Onax 2 - An Effective Generic For Xanax?
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Anyone ever heard of ONAX 2mg, and is it an effective generic for Xanax (Alprazalom)?

115 Replies (6 Pages)

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I got my prescription refilled, they arrived from India, wish I could share a pic. I took my dose with good results. Got aplz-1 round white and 100 diaz 10 mg (also white and round). I might get a test kit.

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Joe (# 113)

Importing Controlled Medicine on the Internet is no different than ordering Heroin or your favorite strain of Marijuana. You are supporting criminals and are subject to doing time in Prison. Say no to Onax, see your Doctor for Xanax.

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Re: Polly (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Yes. I have gotten them by script in US. 1 mg orange.

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Thank you so much guys! reading all of your comments really help me a lot!

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Yes Onax is real. And I'm an american. I agree with sammy. You have to be an ***** to say, well they aren't approved by the fda. The FDA is f***ing corrupt. Just like Cuban cigars are banned in the US because they couldn't get a piece of the money, that's why Onax is not approved by the FDA. It was probably Xanax or another company that paid the FDA not to approve Onax's brand. You have to be a gullible person to believe something is not right because it's not approved by the FDA. Look at all the nasty ass meat that comes from animals on all kinds of steroids that the FDA approves.

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Re: sammy (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I don't believe that that person said anything about America being the only country that makes medicine. They were simply asking a question.

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Re: sm (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

REAL talk, onax is bunk. My onax came in a baggie with 40 loose chalky pills in a cd sized envelope, with some of them broken....all like pressed chocolate sucrose and chalk.

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Re: Xan man (# 26) Expand Referenced Message

Where do you fill your prescription for onax? I cannot find them anywhere. I was getting xanax but i do not like them and i prefer onax.

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Re: BDT (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

Where do you get the onax from? I cannot find them anywhere. I was geeting xanax but i do not like them i prefer onax.

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Im from mn n sick of getting thse fake ones. Plz help

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I took'em as prescribed and not only it calmed my anxiety and panic attack. Ever since I was a kid I've always suffered sweaty palms, it also took that away! Surprisingly... I'm American (Hispanic American @ that), so in no way I'm trying to defend middle eastern/Pakistani pharmaceuticals....

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Have a friend takes her meds some what by the book,she bought ten,took one,turns out the "onax" actually only had trace elements of some barbiturate in it,sadly she found this news by ending up in the emergency room due to a allergy to some barbituates and the buffers within...just be careful everyone

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These pills only contain .6 MG of alprazolam 2mg onax xanax bars

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Xano hazo (reply to post 97),

Thank you my man. A true honest opinion from one who has actually experienced the roller coaster that benzos create not only on the mind but the life that knows nothing but preoccupation to get more by hook or by crook. That's why civilized societies have created restrictions of these powerful mood and mind altering chemicals... Countries that allow their people to consume this poison actually speaks to the concern they have for their own. If that's true freedom you can have it!!!

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Leon (reply to post 90),

Sorry dude your wrong!!! If the American way rubs you the wrong way then get to steppin and see how good you EXIST IN 3rd world countries. So pathetic! Get a life and get clean!

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Jakquik (reply to post 90),

I bet you wouldn't harsh your own government if you were stationed abroad in one of these countries who sell these unquantafiable unregulated pharmacological agents that caused irreparable damage THEN couldn't find a medical facility in India to competently treat you.... I'm sure your opinion would transcend.... Benzos are inherently dangerous when used for any condition on a long term basis or in excessive dosages! So let's order dangerous drugs and risk buying contaminated products overseas -what sounds cost effective about that??


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Sammy is right!!! You Americans think you know everything,yet the majority of people asking about alprazolam are Americans. You don't have a clue what your FDA lets big pharma use. You think scientists in the U.S are better than other countries? Don't be daft,you pay extortionate prices for the same we all get for free or pennies.

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Does anyone have a picture of the Onax 2 that say they are legit

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First time I ever had alprazolam I was prescribed the ONAX 2mgs. They were the real deal. I have seen pictures of ONAX bars that are clearly fakes though.

I've also had the 2mg Pfizer ones. The 0.5mg European footballs (Frontin) - they were decent. I've had the South American purple footballs (1mg?). Also decent. I've tried other bars with different numbering/letters on that seemed a little under-dosed and I've had the Cipla Tranax which do the trick but I think they're about half the stated dose.

As good as I think they are, very little good has ever come from me consuming benzodiazepines of any kind.

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Are they round white 2mg? Xanax from. Pakistan should they be round and what type of package dose it come in. Does it say aprazolam on the back and is the bottom. Of the package dturdy

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