On Linzess For A Week, Not "working" - Help! (Top voted first)
UpdatedHi all! I'm new here, but not new to constipation... However, I only got my first *prescription* medication to treat it a week ago when my new PCP finally related enough to my digestive woes and the frustration that comes from years of living through the futile cycle of Miralax, MoM bombs, evil teas, and throwing my hands in the air.
She gave me samples of Linzess (low and high dose) and thoroughly educated me on how to take it properly, along with a fair warning to remain near the bathroom those first few days. Honestly, I was pumped! And I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I've taken, and stored, this medicine correctly because I was all in on making this work, as gruesome as those first days might be.
But alas, radio silence. I started with the low dose a week ago (a Wednesday) this morning. Nothing. Except a feeling like my GI tract is turning to stone. NOT cramping, not "abs of steel." Not gas. Something closer to petrification. Thursday wasn't any better. Switched to the higher dose on Friday. Nothing-- except the "hardening" is getting harder/ harder to bare and I swear I've gained 5 visible pounds of lumpy, gross fat. (That's noticeable on me and really kicking me when I'm down. I'm only slightly ashamed to say that I care a lot about my appearance and work very hard to look good! Not cool, Linzess!) Repeated this on Saturday, Sunday, Monday. NOTHING. Except those cool side effects!
By yesterday morning I'd had enough. I decided not to take the Linzess at all and I didn't take it today either. No relief yet, nor even from the painful side effects. If anything, I feel like I have more of a calcified sensation in my middle GI tract than ever. This is not my typical constipation-related pain and/or area of distension.
My PCP told me that Linzess doesn't work on the bloodstream, so I'm wondering, does it just work straight in your gut? This possibility has me concerned that if you have to "pass" Linzess in order to pass it out of your body, I'm not going to be able to get it out of me... at least in theory. I know in actuality there's not going to be a toxic waste site declared in my GI tract just because the dam is backed up with Linzess pills.
Has anyone else experienced this? I feel like the only person who isn't ripping the toilet seat off six times a day!
If nothing else, any advice if this has happened with another failed constipation medicine? We are WAY past the general constipation that brought me to Linzess in the first place (in other words, thank you kindly, but warm water with lemon or chomping down on some garlic isn't exactly the words I'm looking for!).
And not to mooch too, too much, but if anyone wants to throw out a pow-er-ful, lasting, constipation rx (or not rx)... that didn't make them gain weight-- that's some BS, Linzess!-- I'm all ears. Thank you all so, so much!
PS, I am a 30 year old female, in peak physical shape, I maintain a healthy diet (especially in light of lifelong constipation issues), drink PLENTY of water, exercise daily, no thyroid, autoimmune, inflammation imbalances, etc.
How can a healthy person have constipation? Same way a healthy person can have cancer. The body is an art form, not a machine. For me it goes back to a 'redundant colon.' I have an abnormally hugely long colon and stuff just sits there and sits there. I have gone 10 days before resorting to otc remedies: it is not fun. Diet, natural remedies, more water, and exercise just do not work for many healthy lifestyle people. People who poop are blessed!
Yea, its because of an infection, inflammation or an obstruction. When the colon is chronically inflammed it also weakens peristalic action, further complicating matters.
Somebody without issues has no clue. Its NOT directly caused from eating. For some it is i.m sure
I was a health nut, picked up lyme and its never been the same
Gastro docs arent even trained to look for infections. They just say , more fiber or here.s a pill to water down your stool. It.s a joke.
Hello my name is Mike. I have medical colon issues for the past few years due to ruptured appendix etc. Linzess helps me greatly. Funny thing is I don't take it as prescribed. I take it at night. While my body and mind are resting and every morning it usually works like a charm. I am on the 290 stronger dose. Not giving medical advice but works much better for me overnight. And yes some nights by 3am I am in the restroom. Other times it's 8 in the morning. Just my input good luck!!!!!
I am now on day 62 with Linzess and have had only one day of constipation during that time. I warn you that the first few days or weeks on Linzess are not easy (bloating, naseua, runs, etc.). I almost quit it after 2 1/2 weeks but my wife reminded me that I said I was going to give it 30 days. I am sure glad I did. I have suffered with IBS for 20 years.
I started taking magnesium oxide 400 mg. 2-3 times a day which totally cured my IBS-C. No more pain or constipation. Improved my whole life!!
