Nustrate Injection (Page 2)


Can you please provide me with information on the nustrate injection?

168 Replies (9 Pages)

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Hi, I started taking nur-isterate 3 months ago, 3 weeks after my 1st shot my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex, I had my periods 3 days after that and it lasted for 2 weeks. I haven't had my periods ever since, I got my 2nd shot 2 weeks back. I'm worried that I might be pregnant but I have no symptoms, I've taken 2 pregnancy test and they were both negative. I'm also breast feeding. Is it possible to be pregnant even with 2 negative tests? Or is the nur-isterate messing up my cycle? I've always had regular periods.

Thanks for your help in advance.

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Hi. i have bee on the injection since 2008, i have not had any problems till now. i just want to find out, can one fall pregnant while using the injection, and does antibiotics contribute insome way. like if take the injection than like a week afterwords take flu tablets, will that weeken the injection in anyway? and if i was late, like my due take was on taday, and only go on friday (as i work) does that also contribute/

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Hi I used nustrate for 2months & I slept with my boyfriend without using a condom then the next we bought a morning after pill took it later on so now I've going on my periods twice a month ,so wanted to know how long does it last in your body before you get pregnant?cause only used it from November till December then was suppose to go then I didn't go back.

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I had unprotected sex 8 days after my Nustrate shot can I be pregnant

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ive been on nur isterate for less than a year and a day after i get my injection..the injection site gets itchy and i scratch it.will scratching the site have any effects on the fluid?

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Hi,i have been using nurstrate for the past 6yrs and i stopped using it 7 months periods were abnormal in oct-nov n i visited a doctor she said is the effects of using injection and it will take some year for me to have a baby.Is it true cos i really need a child now?

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Hi, I have been using Nustrate since 2010 but I stopped last year July, I'm trying to get pregnant but no luck so far. Should I be worried?

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I started with Nur-isterate on 09 January 2013 then had started spotting a week after then full period for a two weeks and back to spotting. i went to the doctor and gave the pills its kind of stop for few day. when i was using antibiotics for toothache, i went back to spot for a week then now i m full period for a week. Please do i stop this as i serious problem of iron.

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Have been using nur_strate for 2 years and stopped or rather my last injection 10 Oct 2012
Didn't go on my periods until now feb 2013 now what's happening its that I have light periods or spotting and only stopped last week and slept with my husband and I just went again on my spotting today.
So how long will it take for things to b back to normal and when will I b able to conceive

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Hi, iv been using nustrate for 2 years iv stoped using it last year 2012 october now m trying 2 have a baby but nothing seems to happen and still i have 3 months without seeing my periods, what can i do to fall pregnant, and how long does this injections come out from the body, pls help.

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I used nustrate for 2months & I slept with my boyfriend without using a condom, so now I've going on my periods. I wanted to know how long does it last in your body before you get pregnant?cause only used it from November till December then was suppose to go then I didn't go back.

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Hy since ive started using nur-istrate my periods never stops is this normal wat should i do plz help,(i started using it on the 14th of march 2013)

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i was using nurr fr 12 yrs nd i stop using it lst year aug its 10 months nw i wnt bby bt i cnt pls hlp me thx

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Am using Nustrate Injection this is my 2nd month using it. I got one problem my periods are late. What can seem to be the problem?

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hi, i've been using nustratre injection for 12 years and stoped but now want to fall pregnant to no avail. my marriege is falling apart.Any tablets that i can drink to become pregnant perhaps?

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Is it possible to fall pregnant, I used nu-strate injection once in April and suppose to go back now in June but didn't . I had unprotected sex and want to know if there is a possibility to get pregnant

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when on nur-isterate you will have abnormal periods, experience some spotting some people have no periods at all but that does not mean you are unhealthy. speak to your medical doctor and they will inform you

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@BROOKE my doctor told me that atleast 7 days

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@blessing you could be having hormonal imbalances i had that too, but then they gave me pills to balance them go and get it looked at

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I haven't seen my periods since I've started preventing so it normal or wat

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