Oxymorphone!!! Help Finding Generic Opana 40 Mgs Please!!! (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Ive been on opans 40 mg for about 5 yrs.i hate the new formulated opanas so when i found out about the release of the generic from impaxs and how well theyve worked for others that have been on opana too ive wanted to get them.well i got my script yesterday and cant find them anywhere.most places keep saying they dont make a generic which i know is bulls*** cuz i called impax to find out where i can find them and they didnt kno but gave me the names of the 3 distributers they deal with and got no where with that.my question is does anyone kno of a place around akron/canton ohio area that i can get them filled.any help with this is greatly appreciated.thanks for the help and good luck to everyone else that is dealing with chronic pain and going through hell just to get some releif which is beginning to seem impossible anymore

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i live in sarasota county florida ( specifically Venice Florida) i am prescribed 40 mg opana I and was getting 10 mg IR Opana until it became to hard to have filled now my doctor switched me to Roxy 15 mg, yet i Can not find ANYONE TO FILL either Opana, can anyone help me with advice on where to go how to fill or even another doctor who will keep me on the same meds i am prescribed now, as i have a pharmacist who promised to fill any except she had a fall out with my doctor ( personal and will not fill any meds from him please feel free to email me or leave number i will call u

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Yes Gobal ones works well for me but I am being by the doctor that the 40mgs Opana is the equalevent of a 180 mgs of Morphine and they are cutting me back on milligrams per day according too my doctor I was taking 4 roxy 30s and 2 40mgs Opana a day and they said that equaled 605 mgs a day and I'm just allowed by state guidelines 200 mgs a day so now I'm getting 2 20mg Roxys and 2 30 mgs Opana a day cut back over half of what I had been taking for past 3 yrs by state guidelines Does this make any sense too anyone ?? Help

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That's a new one. State can't tell you what limit of medication you can have. That one I would check online for.

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Its essy..cvs will order for u an it tskes two. days i do it every month

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What site or what type of discount card did you find..

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Yes this is absolutely right.

Just going through the same deal myself after my local mom and pop pharmacy changed policy.

I must have called 15 places no joke and got the same run around. Finally the local target said they could order a generic opana ( not sure what brand yet ) to pick up in two days. So they call me today and say they got a quantity 60 in and if I filled it now I could lose the remaining balance of 30.

Reasons givin are for what the poster said as told to me by the target pharmacy. If theres one near you it would be a good place to start.

Good luck.

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Kroger pharmacy carries generic opana 40s.

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Where in pa did you find 40 mg generic opana. Thanks

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Where in pa

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Most hospital pharmacys have them..

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Bleeg, please tell me where you live that you have found such a helpfull dr.. here in va my dr is so stingy with meds they actually lookedat me and said "we dont believe in b/t meds" I have si problems a cage and my bottom half is completly fused

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Listen i been on them for years an get real ones not jelly..There is no generic but there is oxymorphone and cvs has toyou order it they can't stock it. You haveto have your doc write it for oxymorphone then in two days tops cvs will have yoyr reals ones i promuse

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Hey buddy where in Akron/canton did you find those?

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I know this is an old thread so forgive me. I am wondering if CVS is still ordering these for you? I have a script for the 30's and every pharamacist I've been to acts like they've never seen them before. They keep telling me to go back to the doctor to get the dose lowered. What kind of advice is that? The dose is equivalent to what I was taking in mscontin. I don't want a lower dose. I even tried a small "mom and pop" type pharmacy and they were very rude. They told me that they already have their "quota" of Oxymorphone patients and that they don't have any room for new ones. I just shook my head and left.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do here. I haven't had insurance for a long time and have been using a grocery store pharmacy b/c it's cheap. They don't seem to want to help me at all as far as ordering the medication.

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If u are willing to make the drive the generics are available in wny buffalo area I can tell u a specific pharmacy if u wana make the trip

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I just watch update. I did find the Global 30 ERs at a local pharmacy. You just have to be vigilant. On a side note they work very well for my pain. I have slept more in the past month than I have in years.

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You must ask for oxymorphone 40 they are the generics.

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I'm just moved to North Carolina and I have called several physicians but not taking new patients. I need to get back on my Opana 20 mg and Oxycodone. Please let me know of any places . I'm on North Carolina and South Carolina line.. So either direction is fine .I broke neck and I am legit.patient. please please. I was going to a family physician in Tennessee and he was ok with writing for me. I'm the worst pain. Does anyone have an

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You have to have your dr write the script for generic oxymorphone er, my pharmacists wouldn't do anything and didn't know anything about generics til I told them. But they have been on the market for a few yrs now, not hard to get. You can ask your pharmacists to order them, nothin wrong with that. If they r ****s then talk with your dr and have him/her write the brand that you want on the script, then the pharmacy is S.O.L., if the pharmacist is high and mighty and won't order them. In reality you can get whatever brand or meds you want, as long as insurance will cover, and you have a legit reason for getting them, and they may make you wait til they go through the pills they already have to get rid of first. If they won't order for you, you talk to the store manager. hope that helps

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1ST of all you have to have your doctor write for OxyMorphone IR not Opana and then you will get the Generic brand..Also, make sure you tell your pharmacists that Global Pharm/Impax Labs makes these now.. I get mine from CVS in FL and all CVS's can get them per Global Pharm.. I called them up directly and they told me your Pharm should be able to place a order and the should have them for you in 1 wk or less.. I pre order mine so they are ready whenI get my script a wk later.. Hope this helps.

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