Hi there. I probably often think or respond to issues with that kind of response. 'Either you're not reporting correctly, or there's something else going on'. With constipation this chronic, I feel I'm unfortunately an expert. Going on my 14th year of severe issues all over the spectrum, and pain you just learn to live with. It absolutely changes your whole personality and outlook. To say one could be irritable is an easily obvious sentiment. I started a liver cleanse once, became so backed up that I started turning toxic, i.e. nausea, headaches, bloated, severe pain, not energy, general death. 1 BM in 4 weeks is not how the body is supposed to function, I gave up and went heavy duty ex lax for days. A blessed improvement was found about 2 yrs ago, in that I discovered Dr. Schulz Intestinal Formulae No 1. I have to take quite a lot (anywhere from 3-7 caps a night), and with stool softener, but it lets me evacuate, and feel better. I can't recommend this product enough. I'm in this forum because after a colonoscopy and a f/u with the gastro doc, I'm trying Linzess. Day 5 now. Haven't noticed anything much, but I'm weening down my normal regimen so I should know if it's helping or hurting soon.
And, being that the Intestinal Formulae No 1 contains cascara, it's not the best long term answer as its a stimulant laxative. I don't know if the Linzess will be a blessing, or if I'll have to continue the multi-pill nightly regimen to function that isn't a long term answer. I do know that there is something hugely abnormal about some part of my GI tract, or the brain gut connection, dysfunctional serotonin in the GI tract, or what. The whole progression and devastation of horrible IBS C has given me a borderline eating disorder, but positively helped me improve my already pretty excellent diet. I feel like I probably eat better than 99% of the population. Not being grandiose or elitist, I just have to. Even with all of that, like so many people on here say, 'if I don't take something, I don't go.' It's been a true relief just hearing of other people having the same extreme difficulty as myself. Constipation can definitely be that bad.
Linzess did not do much for me in morning on empty stomach. One evening I tried it after I had eaten. It worked within hours and emptied me out. I had diarrhea/ runs for a few hours and it was over and I felt so much better. It is better than constipation. I can't do it every day. But once a week I have to because without it I have no bowel activity.
I have been on linzess a week and nothing. My stomach feels terrible. I just need some relief.
Healthy diets, exercise...whatever is the norm...didn't work for me because of my low thyroid. Unbeknownst to me. It started gradually and was made even worse by synthroid and armour.
Sorry for your experience.
Linzess worked the first few times for me, as did zelnorm and amitiza. Then, nothing worked. I have now added one OTC laxative to the Linzess and am on an every-other- day regimen. My latest colonoscopy showed darkening of one part of my colon and I was told to switch to miralax....Which I've already tried and had worse problems with it; it is toxic to my colon. So, I'm happy to experience benign darkening of my colon with my Linzess/laxative regimen, than having more trips to the ER with miralax or nothing at all. Something else will come along sooner or later. Constipation is a huge problem and doctors just don't get it.
I too have been in the same place you are. I am 54 yrs old. My IBS has gotten worse as I have Horton older. I started Highest dose of Linzess. It worked at first then nothing. I found out that with IBS and older age you cannot digest coffee, pop,tea(unless herbal) it works against you. Two days after cutting out coffee etc. my Linzess is working. Give it a try.
Magnesium oxide 400 mg. 2-3 times per day gave me my life again. I tried Linzess too. Had no idea I could feel so good!
I have had chronic constipation for 20 years years. I started Linzess 55 days ago. It is working for me with a BM every morning, usually within an hour of taking it. sometimes it gives me the runs, but not often. Things are much better for me on Linzess
Hello, Linzess has also stopped working for me but it seems like it never really worked in the first place. This is my 6th week on the low dosage and it emptied my bowels maybe 3-4 times. The rest of the time, my abdomen has expanded to make me appear 6-7 months pregnant (bad since I am only 5'4" and 100 lbs) and I have cramps within 1-2 hours after taking it on an empty stomach but feel constipated and full of gas - smells horrible when I let it out and embarassing! I am healthy and exercise daily and avoid most dairy and high sodium foods due to lactose intolerance and a low-salt diet (kidney stones, lupus). Since it has only been 6 weeks, I am voluntarily stopping Linzess and wait to see my gastroenterologist in February for a new plan!
I've been on linzess due to constipation from surgical issues. It worked sporadically for me for 5 months. Following a friend's suggestion that is an r.n. I now take it with a full 12 oz glass of water. If I get up to pee anytime after 4 am, that's when I take it. Otherwise I wait till I get up for the day. And I'm still drinking my coffee! It usually works between 10 and 12. Because of permanent surgical issues I have horrible motility. I am on the higher dose of 290 mg. I do not have the loose stool that a lot of people do.
Thank You for answering. I called the Dr. and he is putting me on a stronger dose.
