Northstar Adderall Reviews
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My usual generic Adderall 10mg pill is usually a round blue pill. It's manufactured usually by Aurobindo and sometimes the pharmacy will give me one manufactured by IMPA (I'm assuming it's an abbreviation). This time, I was given a round light green pill with the numbers 443 and what looks like a smushed letters MP on it. The manufacturer is Northstar (formerly Sun Pharmaceuticals). Is this safe? I had some unrelated stomach issues last year and I'm concerned about side effects of this pill since other dosages of this manufacturers generic Adderall has given people bad side effects. My pharmacy isn't really addressing my concerns. Any info would be great.

41 Replies (3 Pages)

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Northstar is causing projectile vomiting. I am trying to move my residence by force. Hard to pack when you are throwing up all the time. I feel this a direct blow to females from Big Parma (men). A passive aggressive way to express their hatred for women. Where is the quality control? These 2 manufacturers should close their doors before someone burns it to the ground. They both certainly broke the oath to "do no harm".

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Re: Nat (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

I feel like I was being tested without my consent by fraud drug stealers.

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Re: CoachKristen (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

I told Dr 5 mg north or need to look at my records. But my legs swelled and developed a cough

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Re: Louise (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

I did fine on Northstar, never ran out. I did what the Dr said. I went from being in pain to sleeping, to looking at dishes, going back to sleep, etc... to trying to buy my first home. I made it through pituitary surgery and got organized. My son graduated from high school. I started to gain weight because of meal planning. I was able to drive longer than 30 minutes, rebuilt my car's front end and moved out of my apartment of 15 years, then was robbed, gangstalked and survived.

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Re: CoschKristen (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I was given this pill while something happened at my Drs. It felt like you could do anything you wanted to me. The next month I received a normal pill and felt normal. Then the following month I received the yellow pill again and felt like I wanted to do nothing like a robot.

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Re: Bella (# 31) Expand Referenced Message

Yep I know my problem isn’t tolerance I take half of my recommended dose and it’s fine and I’ve been like this for years. I’ve been taking Adderall off and on since 2003, my dose has gone up at times, but I am currently prescribed the exact same amount I was prescribed for my first prescription, and most of the time I only take half of the pill, but since last year it has been noticeably weaker. Definitely not me or tolerance

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Re: Nicole (# 32) Expand Referenced Message

The 10mg Teva work for me but definitely not as well as they used to, if I take twice as much as I used to it seems to work like it used to. And I guess I’m OK with that because I was only taking half my dose before. But it’s kind of a bummer because that’s how I’ve always survived the shortages, by taking a half dose if I only need a half dose and then saving the other half for when they can’t produce it. looks like this 2023 shortage I will actually feel and suffer from. Bummer. I fill out an FDA medwatch complaint whenever I get bad generics. I probably can’t claim responsibility for it, but I complained endlessly about Aurobindo adderall and now they can’t make it anymore because it was so bad when finally tested.

And listen, the pharmacies know they are buying bed meds. Rite Aid knows not to give me Aurobindo anything and when they did and I had to argue with them for them to take it back so I could fill it somewhere else the pharmacist yelled at me that they are FDA approved medication, he had a smirk on his face, and when I told him they are barely FDA approved and then when the FDA checks up on them they shut them down he smirked again and changed the subject. They know what they are doing.

I have also had pharmacist tell me the generic medication is exactly the same as the name-brand and they know that is incorrect. Generic medication can legally vary up to 20% from the name-brand and they don’t compare them to each other, so one generic may be 20% weaker than the name-brand and then a different generic could be 20% stronger than the name-brand, which would be a huge difference in efficacy if you went from one to the other. This is not a conspiracy theory this is an actual law/guideline that is completely on the books. Of course the pharmacists know this yet they lie to our faces so we continue to purchase from their corporate employers.

Walgreens and Walmart use the same distributor which has a lot better medication than whatever distributor CVS and Rite Aid uses. I’ve also been told that because of the two different distributors if CVS can’t get a medication Rite Aid likely can’t get it, but Walgreens or Walmart may be able to.

Also if you are experiencing a shortage and the pharmacies won’t tell you over the phone if they have it you can call the manufacturer and ask them who they have distributed to you within your ZIP Code or your area, they can look that up and tell you which pharmacies have received shipments. Or they can tell you that nobody has.

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Re: Swampthing (# 33) Expand Referenced Message

Yeah I think that’s what’s left over from the supply from last year that was pretty much garbage. I was getting those from wallgreens or CVS mail away in December, wallgreens has had Teva for months here and that’s the only one I actually like.

