20 mg 2 times a day, but it was not lasting long enough, so I changed to 10 mg 3 times a day, which gave better coverage. But Opana has caused EXTREME tiredness and weakness, aggrivated mood, difficulty taking deep breaths, which hampers relaxation techniques, blurred vision at a distance, and diffuculty reading fine print up close. When you consider the cost with the side effects, it's not worth it to me.
I have been on 80mg of oxycontin 6 times a day and 30mg. of roxicodone 4 times a day for about the past 3yrs. Me and my Dr. are trying to find something better and right now he has prescribed 40mg of Opana er 2 every 12hrs. and keep the roxicodone 4 times a day. Do you think that this is equilvant to what I was taking?
RE: Marti's 2/09 reply 'bout Opana ER she mentions also having to use a BP med to control high BP levels. I've also noticed that my BP levels go 'sky-high' when my pain levels rise. I'm a chronic pain patient, on Percocet, but I need to either change pain med or something becuz I get very little relief from it now. Long acting meds react differently for me. I never get the benefit of 'long acting'. It's as if I took a short acting med, even tho it may be a long acting one. However, the question I have is re: BP .meds. Is it common for BP to rise due to pain levels? I've been finding that I absolutely cannot control bP when my pain levels get out of hand. Any comments?
i need coupons for opana er 15 mg its so expensive. it works but i need help to pay for it
You might try contacting the pharmaceutical company directly and asking HOW TO go about getting a discount. I know that some pharmaceutical companies will allow a 'hardship' discount. In that case, I believe, the referring physician would need to write a letter saying so, for your pharmacist.. But the pharmaceutical company would be the place to start. Not all companies offer discounts, but perhaps you might could 'luck out'.
sandra ask your doctor for the coupon card it saved me a bunch on top of what my insurance paid. it is an instant savings card for opana er. i hope the meds work for me. it saved me 700.00 bucks
Commenting to needing help paying for Opana script: when my Dr. wrote me the script, she also gave me an Opana ER Kit. It contains information on Opana along with an instant saving card to use when you pick up and pay for your script. It only covers up to $25. of your out of pocket expenses each time you get the Opana ER, for a year. That's a savings of almost $300/yr. Something is better than nothing. It comes from ENDO Pharmaceutical. Phone # listed on back of booklet is 1-800-462-ENDO. Call them and ask if they can mail you one. There's no harm in trying. You can even ask if they'll help cover more of the cost depending on need and individual circumstances. I am on 2-40mg.ER/2x's a day and 10mg IR as needed for break through. I feel my pain level is at 7 or so with Opana. I feel discouraged that it hasn't helped more. I don't expect a miracle but Opana is said to be theKing of pain medications. I have also been experiencing horrific heartburn after taking the IR. The pharm. said to take Pepcid 2x's/day, but thus far it has not helped very much.Good luck and God bless all of you suffering from chronic pain & your families.
You can go to the Opana.com web-site and print the coupon from there.
I was recenlty prescribe opana er, I have numerous herniated disc and need a knee replace ment . I have had 24 different type of surgries. Since taking opana I have had no adverse reactions and I am greatful there is a medication that does not give me adverse side effects and no signs of ephoric highs , itches , runny nose. I am again so greatful to have a medication I feel safe and confident taking.
several years of treatment with MS Contin and Hydro 10/325s and was doing great until I had to change pain doctors due to insurance. My new Pain doc put me on Catapres TTS-2 although blood pressure is fine-said it was a pain patch-took me off the MS Contin and now I'm taking Baclofen 20 mg 3 x a day, Norco 10/325 3 x a day, Opana 20 mg er and my last month since beginning this new Tx plus steiroid injections has been a living hell-anyone care to help me with suggestions how to speak to this doctor? Thanks
Attn RockBottom, my pain Doc is also quite anal but I flat out told him, I DONT WORK FOR YOU, you work for me/we work together and 3 different doctors referred me to pain managment the least you can do is LISTEN and speak with my doctors and work TOGETHER with them...Remember, they work for us NOT the other way around....And as far as Blood Pressure, it ALWAYS goes up for anyone in pain, but pain meds take it down usually so go see your regular doctor and have him TALK to your Pain Doc and get that BP down before you have a stroke. I just started Opana today, I will keep you posted.
I have been on Opana ER for just over 1 year. It has made a big difference in how I feel in the morning when I wake up. No more waiting for my meds to kick in. The Opana lasts through the night. I wish you all luck with your pain.
