One Week On Suboxone...still Have Excruitiating Pain!!! Help
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Detoxing from Lortab and Tramadol and it's been a week and I am still having pain (excrutiating pain) this withdrawals from Lortab and Tramadol, or is it getting on the Subxone that is causing the pain?
2 Replies
Dear Denise Hicks, just as Verwon said, u might need an increase in dose of suboxone. I had 2 b increased 2 times b 4 I was feeling ok. And, I was on heavy duty Oxy 4 almost 11 years. I know what u r going through. Good Luck! And, call the Dr right away.
If you are experiencing pain like that, it may be due to the fact that the doctor didn't give you the proper dosage of the Suboxone to equal the amounts you were previously taking.
The dosage has to be carefully calibrated to help control these effects, because with the withdrawals from the other medications, you will also experience rebound pain, which can be worse than the pain that caused you to initially start taking them.
Suboxone should also not be taken, until you are actually in withdrawal from the other medications, because the Naloxone in it can make those withdrawals worse.
Have you spoken to your doctor about this?
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