But I’m afraid it’s going to be slim Pickens between now and next year because the FDA and the DEA decided to only give the manufacturers the same amount of active ingredient they had last year.

So even if there were no new prescriptions written at all this year, we are on track to have another shortage starting now actually.

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Re: Nicole (# 32) Expand Referenced Message

Been getting Sandoz xr for months ony effect is racing heart insomnia and irritability.Mind have no proper active ingredients in them.Its basically A placebo.

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Re: Bella (# 31) Expand Referenced Message

THANK YOU!!! It's definitely not in our heads and you're absolutely right that something is definitely different with Teva's Adderall formula!!! I have been on 20mg generic Adderall for years and used to stick with Teva. They had the best quality and it worked the best for me out of the 7 other generics I've tried. But I WILL NOT take the garbage they've been producing for about the past year either!! It makes me anxious, depressed, cry my eyes out, unable to focus, unproductive, unable to sleep, severe migraines and dry mouth. Everyone PLEASE do what I did and report this notice in change to the FDA!!! Sandoz is definitely the best generic now, but good luck with being able to find any by them

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All I know is that Teva used to have the best quality of generic Adderall, but has been total garbage for the past year!! Something is definitely different and it's not all in our heads. I have been prescribed Adderall for years, but honestly only take it when I really need it. So I know that tolerance definitely isn't the issue here. Teva's Adderall used to have me awake, focused, happy, more productive and really helped change my life. But now it makes me severely anxious, depressed, nauseous, dizzy, gives me severe migraines and horrible insomnia. I refuse to consume anymore of the crap their making. What's worse is that they also produce the nongeneric formula as well. I've tried generic Adderall from at least 6 other manufacturers and they were all like a placebo, except for the ones made by Sandoz. I recommend everyone switch to Sandoz if they too have noticed that Teva's formula is different. If you're lucky enough to even be able to find Sandoz anywhere! It's next to impossible to find again where I'm located and I don't know what to do at this point. I was thinking about asking my Dr to prescribe me a different ADHD medicine, but hate being a medication guinea pig. Any recommendations on what I should try switching to? I appreciate anyone's help and advice. Thank you

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Re: HCStymie (# 29) Expand Referenced Message

Hi do you have a reference for the law about US manufacturing? Thanks

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Re: HCStymie (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

To fix my previous post. Sun is not made by Aurobindo. There was a time when Aurobindo did manufacture for Sun. But Sun bought Frontida pharmaceutical manufacturing plant and make their own. I believe they since sold the plant so don't know the status of their formulary.
Both Sun and Aurobindo are manufactures that are also sold as the brand NorthStar. So, if you get filled with NorthStar, it could be either. NorthStar is not owned by Sun pharma. It is owned by McKesson, wholesale distributer. NorthStar sources meds from companies around the world. May even make some of their own.

And to reiterate, all amphetamine and methylphenidate based medications sold in the U.S. are manufactured in the US by law, no matter where the company is originally from. Sun and Aurobindo are Indian companies. Nothing against India, just that their pharma industry has a bad reputation for cheap low quality generics that they gain market share by underpricing better ones. They have a huge market share in the U.S. compared to many other companies in general.

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Re: Rog (# 26) Expand Referenced Message

Nothstar has 2 generics registered if I recall correctly. I believe one is made by Aurobindo and the other by Sun. Or at least, was made by Sun but they sold their plant to someone else. And the formulary I am not sure if they retain rights to it or just sold it to Northstar. Northstar does not manufacture it's own generic Adderall. They buy it from a manufacturer and sell it under their own name. Many brands do that.

So if you do a search on a pill identifier website, it may come up saying it is Aurobindo or Sun. Based on the inscription on the pill, sounds like Sun. Aurobindo would start with a "U" followed by a number.

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Re: HCStymie (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

I think most of us are awhere that Adderall is a combination of amphetamines. These salts have their own characteristics as well as different functions. During the 80's amphetamines were reformulated to remove certain characteristics that were deemed undesirable for instance extreme euphoria also duration. I've been taking Adderall for many years. I fail to understand why different manufacturers produce formulations that are so radically different from the name brand. The brand Adderall improves focus increases concentration allowing your brain to retain information while some generics do not have these benefits. What works for one person doesn't work for another. This can be very frustrating, unfortunately the brand name Adderall is not affordable for most of us and our insurance doesn't cover it. This needs to be addressed for the better so we all can receive the benefits of takings this medication.Sun works quite well for myself while it doesn't for others, , it's time for this shortage to end so Teva can become available to all of us again. There's no reason for this non sense. Shortages happen from time to time but this one is intentional in my opinion.

