Norco Shortage In Michigan (Top voted first)


Is anyone else having problems finding a pharmacy to fill their scripts of Norco? I have been taking them for a few years now for my chronic pain. I always go to the same pharmacy chain, and its always the same doctor who writes my scripts, but since the new law change no one seems to have them in stock. Some pharmacists told me it was a manufacturer back order. We are told not to go without our meds, but yet how is that possible if we can't get them? Anyone knows of a pharmacy that has Norco 10/325 in the metro Detroit area?

353 Replies (18 Pages)

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I have been taking Hydrocodone products for 12 years since I had a 2 layer fusion in my back l-4 l-5 l-5 s-1. Of course in typical fashion, with my luck I ran out the day before change took effect. I had 2 refills left but was told I needed paper script, which I obtained, and have been unable to fill for 18 days and counting. Of course like everyone else I have tried multiple Pharmacy's , with no luck and am left in pain. They knew the change was coming so who dropped the ball. Patients are not supposed to be effected negatively, by the new laws, only those whom abuse. Oh and does anyone else feel like me. I was a legal patient for years, but now I am looked upon as a drug seeking addict !! ?? One created by the DEA whom took me off of 7.5- 750 hydrocodone, for the safety of my kidney and liver, and put me on 10/ 3.25 NORCO which has less Tylenol but more of the addicting compound hydrocodone, good job fellas !!!

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Yes I'm having the same issue, I live in Las Vegas nv I've been suffering with fibromyalgia forever, my hydrocodone 10/325 are all that seem to ease my pain! I don't understand why the FDA would do such a thing as to classify hydrocodone as a schedule 2 drug, that's in the same category as Oxy , Percocet and morphine, it makes no sense whatsoever ! People like myself that are in serious pain are being mistreated ! If the FDA is truly concerned about societies well being , they need to ban cigarettes , due to causing cancer ! That's the real issue in America , not pain management!

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I can not believe that there is a shortage in metro Detroit of norco.I have been taking this medication for years,now I can't find a pharmacy that have them in stock?When you ask why,they all give you a different story?So what's the real story?This is nothing short of barbaric and inhumane!When a person is in serve pain,you can not function.I think we should flood the FDA with as many emails as possible!These i****s have not one bit of empathy,they are not the ones suffering,so they just don't care!Even the pharmacists seem to have a s*** eating grin on their face when they tell you they can't fill your RX!I have called almost every pharmacy in the metro Detroit area and no one has them?How can a pharmacy not have such a widely prescribed medication? They can't even tell you when they will have them??Everyone that can't get their meds should file a legal suit against the FDA and the pharmacies for putting us through this barbaric and inhumane treatment!Those that rely on these medications know they can't function without them!When you look into the use of these meds they tell you NOT to stop using them at once!So why is this what is happening?I can not walk without taking them due to both of knees are bad.I say we flood the FDA with emails demanding them to do something about this shortage!And do it now!

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I called the FDA here in Detroit and I also called the FDA website listing number that number is 855-543-3784 they told me they did not know about it? So call that number and tell them you can not find anywhere to fill your RX.. I also called and left a message at the Detroit office that number is 313-393-8189. If enough us call we might get something done.I am so fed up with these people putting me such a prolonged time in pain.So call and tell them to get off their butts

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Yep, just found this out today. I'm four weeks post op two lumbar discectomy and just tried to fill my norco prescription not knowing there was any issue. After calling Walgreens, CVS, luck. They referred me to the hospital pharmacies, but apparently they'll only fill them if they're being order from discharge prescription. I'm definitely in pain and feel exactly like you do "annoyed"! I'm not an addict trying to get pain meds, I'm just trying to get post-op relief...and no one seems to know when it will be back in stock.

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yes everyone is having the same problem!I can't understand how this can be happening!It is nothing short of barbaric and inhumane!Everyone that is being harmed by this should sue the maker the FDA and the pharmacies that are out of stock of such a widely used pain medications.If enough people flood them with your concerns something might be done!How could they not have seen this coming is beyond me

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Hey Folks, I called the FDA and they actually called me back and informed me there is no shortage they are aware of, the only problem is the manufacturers are relabeling the product and have not been able to ship the product. Its a manufacturer problem, not the FDA. So you might want to start calling the mfr of your Norco and finding out when they are going to start shipping the product.

