Ohio Pain Doctor
UpdatedMy doctor can't prescribe schedule 2meds anymore to anyone. Does anyoneknow of a good pain doc near Cleveland or Akron area who will prescribe oxycodone 10 mg like I was taking for past 5 years?
I don't have any information on what they will or will not prescribe, nor what insurances they accept, but there are a lot of pain specialists listed in that area.
Here are the contact details for some of them:
Cleveland Back & Pain Management 440-887-7246
Fairview Hospital Pain Management Center 216-476-7331
Comprehensive Pain Management 330-208-2720
Dr. Delphi M. Toth 330-867-5500
Cleveland back and pain doesn't prescribe percs
Dr Blankenhorn in Massillon.
Did anybody ever find a doc... I need one that will give me first time never been to a doc before cause I'm horribly terrified of needles and every time I go to a doc or dentist I get stuck.. Please help I'm only 23 and my baby dad says.i look like I'm 83 cause of all the pain I'm in my knee pops and cracks and my leg swells up to the same size as my thigh and hurts horribly I have back pain thats so bad sometimes I can barely get out the bed and I have this big like bone that sticks out at the top of my back and my grandma says its scoliosis cause she has the same thing.. I have a8 year old daughter I can't be like this
Why can't you just find what you are looking for from a pain clinic?
Moved from Florida to Cleveland Ohio been on pain mangment for years but now I'm looked at like a drug addict. Never failed a drug panel nothing in my file to red flag me, just Ohio has cracked down so bad it's almost impossible to find a doc. I use to see Dr lalli in Fairview. I swear he was the best doctor never had any problems. please anyone know of any docs that aren't on the no opiate deal please help
Most the Dr now days are scared to perceive anyone's pain. They do what they want and take your money's but don't wanna help with your pain. The. D.E.A has the Dr afraid to write anyone any narcotics for any reason. I have spinal stenosis lower lumbar degenerative disks and the pain clinic I went to AKRON Spine& Pain said they won't perceive me a narcotic because I'm under 40. Good luck world. They told me to Dr shop.
Re: Federal74 (# 6)
I am having exactly the same problem. Just moved from S Fla to Clevelsnd area. I was a compliant patient for over 10 years with my Dr in. I even have a letter from him of compliance. I have fibromyalgia and herniated discs in cervical, thoracic and Lumbar spine. I was on perc 10mg four times a day, morphine ER 30 mg twin a day and Xanax 2 mg for anxiety and sleep. No one will write for the Xanax at all and the pain Dr will only give my Percocet 5 mg twice a day. I feel awful!! They are profiling me as if I was a street addict and drug seeker. My panic attacks are not stopping and my blood pressure has gone up and the Percocet 5 mg twice a day does not help the pain.
The Dr didn't even look at the 3 years of re it's he requested from my Dr in Fl. Does anyone know of a Dr that will listen and read my previous chart in or around Lorraine county, Ohio. I even went for therapy with a psychotherapist and they can't schedule me with their psychiatrist for months, for the anxiety. I feel non functional. I have a nurse for over 30 years and can't work anymore because of the pain.
Did you find a DR yet in the Cleveland-Akron area yet? I know of a couple DRs in the Medina-Westlake areas if you do have chronic pain and documentation, i.e. MRI, XRays ect. I'll try to check back to see if you posted.
Have you found a pain DR yet? If your in Lorain have you ever heard of CCPC, Comprehensive Care Pain Clinic? Its on 58 by Walmart. They have four (4) wonderful and understanding DR's. I don't think they will RX xanax I don't believe? I have to go to my PCP to get that. I know your post is a year old just stumbled across it. Lot of DRs in Ohio are not prescribing narcotics as much as they used to due to the abuse and crack down. I just got knocked down from, three (3) 10 mg percs a day and 75 fentanyl patches to 2 10 mg percs and oxycontin 30 mg twice a day! Its insane. Now the oxycontin is making me sick, after a month and I just hate to go to my DR and complain because of the fked up laws in Ohio. Hope you found someone or go to the place I suggested. Sorry such a late reply
I just came from Comprehensive Pain Management on 58 for my first visit because my original dr left the state. I was told they don't write pain scripts month after month like they used to. He said only if you've just had surgery or an accident. I've been on percs and tramadol for three years and he cut me off cold turkey. He said any drug that's not time released will not cause withdraw and I'll be fine. He ordered physical therapy and gave me an Ibuprofen sample because I can't take over the counter drugs or nsaids due to stomach surgery. Can't go anywhere else because I'll be a drug seeker. Really hate this world we live in today.