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Re: Rog (# 25) Expand Referenced Message

Hello everyone, what I meant to say was mp 447 30mg Northstar or Sun generic Adderall. I looked at the tablet without my glasses, it was so small I couldn't see it. Du..

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Re: Louise (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

This month I was fortunate enough to have my prescription filled with Sandoz E-444 30mg. Oddly enough I took my morning dose then eat breakfast with coffee. It's 3:00 pm and IJust woke up in my chair. What I'm saying is you never really know what you're going to get. There was a day when meds were consistent but not any more. At least the Northstar version of Sun mp-404 30 mg keep you awake and moving. If your fortunate enough to have benzo to even things out it helps alot. Even Teva has it's months that are better than others. I wish this shortage would be over. Also if my Ins. covered brand my head would better off as far as thinking, reading and being motivated.

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Re: Kyle (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

You might want to go back and re-read the thread. I have given an honest answer over and over again. Sun pharma sucks. So does Aurobindo who was the manufacturer of one of their products in the past. Aurobindo actually made me feel yucky so to speak, bothering my stomach and giving a slight headache.

Sun also produced their own for a while which sucked. And now, Northstar has the NDC for 2 generics. One which is made by aurobindo. And the second, made by Frontida, who bought the manufacturing plant Sun used to make it's version that it was previously making for itself and NorthStar.

The fact that I mention things like all amphetamine meds in the U.S. are made in the U.S. regardless of the national origin of the parent company is just correcting misunderstandings others have.

And this information is more for newer people to the thread since things are a little different than they were when the thread was started in 2018.

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Re: Kyle (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

Let me clarify my take on the NorthStar generic Adderall. I wasn't seeking it out. But would have been willing to try it if it didn't have bad reviews like what I thought was the parent company Sun did. I know Costco had it at one point and I turned it down. But had trouble for a while after that getting my script filled anywhere. Not knowing for sure at that time if it might be ok or not, I thought it might be a last resort option.

One symptom of ADHD some people have is the ability to hyper-focus. So when I feel cheated and get pissed off I can spend hours researching stuff. Not affiliated with the pharma industry except as a pissed of consumer.

I no longer think NorthStar is owned by Sun. I think the source I saw it in reported it wrong. Some stuff manufactured by Sun is sold by NorthStar as their brand. A lot of NorthStar meds are manufactured by other companies.

Case in point, NorthStar has 2 NDC codes for generic Adderall. One is made by Aurobindo (20 mg pill orange round U30, Exact same as Aurobindo/Aurolife sell), the other by Frontida BioPharma (20 mg yellow MP 446 on it. Discontinued by Sun, but it is now a NorthStar product). Frontida bought a Sun manufacturing plant in 2015. So, if you got NorthStar, It could be Aurobindo crap, or Sun crap. I had seen a Sun product (not sure if IR or XR) that did say manufactured by Aurobindo.

To make things worse the Aurobindo subsidiary Aurolife sells 20 mg orange round U30 which is the exact same as the NorthStar, made by Aurobindo made pill. Only way to tell the difference is the NDC code.

Generic Adderall 20 mg round orange pill reads U30:
If NDC code is 13107-0073 - it is sold by Aurolife
If NDC code is 16714-953 - it is sold by NorthStar
But, if you look it up on a pill identifier, it always comes up as Aurolife / Aurobindo.

Generic Adderall 20 mg yellow pill MP 446:
NDC code 53489-569 you have an old Mutual Pharma pill. (Mutual bought by Sun, then sold to Frontida) discontinued NDC
NDC 57664-646 you have an old Sun pharma pill. discontinued NDC
NDC 16714-807 you have the current NorthStar pill.

Turns out I already had the NorthStar Aurobindo manufactured meds, just that they came up in searches as Aurolife. Which explains why I have seen so little reviews on NorthStar generics.

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Re: Kyle (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

I agree. Sun Pharma doesn't work at all for me. I take a generic Focalin for my ADHD (dexmethylphenidate) and had to tell my pharmacy a few years back that I didn't want anymore from Sun. I have moved and hadn't worried about getting any of their crap since over the last couple years. Then last month I noticed how tiny the pills were but didn't realize it was Sun Pharma until after taking 2 doses it wasn't working at all. I've been on meds for my ADHD for years and I know when i am not taking anything.

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