Most Recent Replies:
What is the difference between opana ir 20 mg and opana er 20 mg doses? I don't know what opana ir meds are... I have been on multiple pain meds and just want to know the difference.
I have been taking 3 80 oxycontin for approximately 10 years however about 4 years ago my doctor switched me to opana (sorry don't the mg's). I took it for one day and I was dizzy sleepy and my computer was blurring. I had to leave work and leave my car at work. The next day I took the bottle back to my doc and asked for the oxycontin back. Opana is a dangerous med. Please be careful, I even had my pharmacy to put it in my file as a med I was allergic to.
I just got put on Opana ER 15 mg not even a month ago. How long does it take to really be able to feel a difference in pain levels?
Look up the manufacturer, call them & ask about patient assistance program. I did it with Purdue & got my OxyContin 80mg free every month through the mail. They will ask for proof of income and other requirements but if you qualify you should get them either dirt cheap if not free and if you prove emergency need and unable to afford they can get them to you within 3 days. I can't gaurantee all that but give them a call and try.
Please let me know your docs name and location. I need to get into a pain clinic within the next 2 weeks before I go off the deep end. I've been on opana 30 and 4p er snd those helped I've Ben on oxycontin 40 where I was told to tske 2 at once. I've been on instant release opana I've been on dilaudid and those all helped and my doc took Them all off me cuz I'm young. Just cuz I'm young doesn't mean I have extreme pain. I red s clinic thst will gi r me the string meds back so I csn live my life again
I have 4 herniated discs, one broken disc degenerative disc disease and spinal spinal stenosis and can got find a doc that will give me meds strongest enough to even come close to control my pain. Can you Please send me your doctor's name?
I am wondering if the generic opana will help with severe nerve pain. I've already tried the Neurontin, Lyrica,Tramodol. And a few others. Nothing seems to help and I'm in constant pain. My insurance only covers generics.
I have been taking oxymorphone for about 2 years now. I take 10mg ER twice a day and it is a wonderful pain fighter!! I researched narcotics online and then suggested oxymorphone to my dr because, like Michael, I was sick of being almost non-functional on Fentenyl and before that oxycodone. I do get 2 5mg oxydodone's per day for breakthrough pain but oxymorphone works so well for me that I don't need much breakthrough med. I will say one thing..........when my doc started weaning me off oxymorphone because she was scared of all the agencies hounding doctors these days, I suffered badly. She was taking me down very slowly and after a month gave me 1 5mg oxymorphone per day. I was very irritable, had pain all over my body, crying all the time, horribly depressed and lots of stomach pain. At age 66, now that she has restored my dose to the original, I hope I can stay on it for the rest of my life. By the way, I have never gotten a raise and don't even need one! We have an agreement that as long as I don't bother her for dose increases she will not force me to go to pain mismanagement........where they told me right up front there would be no narcotics. I am not a drug seeker nor a partier..........been there, done that and if I was I certainly would not have asked for oxymorphone.....there is no buzz from it. They wanted to inj. my joints here, there and everywhere.........to which I said there will be no inj's. So......they prescribed a creme consisting of ketoprofen, lidocaine and dmso. It worked great for about 5 days..........it was a bit inconvenient getting up around 3am to apply the creme to my shoulders and sometimes knees..........and then after a few days it didn't work as long, and eventually it had the same effect as rubbing water on. I thank God that He answered my call of suffering and I'm back on effective pain meds. So go for the Opana/oxymorphone but only for pain, not for a buzz. : ) For anyone withdrawing from whatever, and having restless leg syndrome, ask for Pramipexole Dihydrochloride. It completely takes it away!
I AM IN SHOCK TO HEAR PPL. Say that OPANA ER WORKS FOR PPL ! ! I was well maintained on 3 OXYCONTIN A DAY THEN I WAS PUT ON OPANA DUE TO THE CHANGES MADE IN THE OXYS .THEN ABOUT 1YR. LATER THEY CHANGED OPANA( new) I GOT " RELIEF " then he put me on 11 in the morn & 11 in the evening.22 pills of EXALGO & I REALLY THINK ITS MY BREAK THROUGH MED , daulada is the only med that's working ? I can't believe ppl. Get relief ?
Opana ER has been a blessing for me. I've try many of extended Relief drugs and it's the only one that brought my pain under control; all the other either didn't work, or made me very sick.! I'been on it for four months, and I can enjoy life the way I used to before my two surgeries
except long disantance running, but I thank God I can walk.! Ifyou haven't tried it, give it one. It's too bad that in medicine there was a drug that fits all that have to endure pain for a long time.
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