I had an MRI with 8 bulged discs, some pressing on nerves, some pressing on my spinal cord. I had back surgery years ago and have arthritis in that area. I was going to Dr. Michael Sayegh in Cambridge Ohio and had issues with Percocet, and was dismissed as a patient. Plus i work in the oil field industry and had trouble missing work. So I am curious as to my options?
Why were you dimissed as patient if you don't mind sharing? What was the trouble with the percocet? I only ask because I want to try and give you a complete opinion.
I have heard good thing about dr Timothy y ko but I believe he is 42 miles from akron and doesn't take any kind of medicaid. I don't know what your insurance is like. Also dr dhruv j shah in fairlawn oh. Dr Ali Shakur in barberton oh. These are the only ones I have heard anything about but there are many who specialize specifically in pain. You can try calling those. I hope one of them can help you with your problem. Sometimes with us chronic pain patients it takes patience and time to find the right doctor who will actually care about our pain I have been through about 6 doctors before finally finding one who treats me with respect. I'll pray for you.
So did u find a doc that listens and will helpnw pain medication? Im in Barberton oh. Im looking to go to one that will help me. Any one hear of one that is good?
I have degenerative disc disease with 3 bulging disc and 1 herniated disc. Seen doctors for over 15 years, the one game me oxycodone 15mg 9 years ago and I did better but he left and went abroad. The next doctor I have had for 7 years I was on Morphine 15mg ER 2 x daily, I could barely move but did what I could through the pain, now that doctor has retired.
I have tried 2 doctors so far each asked the same questions: I have had 4 Epidural shots with no real relief, also have use the medical TENS unit at max, also have tired so many other medications. I want my back fixed but surgeons say it will only get worse. I have no were to turn, and I have not had any pain meds for over 3 months (except Tylenol which only relives my headache) Is there any doctor that is not an anesthesiologist looking to make a buck. I am 53 and seem to be out of options. No, I can not use Cannabis.
Re: Jill (# 15)
no I have not, the 2nd doctor I spoke about above that saw me Shh'ed me when I went to speak. I brought my Files from the last 7 years with previous doctor, she never even looked at them. Then asked if I had the injections before I said yes 4 times with little to no affect she asked me for the MRI reports, I did get to say they are in the file, she stated that doctor's reports can not be read, but they were typed and in chronological order. She grabbed the dvd of my MRI came back said "I don't see anything wrong, I can't even do injections!". Since then I ended up in the hospital for almost a week for an infection came home and a few days later was infected again the infection is because as you all know when your in this much pain sometimes its hard to get to the bathroom on time. Don't mean to rant but I have no one to turn to anymore and do not know what to do.
Re: Curious80 (# 14)
Thank you for your reply I will look into them, But when ever I see an Anesthesiology the only thing they want to do is injection's. If they helped I would be there every time I could get one. Unless the doctors your mentioned are different then the ones I looked up. Thank you though I do appreciate your response.
Re: Curious80 (# 13)
I was never dismissed. If you are refering to the first doctor he left the country to work abroad, I had him for almost 3 years, the 2nd doctor retired.
Re: Pamshere (# 10)
No I have not heard of them, I will look into that. I live near the state line between Ohio and pa near Lake Erie. I wish me and my wife wouldn't have to drive far every bump is panful, but will drive just about anywhere now. I have all Doc's from drug screenings to Mri's. Thank you I will look into them.
Most Recent Replies:
Re: Damien (# 19)
He didn’t retire… the DEA shut him down . He was a pill mill Dr, obviously!
He’s still in court for it- the retired thing was a cool story to throw people off
I need a doctor in Ohio to prescribe my Percocet. Pain mgmt got mad when I didn't want 24 injections of steroid in my back monthly.
Re: Kk (# 7)
Doctors take a Hippocratic oath, which is to do no harm, yet not doing anything that cause harm is exactly what they are doing. I understand they have to follow the law and I can not fault them on that. Doctors are not police and I or you all should not be in the position of agony because of those that do wrong. I try to understand but am at a loss that this could happen.
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