Norco Shortage In Michigan (Page 13)


Is anyone else having problems finding a pharmacy to fill their scripts of Norco? I have been taking them for a few years now for my chronic pain. I always go to the same pharmacy chain, and its always the same doctor who writes my scripts, but since the new law change no one seems to have them in stock. Some pharmacists told me it was a manufacturer back order. We are told not to go without our meds, but yet how is that possible if we can't get them? Anyone knows of a pharmacy that has Norco 10/325 in the metro Detroit area?

353 Replies (18 Pages)

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When you take certain meds you accept the risks that taking those meds entails. One of the reason that some drs aren't writting rxs for pain meds any longer is because they have gotten tired of patients threats. If you don't want to go through withdrawals, don't take a med that is physically addicting. You can't blame a dr or sue them because you don't like what happens when you can't get the meds. There are no laws that state anyone has a right to have their pain treated.

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They have the right to be properly treated. You are not supposed to just stop taking them after long use. If your doctor does not want you to continue then they need to write a prescription plan that scales the patient down in a healthy manner

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BL - if it were that easy if it were that simple to not take an addicting drug I am sure many would not go that route. But, treating chronic pain with just over the counter meds is not going to even make a dent in someone's severe ongoing pain. Sometimes there is no choice but to go to opiates and I am sure we are aware of the risks. However, that shouldn't mean that we have to be treated like druggies or have our rx denied by the local high and mighty pharmacist and I am sure when the day comes that they injure something or have a chronic disease that is so painful they can no longer get out of bed, their attitude will all of a sudden change. A pain doctor who is half way decent wouldn't let a pain patient just go without the meds suddenly after years - they would make sure they could do a safe taper. Nobody wants to sue doctors believe me it is too costly and time consuming. All we want is to be treated for our pain just as anybody would be treated for any condition - with respect.

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There are laws on the subject, you should educate yourself before speaking your mind.

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Jerry~AMEN TO THAT STATEMENT!!! OBVIOUSLY ~ BL does not have horrible Pain like most/all have on this site!!! SHAME on him/her! It is SO easy to judge & criticize others when you are not in the same situation I guess...sad. If he DOES have pain & doesn't get help, I guess thats' his problem. Yes, there are those who abuse, but you are right, all WE want is to try & live a somewhat normal life, & do simple things like pick up a dish without sharp pains going up your arm, or ok mr. BL wipe yourself in the bathroom without screaming from stretching (don't mean to get technical, but he needs it!) or simply bending to tie your shoe & I could go on, but he wouldn't get it~he obviously has NO CLUE. If you want to tear up your stomach, move to Petoskey, Michigan (or for that matter the whole west side & middle of Michigan) because all they give you is motrin & crap that are not narcotics that will totally ruin your stomach, & that is why I am also on 2 stomach pills a day!!! Thank God I moved! I wish all on this site nothing but prayers & hope in finding something that works for you as I have found that even tho there are different narcotics out there, they all work differently on each person. I DO know I would NEVER touch Activis with a 10 foot pole because ALL their drugs are BAD! I ended up in ER with their drugs & have heard alot of people are fed up with them because they do NOT work & have dangerous side affects. Their "inactive ingredients" are different than the old Watsons or anyone elses' & they should totally be shut down! I have made reports against them & they have gotten me NOWHERE. To ALL~try & have a Happy New Year by finding what works for YOU & do not give up TRYING. Also, I have found that working with Pharmacy managers is the best~don't mess with anyone else! They can sometimes order for you what your Doctor prescribes.

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Why the hell didn't doctor give me a prescription for Norco if he knew I cod not fill it? He must be aware of the situation?
Does anyone have an idea when they will b available?

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When Norco was reclassified as a c2 it automatically reduced its availability as pharmacies are restricted as to c2 ordering amounts per month. Also purchase price doubled and insurance reimbursement has not. Many pharmacies choose not to carry the drug due to monetary loss and liabilities.

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Lola, the doctor doesn't know of shortages or care as he is way too busy. Norcos are out there but you have to find a pharmacy with enough to fill your script. I've been going through this for I think 4mos. now. I have used the same pharmacy for 10yrs and last week they were again out of stock. I went to more stores in that chain and finally on the fourth try found one that had enough to fill my script. These pharmacy's for some reason do not know what the other stores in their chain have on hand. If your doctor works out of a local hospital take your script there and your chances of success increase. I don't think they will tell you on the phone"yes we have that in stock and can fill it" You need to go in person and show your script. Good luck.

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If pharmacies are restricted as to how much they can order for C2 drugs why was it never an issue to get all my percocets filled over the years they were always a C2 drug?

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Yes just got my Norco 10/325 filled yesterday. They were the yellow ones as usual. I live in Michigan and the shortage has passed.....

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No, it hasn't. I just went to Meijer and they told me that they can't get any. I had it filled at the same pharmacy last month, this month they don't have it. I asked when it would be in and they told me that they have been ordering it for two weeks now and it's been on hold since.

