On Linzess For A Week, Not "working" - Help! (Page 2) (Top voted first)


Hi all! I'm new here, but not new to constipation... However, I only got my first *prescription* medication to treat it a week ago when my new PCP finally related enough to my digestive woes and the frustration that comes from years of living through the futile cycle of Miralax, MoM bombs, evil teas, and throwing my hands in the air.

She gave me samples of Linzess (low and high dose) and thoroughly educated me on how to take it properly, along with a fair warning to remain near the bathroom those first few days. Honestly, I was pumped! And I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I've taken, and stored, this medicine correctly because I was all in on making this work, as gruesome as those first days might be.

But alas, radio silence. I started with the low dose a week ago (a Wednesday) this morning. Nothing. Except a feeling like my GI tract is turning to stone. NOT cramping, not "abs of steel." Not gas. Something closer to petrification. Thursday wasn't any better. Switched to the higher dose on Friday. Nothing-- except the "hardening" is getting harder/ harder to bare and I swear I've gained 5 visible pounds of lumpy, gross fat. (That's noticeable on me and really kicking me when I'm down. I'm only slightly ashamed to say that I care a lot about my appearance and work very hard to look good! Not cool, Linzess!) Repeated this on Saturday, Sunday, Monday. NOTHING. Except those cool side effects!

By yesterday morning I'd had enough. I decided not to take the Linzess at all and I didn't take it today either. No relief yet, nor even from the painful side effects. If anything, I feel like I have more of a calcified sensation in my middle GI tract than ever. This is not my typical constipation-related pain and/or area of distension.

My PCP told me that Linzess doesn't work on the bloodstream, so I'm wondering, does it just work straight in your gut? This possibility has me concerned that if you have to "pass" Linzess in order to pass it out of your body, I'm not going to be able to get it out of me... at least in theory. I know in actuality there's not going to be a toxic waste site declared in my GI tract just because the dam is backed up with Linzess pills.

Has anyone else experienced this? I feel like the only person who isn't ripping the toilet seat off six times a day!

If nothing else, any advice if this has happened with another failed constipation medicine? We are WAY past the general constipation that brought me to Linzess in the first place (in other words, thank you kindly, but warm water with lemon or chomping down on some garlic isn't exactly the words I'm looking for!).

And not to mooch too, too much, but if anyone wants to throw out a pow-er-ful, lasting, constipation rx (or not rx)... that didn't make them gain weight-- that's some BS, Linzess!-- I'm all ears. Thank you all so, so much!


PS, I am a 30 year old female, in peak physical shape, I maintain a healthy diet (especially in light of lifelong constipation issues), drink PLENTY of water, exercise daily, no thyroid, autoimmune, inflammation imbalances, etc.

59 Replies (3 Pages)

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Awesome, Ruthann. Having a doctor that works with you is half the battle.

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I'm a retired nurse who is very big on holistic. My son is taking this stuff and I'm wondering if its going to work or not. In your case I recommend trying magnesium tabs at night. You can buy them over the counter and they are cheap. I would say start with 250mg or 500mg. Mag. makes you sleepy so don't do this during the day. At worst you get a good nights sleep, at best it may just pop your cork. Good Luck!

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I have Multiple Sclerosis--very low motility. Started on 145mg. Worked the first day.
Second day--no go. Third day--suppository.

So now I drink a lot of water with it--3 glasses at least. I also use a Fleet suppository to get things started. Works well after about 5 minutes. Try it!

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I am 63 years old and have been constipated since I was a very young child, so almost all my life. I have been in the emergency room numerous times because of it and had to be cleaned out as early as the age of nine. Had many tests done to find out what the problem was but never came up with an exact answer. Been put on lots of things to supposedly help which didn't. The last was Miralax to be taken each time I ate anything and it still didn't work. Through the years my colon was checked out to see if I had any problems and the one thing they found out was that it was very slow in motility. My doctor finally suggested I see someone for massage therapy for constipation. I found it was the only thing that helped. I can now give myself this massage whenever needed and I no longer have a problem. I don't know why I was put through everything that I was before hand when this was available and is non-invasive and so easy to do. You can look it up on the web. Just punch in 'massages for constipation'. However I would ask your doctor to send you to a therapist to get the exact way to perform the massages. Good luck to all.

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Re: David (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Yes I can give you one example. Gastroparesis caused by a connective tissue disease callled systemic sclerosis or Scleroderma sine Scleroderma.

I have been dairy free, wheat free, corn, free, sugar free, peanut free, and almost 100% meat free plus I also eval lots of fermented foods like miso soup and kimchee, for over 5 years now, with absolutely no change to my constipation. I have tried chiropractic, Accupunture, supplements, vitamins, Hell..... I have even tried drinking colloidal silver. I have done yoga, meditation, and every other kind of exercise my body allows me to.