I must be a lucky guy (except I have had ibs for 11 months now out of nowhere). My gastro prescribed me the 290 pill late last year.. I have 3 months worth of scripts already filled that are 8 months old sitting in a drawer. I have only had to take approx 1/15 of a capsule for it to work. Seriously. I open up a capsule and empty the barely any contents into a small restaurant condiment cup like the small ones that a side of barbecue sauce comes in. I dip the tip of my pinky in it and have about 10 tiny salt sized beads on it. Actually the beads are 1/3 the size of a grain of salt. I then put them on my tongue and take with a cup of water. I go within 1 hour. It's literally 1/15 of a capsule and I take it maybe twice a week. That little bit works for me. I have had a 30 day script so far last me 6 months and I still have about 23 of the 30 capsules left as well as the 2 other filled bottles. My suggestion to all saying it doesn't work, take a stool softener for 3 days first then start taking the linzess. Linzess flushes water into your large intestine immediately but if you are already stopped up, it would be like trying to push a rock though a tube.
Miralax is the best or the generic Kirkland. It takes about 3 days for miralax to soften you up. Then 1/15 or so of a Linzess cap may be all you need after, like me. You may still need a whole pill or a half depending on your weight and how bad your ibs is, but experiment with it. Linzess isn't a laxative. It doesn't make your intestines contract. It takes water from your body and flushes it into your large intestine pretty much immediately. It does not affect your stomach contents. But it will affect your small intestine that is trying to get nutrients that just left your stomach. The reason why they say not to eat first and take on an empty stomach is because the stuff works in an hour or 2 and if you take on full stomach it will take longer for it to get to your large intestine to do its thing and also possibly try and force the food being digested in your small intestine out too fast. I don't know how anyone can say this stuff makes you gain weight. It makes you lose weight by forcing food out before its fully digested and that includes forcing the nutrients out as well. I guess my ibs isn't as bad as others but it made me quit my career.
If I don't take miralax every night at bedtime I will be rock hard the next day even if I drink coffee, apple juice, eat plums, raspberries and fiber one cereal. Nothing works for me as far as food. Miralax has helped a lot but sometimes it doesn't work because it doesn't make you go. It just softens up your insides. Linzess does make you go if you are soft inside. So try both. Miralax every night before bed. It will soften you up in 3 days as it just draws water to your large intestine and there is no gurgling or gassy feeling... At least there is none with me and almost all others. Then after 2-3 days take a Linzess or half. The Linzess is like a water dam letting go within an hour or 2 tops. It will force whatever you have out that is soft. If you are stopped up like petrified wood Linzess probably won't work well until you soften up your insides with a once a day softener. My gastro said miralax can be taken for life if need be since it's not a stimulant. And neither is the Linzess. I only weigh 158lbs so if you weigh a lot more than me you maybe need a whole capsule of Linzess. But for me a small portion of one works for me after having miralax in me for the past 6 months. I hope this helps someone out like it did me. I had to experiment every day for 8 months between miralax, dulcease or colace, milk of magnesia or a few sips of senna tea to get the right combination down. So far miralax and Linzess does the trick.
Many people have endometriosis at your age and don't know it. It causes adhesions all over the bowels limiting motility and causing potentially narrow areas of bowels. It's quite possible you are having partial bowel obstructions because mechanical issue. Normally fiber helps us move bowels, but in the case I described above a low residue diet could help. In other words raw fruits and vegetables or grains with a lot of roughage can back up around these adhesioned problem areas. Eating a low residue diet....giving the bowels a rest can help. I do not have any idea if this could be happening to you but a trip to your gynecologist could help you find out if you have endometriosis. D
I had the same issue when first starting it. I take it with a full 16 oz glass of water, and drink it right down with the pill. Definitely a change for the better.
Hi, I'm also taking Linzess started out on low dose, now on 290 mcg every morning, I've been taking it for about 6 months, with no noticeable results, not even diarrhea, This medication is expensive, and it doesn't work, seems to be the case for most people, so I stop taking the crap 2 weeks ago, What I have found out on my own, because the Gastroenterology doc doesn't seem to know how to help me, so i tried something until I found out what works with me. What I discovered was Using MiraFIBER in 8 ounces of water, twice daily, and taking "Align Probiotics" (1) capsule daily in the morning, this seem to help me a lot, more than anything the gastro doc ever did, so if your having problems with hard painful stools, you might want to give this a try, I have also at the start of taking the MiraFIBER, mixed it with a little Miralax, just to get started, and things seem to get flowing naturally, and without the painful, and occasional bloody stools from having to strain, Let me know how this works for you, just take it as directed on the canister, Thanks, and good luck. Please note that taking the MiraFIBER at bedtime for your second dose seem to work really well.
No doubling an RX like this without your doc's permission. Read the insert or go online for it. I know you must need relief badly but don't take that chance.
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