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Condor - which manufacturer of Norco makes the yellow ones? I can only find the white ones with red dots in them by Watson and they make me sick to my stomach. Thanks

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I love how one guy gets his script and declares SHORTAGE over...wait till Feb dummy when you try to get it filled again.
Its like 70/30 chance your not getting them from first place you try. I just got my 10/325 from Walgreens. However it was a pain as usual. I took it there 1/02/15 well couldn't fill it bc the date was 1/04/15 ok fine so I go back today.....I said to the same girl that helped me or didn't help really lol on Friday. I said can I fill this today, she says whats the script for? I said Norco right away she says oh no we've been out for months. I said ok well you were going to fill it Friday? Soooo whats up, she looks at the script says sorry with her s***ty attitude and filled it. just thought it was funny she right away said oh no were out and have been out. its pretty sad I could go buy a bag of marijuana and any damn type I want in 20 mins from my house in St clair shores. Meanwhile It's like pulling teeth to get one fricking script filled. I get the pharmacies hands are tied, but a little less everyone is a drug addict attitude would be nice. they've effectively created a worse stigma and culture for a class of drugs. You feel like a junkie trying to get 60 norcs what the hell. Im a mailman I have 5 discs herniated,canal stenois etc walk 12 miles a day, I cant get 60 pills without jumping through 15 hoops its stupid. Heres an FYI everything is bad for, sugar is one of the biggest poisons in this world. Anything addicting will have addicts whether its sugar or narcotics or alcohol. How about making it a little easier for those of us not eating 10 pills a day and dr shopping. Had to vent...that being said try walgreens, and cvs riteaid etc..ive personally found its a better chance of getting a place that has them in stock by trying those mom n pop drug stores. they're few and far between now days. but if one is near you, chances are a lot less people are trying to get pain pills from them as say a major chain. Good luck everyone wish I could trade in these stupid adderal for the norcs like an exchange service lol

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Anyone can sue someone else. But there is a difference in filing for litigation and recovering damages. It also requires money. You need to look up the definition of MalPractice in your state and find out the type of evidence, not just what someone says but actual evidence that is required. Then the dr has to have done something that is below the standard of care. Not liking and not agreeing with what a dr does or doesn't do in no way mean his actions or lack of raise to the level of malpractice. As long as the dr acts in a professional manner and the standard of care is there, the legal suit will accomplish nothing but separating the ones that files from alot of his money.

Manufacturers are given quotas each yr of controlled substances for the products they make. At the end of the year, if/when they run out, they have to wait until the new yr to make any more of the product. It takes them time to make it, process it and transport it.

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So I'm (ONCE AGAIN) having troubles getting my norco 10/325 filled again in Metro Detroit. I thought it may be a good idea to start a new thread that lists the pharmacies when we are able to get them filled? I know that when I'm having this big of a problem, I am most likely NOT the only one. We have been to every pharmacy and nobody can fill it. I've been sitting on my script for over a week now. Since I have none, I've been having to take more of my percocets and now I am almost out : ( and I don't like taking too many percocets because my dependancy gets more intense when I don't have them. I will start a new thread and I hope that most of you see this so we can start to help each other out a little during these shortages! Good luck to everyone xoxoxo

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I have been taking 10/325 hydro for probably 15 years, never any problem with being dope sick.. I'm a prn user but I cannot work without them due to the physical nature of the job. Anyway a couple months ago I made the stupid decision to self medicate with street drugs because I couldn't get a prescription since they changed the law, what happens, the same week I use I get in to see my dr. and she writes me a script but gives me a drug panel first in the office for the first time in 5 years, Obviously I failed and now no more scripts..... big, big blunder with long term consequence

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as someone whom deals with chronic pain, I can understand your need to deal with your pain. What I do not understand is why your own doctor ordered a drug panel? and have never heard of this? those are usually for employers etc. your doctor, or company doctor? (workers comp). for what its worth I am praying for you my friend. good luck

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Oh my friend ... I am feeling for you "BIG TIME"! I know what it is like to be in pain but I fortunately have been given drug panels by pain management doctors so I know better than to try and treat my own pain; even when they leave me hanging! I have so many medical bills from the past year (ER and Hospitalizations) because they have made it almost impossible to fill my prescriptions here in Florida! Now I have moved and thought it might be easier to get a prescription filled by a new doctor but that has not worked out either. The new doctor has changed my medications ... which has left me hanging again! I was put on buprenorphine at Christmas time. IT HAS NOT HELPED MY PAIN AT ALL! The doctor can not fit me in until my next appointment .. and I have since found that they use this medication on addicts and it is also used by vets on animals ... good god, what are we suppose to do to treat are pain when doing the wrong thing will get us NO WHERE for the rest of our lives! For what it is worth .. just because you have done what is asked of you, it does not mean you will be treated in a manner that "I" a chronic pain suffer would think is reasonable!

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I went to Farmingtom Drug in Livonia & they were very helpful...try them!I think it was on 6 mile Rd. It is a suburb of Detroit..Think it was Chris the pharm. Good Luck to you.

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