I just go mad when people insinuate that I must be doing something wrong or I would not be constipaed a y longer. I have went well over two full weeks more than a time or two with no BM. It is so seriously frustrating and not to mention painful. And to top it all off I have had so many physicians tell me “all people’s body works differently so don’t worry about it,” or they brush me off completely and think I am telling stories. That is until I saw a fantastic rheumatologist and he believed me. I swallowed this little pill that had metal pieces in it and they xrayed my abdomen 5 days later. I had not passed one of the tiny pieces.

(I am not saying that you did this BTW because you seemed to be pretty sensitive.)

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I am sorry Linzess is not working for you. I am a 74-year-old female and I have been constipated all my life when I was a child, my parents would give me castor oil or milk magnesium. As an adult, I have used every laxative on the store shelves. I would say, to have a bowel movement was like working a job. Now I have discovered Linzess at my age and wonder why someone had not manufacturer the medication sooner. I understand how you feel when you have constipation nothing about your body seems to work. Good luck on your journey and I hope you don't have to get to my age to find release.

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Re: Nomadh (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Yes! I totally get it! I am otherwise very healthy, I eat a totally clean diet, I exercise, I am
not overweight, yet I have battled IBS and constipation for 3 decades! I have to use a laxities regularly. Sometimes I switch them up when one stops working. My gastroenterologist gave me Linzess after deciding upon having a colonoscopy that I have very slow motility. Sometimes Linzess will work within 20 minutes or it may not work at all even when combined with stimulant laxatives. There seems to be no rhyme nor reason to it! It seems like my bathroom patterns are dictating my life. I hate planning fun early morning outings because, I am either afraid the break in my bathroom routine will either make me have to poop when I am out or I won’t go at all!

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Try cutting out coffee ,tea , pop , I did and my Linzess is working.

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Just started Linzess on Wednesday of this week. Prescribed 295mg taken in the morning. The first 2 days was great and has now abruptly stopped. I am taking liquid erythromycin 3x's a day 30 minutes before I eat. I have no started to take miralax 2x's daily and still nothing is happening. I was just recently discharged from the hospital due to partial bowel obstruction. Last night I had terrible cramping with distention and felt likeI was headed back into another bowel blockage which was initially in the small intestine. I took some stool softener earlier in hopes it may help. I will more than likely have ro stop taking linzess as I am in major discomfort. Having a really bad day!

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Linzess, is not working for me. I wonder if I could double my prescription and that will help. I am on 145mg. Thank You

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There are some people whom have genetic predispositionso to things.

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Could you tell me when you drink your coffee, because, I don't know whether to drink my coffee before I take the pill and drink my bottle of water or after. I don't think I need to worry about that because, it looks like it's not going work anyway. Thank You

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The same thing happen to me and I decided to use it at night and every morning when I wake up I go to the bathroom. Thank God

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Linzess worked one time, I think. Started low dosage, after one week I started taking two. Can't take other medicine because I through up. Even when I take many hours apart. I currently take at 5 am so it's many hours before I eat. Still doesn't work. I go some once in two weeks. Going to try taking before I go to bed. I have had ibs problems most of life. I'm 60. The older I get the worse it gets. Have tried so many things, I don't know what to do next. Daughter has worse problems than I.

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I've only been taken it a week. I started with the 290 dose & sometimes it works sometimes it don't. I feel like you with this hardening in the middle of my lower stomach. I'm done with it. Like you said why take it if it doesn't work. I feel like a cow since I can't go.

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They say to take it in the morning on am empty stomache bc if you take it with food in there the diarrhea can get intense. But when I have a few days without a bowel movement I just take it an hour after dinner. Then I get prepared for diarrhea to start a few hours later. Try taking it with food but stay near a bathroom!! It is absorbed by the bowel rather than in the stomache..... that doesn't mean it's not getting broken down. It clears the body just fine by the bowel.

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I have been on Linzess 290mg for 1 week with no relief. Is there anything else I can take with it to help with elimination? Thank you.

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I too started on Linzess almostb3 week ago. The 1st week it worked a little. I kept taking it & (290's)The effects for me is nausea after I eat. I was skeptical for a while but I take a Dulco Ease and a store brand stool softener & now am have much better results. I have lost weight since taking because I don't have the appetite I owed to have. I ate all the time. Hope this helps you because I was ready to quit too but I guess it just takes a while.

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I take the high doze and found out from experience it only works when I take Miralax with it. I take the it as soon as I get up wait approx 40 minutes I eat something and then immediately take Miralax usually within the hour it works. Not everyday but most days it does work.

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I've had constipation issues my whole Life I'm 46. I tried activia fiber pills fiber bars miralax stool softeners etc I drink a lot of water. My doctor finally said let's try linzess I also was excited as weird as that seems. I am no different taking it than not still going to the bathroom like once a week. I'm very bloated I had a colonoscopy everything is normal with that I don't no what else to do. Any suggestions would be helpful I think I will be calling the dr back.

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