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Not like they are in pain so what do they care. I broke my wrist and its painful, ran out of what the ER prescribed. Go to the Doctor get a script for Norcos and nobody has them, one said maybe Monday or try the hospital. Hospital didn't have them either.

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All we need to do is look on your last RX and see the mfrs name and look them up on the internet to get the factory numbers and bombard them with calls.

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Norco manufactures.... Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals Senior Vice President 484-216-7158.....Vintage/Qualitest Pharmaceuticals- 800-444-4011

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I just sent a request to WXYT Channel 7 Call for Action. I too have been treated like an addict looking for a fix at CVS and RITEAID. When I read about all of you here I didn't feel quite as alone. But we are alone. We do need to call the manufacturers and FDA. They can't sleaze their way out of this one. Maybe others can call channel 7 Call for Action or email them like I did. Hang in there everyone. We are all in this together. Do whatever you can.

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Please ask your doctor to write you vicodin HP 10/300 mg. it has a generic copay not a brand name copay so should not cost you alot out of pocket. Alot of people think they can't get Vicodin because it is a brand name and will cost way too much but Vicodin made by Abvie has a generic copay for everyone who gets their vicodin I dont know why but this is also what they say on their website. It is the same thing as Norco so for now you can get that and get some pain relief because I have always been able to get that and Walgreens will order it for you if you ask but they usually just have it on the shelf anyway. I hope this helps someone going through withdrawals because that is the worst thing to go through in the world and not getting any pain relief. This has got to stop something has to change and soon.

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Boy, I'm glad I don't live there. I'm in Oklahoma and every pharmacy everywhere is fully stocked with all meds. Oxycodone is prescribed a whole lot more here than hydrocodone. My RNP told me to call my congressman as it's ridiculous putting this Med in the same class as Oxycontin, Morphine, Demerol and Fentanyl as it's no stronger than Tramadol and now she can't write them. It's all the addicts who RUIN EVERYTHING for people who really need it!

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Dear Painfully Annoyed, Yes, this appears to be a huge problem at the moment. I have called every pharmacy in my insurance plan and everyone says the same thing. Your not alone, I was told it is a repackaging issue with the manufacturers due to the new laws. Consumers are not going to be told what is going on and we are left up to our own resources and our withdrawals. They sure are going to see the ER's fill up as people get sick!

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Same boat here in Birmingham, Alabama. CVS and Walgreens are unable to fill them. My friend's son was told by Walgreens that it could be a very long wait time.

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We need some contact numbers in order to launch some complaints. Anyone willing to share?

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I called the pharmacy in monroe at the kmart and tgey are out too.. but my sons pharmacy in taylor on goddard rd between telegraph and beexh daily will have theirs in on wednesday.. :)

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They have them at rite aide on duck lk rd and 59

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Same issue here in Houston, tx. I just recently had a double spine surgery, due to degn disc disease. I have been taking norco 10/325 unfortunately for a few years now. I had 1 refill left that was prescribed to me before the new law hit in the beginning of October, but walgreens wiped all those out apparently, so I went to the doctor, got new scripts. I go to Walgreens and they are completely out. They didn't even have any substitutes to get me by. After visiting about 12 pharmacies today, No one could tell me when they would have it again. I keep getting, "its on back order". They really don't seem to care, and there is no sense of urgency. I called my dr. And asked them what I was supposed to do for I cannot simply just stop taking this medicine,it is not safe to do. They told me if I can find a pharmacy who can do a substitute they will write me a new script for whatever they had on hand. I got really lucky and found a Walgreens that had 50 left of the norco 5/325, however it wasn't in my neck of the woods, but the drive was worth not going through pain and withdrawl for who knows how long. I feel relieved for the meantime, but am worried for when it's time to refill again, I hope they get s*** figured out, bc it's not right to make the suffering suffer even harder, when they are not the abusers but really actually need it.

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Same here in Clarkston, Mi. everyone is out of norcos. I went to fill my prescription today, not knowing there was an issue. Pharmacy's are still unable to order them from the manufactures. They are still on back order. I will be calling the manufacturer. This is ridiculous. Its very sad that so many legitimate chronic/acute pain patients are suffering from extreme pain, intensified by dangerous withdrawls tonight. Thanks to the abusers and drug dealers. I am sure the ER's have been filling up. Shame on these manufacturers for not being prepared for this.

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