Online Meetings For Subutex/suboxone Patients
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Ok. Can anyone help me find a website or websites that allow Medication Assisted Treatments (MAT) for Subutex and Suboxone patients? The doctors always want us to go to meetings but when you actually try to go to meetings NA doesn't condone MAT's to be a part of their program. So there needs to be online meetings for people that require medication and are in recovery. N.A. actually discriminates against us that are using medication (subutex, suboxone, methadone) to treat our addictions and it's just sad. We are people too and we are trying to better our lives. If I knew how to start one with online chat rooms, online meetings, etc I would. We need somewhere where we can tell our story and get the help we need and deserve. If there is such websites then I haven't been able to find any...
But it's something that I think we the MAT need to help support our recovery. Thoughts about this anyone? I've been going to a subutex doctor for 2 years next month but have been on subutex much longer and it really has got me thinking that we really don't have online support like those that don't take medications to help them through their recovery and we shouldn't be punished or discriminated for it either. Sorry for the rambling but it really does bother me.
14 Replies
Re: 12 Step Miracle (# 10)
I am very glad to hear that NA has helped you and congrats on your sobriety. I just feel discriminated against because we can't participate in any of the meetings (online) until after they are over. We need somewhere that even though we are using medication for our treatment/recovery to go to that is safe for us to speak openly about our struggles, our story. We are all fighting the same fight.. addiction is a disease.. and I am seriously thinking about starting a website that is someplace we can all go to all talk to chat to help one another. Because we can not do this alone.. we need a support system and what better way to do that with people that are going through the same thing to help with what we need to get through this difficult time in our lives..
Re: Kimberly 123 (# 11)
In Arkansas it's Mandatory you require at least 8 NA or AA meetings a week or Medicaid won't cover the prescription for your Suboxone! No real counseling or therapy! Just another excuse for them to try and not cover your prescription!
It bothers me too because I know from experience many N/A "DO GOODERS" Who talk the talk, but most certainly do not walk the walk. They speak of zero tolerance, but believe me many of them are high sitting around those tables!! They say those things because it's in the lengthy literature they read at every meeting! Go for it!! #truth
Re: Matt (# 7)
Hi, Matt! Thanks for your post! I've learned that there are lots & lots & lots of people who are insured through Medicaid (In my state most definitely). Louisiana Medicaid fortunately does cover counseling; in fact is a requirement of the state to attend counseling with an accredited Substance abuse counselor. This information came from my personal physician in which I'm an active participant in a Suboxone program. However, other state requirements may vary on this.
I'm sorry you feel discriminated against WVChic84. That's not what NA is about. We do consider MAT "an outside issue", so maybe someone did a very poor job of explaining that to you.
There is an I.P. (informational pamphlet) regarding NA's official stance on MAT that may help to clear up any inconsistencies. Just Google:
NA saved my life. I just celebrated 15 years this past August 22nd. This junkie gives it a great big seal of approval
Re: Matt (# 6)
Hi Matt,
I must say that regardless of whatever changes occur, some people are jus gonna be stuck in the past! Ok, it's quite difficult to change one's way of thinking when they've been this way and this has been a belief for a long time, so I'd rather have "acceptance," because with acceptance comes respect, and with the other foundational tools of NA, these aspects must also be recognized as utilizing whatever tools necessary to remain on your path of sobriety/recovery! Acceptance and respect is a strong part of one's sobriety, so these old timers need to put away the dungarees and suspenders ???? and step into an improved means of thinking! As someone jus posted, they still have that "stinking thinking" but we can't allow that to deter us, so again it doesn't have to be disclosed, and that eliminates any type of friction/misunderstanding!
Be Blessed Beautiful People
Hello, sorry to hear you're having troubles. Actually nobody will know you're on Suboxone or Subutex unless you tell them, I'm in a program and I attend regularly. If you read the 12 steps/ traditions you will notice that being judgmental is a very big no no in the anonymous groups. They actually have medically assisted anonymous groups under the anonymous name. I had the same opinion attitude when I started. You are correct also that some old timers can be wickedly judgmental about medically assisted recovery claiming it isn't considered clean. My opinion is that it's my clean and my recovery, that's what matters. I use my medicine correctly at the prescribed dosage and intervals. I have control of my use, I take it just like my diabetes and blood pressure meds. When someone judges you within the program they're still suffering from "stinking thinking" and need to work the steps, none of this is easy, none of us are the same. Our stories might all be the same but it's the details that are different. You stay strong and keep searching for a meeting you will find one that works for you, when you do you will know it. It's kinda like finding your life mate, it'll feel just right. Good luck and God bless. Oh and you can start your own anonymous group for mat programs and it can be credited, you just have to go through the proper channels starting at anonymous world wide.
