Norco Shortage In Pharmacies In Michigan (november, 2014)
UpdatedI have a fractured rib and chronic lower back pain and have been on Norco for a year (7.5-325). I have been switched to Tramadol since this recent shortage. I have not been able to find any pharmacy in the Detroit area that can fill my Norco prescription. I have read that it has been gone to a controlled substance level II, and that they had to relabel everything. I called the manufacturers, and they said that they had relabeled everything, so that wasn't the issue. Then I was told that the pharmacies have to do a ton of paperwork to receive it now. Each pharmacy says they keep ordering, and they keep not getting in shipments. I am really just wondering if anyone knows when pharmacies will be back in stock (or if anyone knows of a particular pharmacy in the detroit area that carries 7.5-325 Norcos).
It appears we are the most discriminated class of 2014. Not only are in great pain, due to our various pains we have limited avenues to protest. But someone is responsible for this. It seems to me a legal suit against whomever is responsible would be appropriate. I can't take much more of this. Are there any patient advocacy groups that can help? But to answer your question I have found no Norco in the Dearborn Hgts, Inkster area except on the streets. So nobody with a prescription can find their pain pills but I can find them on the streets. Stop the madness! I need 10/325 right now. Will post if I find anything.
Hello, Katia and Melsor! How are you both? I'm very sorry that you're having a problem getting your respective prescriptions filled.
This medication is currently not in stock at the pharmacies due to necessary labeling changes, since it was changed to a schedule 2 at the beginning of the October. It is claimed that shipments should start going out and arriving in pharmacies today, 11/07/2014.
This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
We are also into the time of year where there is almost always a shortage due to mandatory manufacturing limits of controlled substances. Once a manufacturer reaches their limit, they can't produce any new product until after the new year. I can't remember a year where a shortage didn't occur during the last few months of the year, because demand inevitably exceeds supply.
Keep checking back with your pharmacies and another idea would be to ask what they do have in stock, then ask your doctor if they can prescribe that, in the meantime.
Is there anything else I can help with?
Well today is 11-07-14 still no pharmacys have no norcos,the pain from my scoliosis and degenerative disk is getting unbearable.
Verwon, you have repeated your post in several forums, and frankly, I doubt you are even bothering to read people's posts before posting. You are just cutting and copying the same things. Did you read that I have actually called the manufacturers (two of them), and both manufacturers have told me that the relabeling process was an issue, but it has since been solved (weeks ago). This is NOT the manufacturers fault. I think this is headed toward a legal suit. Why isn't it on the news at the very least? 1 in 3 people have legitimate problems that can not be solved with surgery. At this point it becomes pain management. I finally found a medication that has made a difference (it corrects about 80% of the pain, but I'll take it), and now I have the doctor, I have the prescription, but no pharmacy is able to fill it. I want to know some answers. The supply should meet the legitimate demands. Supply shouldn't go down (even at the end of the year) because there is a quota if each prescription filled is legitimate. They process orders monthly and anticipate for the quantities they need. This should not be a problem. And no pharmacies I have called have it even at the date you listed above.
Katia, I am sorry that you're upset and unable to get your medication. Adding to that was not my intention.
However, I did mention the labeling issue and yes, I've stated this same information on several posts, because it is relevant to all, but I refrain from C&P, since everyone deserves direct attention to their questions.
The end of year shortage doesn't have anything to do with when or how the pharmacies order in a supply. This shortage goes directly back to manufacturers. The DEA assigns them a limit of how much they can manufacturer, based on supply and demand of the prior year, this applies to all controlled substances.
Once they reach that limit, they can no longer manufacture new product, until they receive their new allotment amount after the new year, once the DEA does the figures based on the information from the prior year.
As to the labeling issue, it was stated that supplies were expected to start shipping on the 7th of the month, but those supplies do not go directly to pharmacies. They go to distributors first, who then must unpack and sort according to pharmacy orders and deliver, so it generally takes a few more days, before any pharmacy has it back in stock.
Is there anything else I can do to help you?
I really don't want you to feel that I don't care and am just using C&P here, because I'm not. I am legitimately trying to explain the issue and I do understand why it is a problem for you and why you're so upset. I wish I had better information to give you, but I don't. I hate seeing everyone go through this each year.
Hi there, I live in the metro detroit area as well, downriver family pharmacy in southgate,michigan carries the yellow qualitest all doses but u must transfer all of your meds to them in order to transfer, but you will get them no worries, and great news they dont even have the MAPS system so they fill them within five minutes for ya, hope this helps cause i had the same problem, god bless
Thank you, Tony! That's very helpful and your post is greatly appreciated!
