Nustrate Injection
UpdatedCan you please provide me with information on the nustrate injection?
Nur-Isterate contains the active ingredient Norethisterone, it is a hormonal injection used to help prevent pregnancy, regulate menstrual cycles and has a few other medical uses.
Side effects may include: injection site irritation, weight changes, headache and irregular periods.
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How long does nustrare take to completely wear off my body.I have been using it for a year and I want to have a baby
I hear that nu-strate injection causes retention fluid, what exactly is this retention fluit. and how do i prevent it, because ever since i use injection my partner says i am very wet when having sex, and he is not comfortable about that.
Is it normal to go on ur p"s for the first time u on nustrate? i mean is jus the first month?
Lebo, you should consult your doctor, while it can be possible to get pregnant as soon as something like this is processed out of your body, it is sometimes better to wait for awhile, before conceiving.
Rams, no, that has nothing to do with retaining fluid from this injection. When they refer to the possibility of retaining fluid, as a side effect, they mean the type that can result in peripheral edema, which would be swelling of your extremities, such as your hands and feet, from excess fluid in the body.
When a woman is extremely wet vaginally during sex, it just means she is enjoying herself and that really shouldn't bother him, at all!
Shaz, I'm sorry, but I am not sure what you are referring to as your P's. Could you please clarify?
Are there any other questions or comments?
Ive just resently started using nustrate, n now im on my period. so is it not supposed to stop them from cuming thru?
Shaz, no, it will not stop you from having your period. These hormonal contraceptives just prevent you from actually ovulating, to prevent pregnancy.
However, the rest of your cycle continues as normal, including having your period.
Are there any other questions?
is there any way that prolonged periods can be countered when on this injection?
I started Nustrate three months ago my priod stopped for a month bt nw I find myself spotting frequently and nw its making me feel really uncomfortable.My parter feels uncomfortable making love to me as well,as I bleed when he penetrates.I have tried pills to stop the bleeding but soon after finishing those pills the bleeding started again.Pls help
i know what you mean, i used it for one month and ever since i have been spotting. i assume its not good after all for me personally.
ive only had 1 jab of nustrate and had periods twice every month for 2 months i was suppose to go back for another jab i didnt go coz of the side effects now i cant get my periods whats wrong am i pregnant.i have the symptoms
Did you have any side effects afterwards? im having nausea, frequent urination, hunger, tender boobs, insomnia and killer moodswings.
i used it for a month Ms Bond, then had my cycle for about 2 wks. i decided to stop, now im on nothing, still trying to think what i can use.
Yes i have a question,lets say i inject today how long must i wait before you know knitting. I am not planning on having another baby for now.
i have been on nustrate for 7 month from after i gave birth and now i feel lik thes a bby kickin in my tummy could i be pregnant nad how culd it be so possble
Hi, i have been on Nustrate for about 5 months now and i had unprotected sex after with my boyfriend after missing my August shot, could i be pregnant?
How long must I wait after the injection before I can engage in sexual intercourse again?
Hi. I was using Nur-strate for the past year but then I have stopped it for the past 8 months only last month I missed my periods and thought I was pregnant and now this month I am on my periods and it has been 9 days being on my periods with abnormal menstrual pains,please help me am worried I am scared to find out what it might be.
Hi! I used nustrate for 4years & I had my periods every 2 months until after 2yrs when it stoped completely,now 4months ago stopped using & still never had periods during that four months .now 3days ago started bleeding & it's little bit more than periods & I have pains. should I be worried?
Most Recent Replies:
Re: Dodo (# 10)
I used the injection once, then I saw my periods and then then I had unprotected sex after a week I see blood
I have been on nuistrate injection for four years and stop taking it four months ago and im trying to get pregnant but my periods are not normal since i get them twice a month what can i use please help
Can I get pregnant while using Nustrate?
I was on the Nustrate inj. in 2015 and stopped that same year, but I haven't gotten my periods for 3 years. Is it normal? How long does Nustrate take to wear off?
Hi I'm Nandi I've been on the nustrate injection for four years and recently had a shot 2days ago and I just had unprotected sex. I'd like to know is their any chance I can fall pregnant.
Re: Shaz (# 7)
Hi Shaz, I have been using Nur-Istrate for 2 years now, have not had a period since then, now i'm having very painful cramps and brownish discharge (Does not show on pantliner but only when i wipe)... i am also looking for answers regarding this my last dose was on the 14th of October 2017 i am supposed to go back on the 14th December 2017... dont know what my body is doing now :/
hey i just had an abortion and had my nurstrate injection five days after then had unprotected sex the same day could i be pregnant..I have sore breastfeeding, plotting,moody and nausea
I had my first shot of Nustrate while I was on my period and on the 7th day I had intercourse. Now I just started spotting and have nausea.
Re: Verwon (# 8)
I what know that is true that nustrate makes people fat
Hello, I have been on the Nustrate inj. since I gave birth last year in April and never skipped my inj., but last month I skipped it and I am starting to feel worried because I haven't been on my period since then and I think I might be pregnant. What are the chances of falling pregnant? Help please.
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