Re: Kimberly 123 (# 3)
Hi Kimberly, you can go like I think you were saying, like private counseling and talk about suboxone if you'd like, but many insurances won't cover counseling and it can be very expensive...
Re: SunnyeRose (# 5)
No, they are actually ussually pretty nice, I enjoy going, and don't feel judged, it's just not a subject i bring up very often, but the more it's becoming medically acceptable, I think they are starting to realize it may be in the best interest to keep one from relapsing and continuing to use- Thanks for the question
Re: Matt (# 1)
Hi Matt,
I have a question for you....have you disclosed to the group that you are in a MAT program? Or, are you just voicing your opinion about how NA feels about it?
In either case, I would just like to mention that you are under no obligation to disclose your use of Suboxone/Subutex during these meetings!
Are you uncomfortable during the meetings though, knowing how they feel? I'm asking because I would also like to suggest that you are ONLY under the obligation to do what is ABSOLUTELY necessary to maintain your sobriety! There's medication for all other disease/illness, yet the use of medication for addiction is frowned ridiculous!
Maybe that is due in part to Buprenorphine being a partial opiate agonist or having the potential for abuse; nevertheless, just as any other medication used to treat disease/illness carries the risk of side effects, so does the medication for addiction- AN ILLNESS! And I know from experience that sometimes you have to take medicine for the side effects of one medication, then may have to take a medication for any potential side effects of that medication. The cycle just continues, however, most of us are able to deal with the side effects from our meds with physical, mental, and health changes!
Be Blessed Beautiful People
Hi there, how are you doing? I agree that it is absolutely ludicrous that NA doesn't acknowledge our sobriety and recovery simply because we use MAT! However, it is also ABSOLUTELY no reason why that has to be disclosed prior to or during a meeting! Addiction is a disease/illness and your Suboxone or Subutex is the medication your physician feel necessary to help you overcome and/or manage your illness of addiction. Thus, there is no requirement of these meetings to disclose your MEDICAL history so for future references, my suggestion would be just keeping that bit of information to yourself!
Be Blessed Beautiful People
Re: David (# 2)
Hi, David! I think you have a great idea! However, it won't be recognized as any accredited counseling session or even an accredited group meeting for substance abuse or more importantly in our case for opiate dependency/abuse who are actively participating in a Suboxone program. Most Certified & qualified Suboxone physicians do require at least one or two group/counseling sessions with a qualified & certified in substance abuse counseling & also to sign off on a required group/counseling attendance form in which I have to bring with me each month to my doctor's appointment. I am a strong believer in counseling & I know that medication alone isn't enough to remain clean & sober. And, yes...... I'd like to also mention that I absolutely disagree with what some say & believe that we aren't clean & sober if we are still relying on medication on a daily basis to successfully make it through the day & to be functional. Thankfully for me knowing who I am & what I'm about is absolutely enough to keep on keeping on & remaining sober because of a Suboxone program & I know I wouldn't be if it wasn't for Suboxone. It truly saved me in so many ways!
RE: "We need somewhere where we can tell our story and get the help we need and deserve."
I honestly think MedsChat is a great place to share your story where everyone can feel comfortable relating to one another in an anonymous fashion. Maybe scheduling times for people to post in this specific discussion thread can be a starting point for further collaboration (i.e. posting every Friday evening between 7:30pm-10:30pm PST)? I realize that in a public forum like this anyone can post at any given time, but perhaps there would be a larger volume of posting activity within a pre-determined allotted time-frame?
On the other hand, to get the kind of help patients need and deserve would require speaking directly to those in places of high authority or sharing a link to this thread with those who can make decisions on behalf of these patients. I know it's not a complete solution, but it's something where action could be taken more immediately.
Hope this helps!
I don't know about any online groups or anything like that, but I am dealing with the same thing, going to NA groups and they don't agree you're sober if you're on Suboxone or Subutex. I would be interested in an online support group for Suboxone patients as well.
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