Have a fabulous day!
you are very welcome and they are also very awesome people, they even fill early like 5 days so give em a try, wish you the best, TonyM
My Mother in law is in the same boat. She broke her back last year in two places and cant find any where to get her Norco script filled. I believe if we try to flood the system we may be able to get an answer that make's sense or get the ball going on this. No more excuses! We want answers and a response!
Reporting a Drug Shortage or Supply Issue
Reporting to FDA - Contact CDER by email: [email protected]
Contact CDER by phone: 888-INFOFDA (888-463-6332) or 301-796-3400
FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) Drug Shortage Program appreciates all notifications of potential and actual supply issues. Please email [email protected] to report any potential or actual shortage issues.
Because norcos are so hard to find my dr switched me to Percocet (been on vicodin,than loracet, norco 10mg now Percocet 10mg in the span of 6yrs). My insurance company called me giving me problems for going to different pharmacies. Not multiple drs or scripts.....I stay downriver and I can usually find them in belleville but not always. And because of my insurance i have to choose ONE pharmacy. Percocet are pretty hard to find like norcos
You found them in Southgate where ?? There's many pharmacy's in Southgate ! must transfer your prescription ! That's so bulls*** ! These pharmacy's are making up there own rules !! I will call a lawyer and see about who I can sue, because nobody cares about the pain we are going thru !! Some of you folks are saying your doctors are prescribing Tramadol in place of Norco ...what a joke.!!
I'm sorry, but if you called them, then you only wasted your time.
Pharmacies will not give you an accurate answer over the phone, concerning controlled substances. They have no way of knowing if the person on the phone is a legitimate patient with a need, or a potential thief, so they usually just say that they don't carry it, or don't have it in stock.
The only way to get an accurate answer is by physically going to the pharmacy, with your prescription in hand.
Are there any other questions or concerns?
I called and left a message with a Kara at the fda no answer and not sure if I will get one its been 8 weeks this is bs! Why would the Dr write a script for something that we can't get? I've had 2 friends go to the hospital already and they have no insurance and can't even pay it so the Dr are going to get screwed because the hospital bills are going to pile up! I have insurance and it cost me 600 a month self employed and I'm about to cancel and order them online which isn't legal but wth can't seem to do it the legal way! I got to be somewhat pain free in order to work! This is such BS
Unfortunately, doctors aren't informed of shortages. They should be, but currently that isn't done.
They may occasionally get a report for some stuff, but there is nothing that requires that they be informed of it.
Has anyone been able to get theirs filled, yet?
No and the Dr should know about it so many have called and changed their meds which they will go lower not change to something like oxy which is in the same category II. I'm sure I'm not the only one call them and asking to switch, and being oxy has always been scheduled II they should have plenty, right? I hope their is a legal suit! And if I can work without pain I guess I will file for disability! They are screwing themselves and come on I love when a pharmacist says they don't know when it's coming! Long ago when I ordered online I knew where my meds were via ups tracking you think they are not going to track this stuff! Such Bull crap!!!!
Also called FDA said they have no shortage report I called activis in jersey and they said that the wholesale distributions have the product going out and to have the pharmacy call them because they should be getting them. heard that for days now
I live in California. I have had chronic back pain for 15 years. I have endured 5 surgeries on my lower back. But I still have back pain, as well as nerve damage to the left side from my back to my toes, I can only sleep on my right side. I can't even sleep on my back. I am on Oxycontin, Norco, and Lyrica as well as Ambien because I have trouble sleeping with the pain. The doctor only prescribes my meds 3 times a day so I pretty much am in pain a lot. Other than having problems with my adjuster (work comp) especially if I get a prescription on Friday, I am on the same medications I have been on for years. But when I went to have my prescription filled last week, I cannot find a pharmacy that has the oxy and the norco ANYWHERE. What the hell is going on? I'm not a drug addict, I have never sold or given my meds to anyone. I am so confused and in a lot of pain. They won't even take my prescription and order it. I don't know what to do.
I deal with pain all day everyday it wakes me in from my sleep. Can't hardly walk at times. This is the only way for me to get going each day. I suffer with gout. Osteo in my knees and lower back. Rotator cuff symdrome. I been having a hard time at the pharmacy. Always an excuse. I figure the staff was stealing them that's why they are always out of them. Didn't know about all of controversy behind them until this weekend.
Most Recent Replies:
Isn’t anyone gonna reply to my update on Allergan and Abbivie and how they are screwing the public with their 5 pill take to ease pain. All I see is 2014. Isn’t anyone suffering because of there cutting Norco. I am trying to open the eyes of the public to help with your pain. Please reply and let me know that the public is getting screwed by these Generic. Junk. Thank You.
I just talked to fda and told them about other prescriptions not working as well as Norco 3601 and they said if everybody reported which ones don't work, something would be done. The number is 1-888-463-6332. I also agree that a legal suit should be filed. Sign me up.
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