Norco 10/325 Generic (Page 2)


I received my med from a new cheaper pharmacy and wanted to know if I got ripped off I was prescribed norco 10/325 and given a generic pill with watson 853 imprinted on it. Does anyone know if there is such a generic?? It is yellow and oblong HELP

54 Replies (3 Pages)

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Thank you. I know there is a lot of abusers out there but they really need to find a way like requesting records or something to determine who really needs these meds. I did notify my doctor and he informed me there was nothing that can be done but change pharmacies.that I have done and did get the right rx this time. we shall see next week it is really hard to stay sane when us pain sufferers are being treated so poorly I can't get out of bed anymore too much pain.but you probably know what that feels like. Stay healthy and thanks for the reply.

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Patty I know the pain you are describing. I get such severe heartburn it does feel like a heart attack. I started drinking milk and some food with my pills and that helped.

I am also stuck at home in too much pain to go anywhere. My family Dr prescribed me Soma and that is hard on the stomach too. It does help painful spasms. I think there are better medications out there if only we could get them.

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I have never tried soma.the spasms are really bad they prescribed me flexeril but I don't want to take those anymore because I took a half and it made my brain tingle and made my body numb.although I spend most of my time in bed I don't like the feeling of being drugged. I will ask about those thank you.

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The Soma will make you very tired. It is stronger than Flexerel. I was just reading the ingredients in Norco 10/325. Damn it has povidone which is an ingredient in iodine. Of course we will get sick.

Most pharmacies I have been to say they have only one brand of Norco and that is Watson. Our CVS had Mallincroft but I think that changed too. That pharmacist I will stay away from.

I was wondering why my pain pills were not working for me and now after reading hundreds of posts I know it is not me.

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The first time I ended up in the e.r was from Mallinkort but they didn't believe me second time actavis they gave me Watson and it was ok actavis bought out Watson. it's not in our heads but they want us to believe it is. they buy in bulk and they buy cheap so they can charge insurance co. more profit in there pockets meanwhile we are getting sicker and they do not care. Our society is not based on caring for the sick like it used to be, it's all about lining there pockets.

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Is the oblong yellow Norco generic or name brand? My dr wrote on prescription asking for name brand. Is there a difference with the Norco 10's?

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Report the pharmacist, write your cities political leaders, keep talking about it. This is what government controlled health care does. Poor quality meds and medical care so that "everyone" except the rich get the exact same same care. Its horrible. I was violently assaulted & given this garbage IP 110 or whatever its suppose to be and I felt no relief from a single body pain, my eyes were literally on fire, crying and vicious mood didnt stop until I flushed that trash. My mom gave me a real pain pill, its yellow norco but I dont remember the imprint. My hopes are that we can all share our stories & fight back. Nothing can be done by just random complaining, but if everyone who has been a victum of this bait & switch comes together we can make them listen. They need to know that we are not "dumb americans" as Obama put it, and we do know whats best for our own bodies. My heart goes out to those of you who have to have these meds to live a quality life.

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I wonder if this cvs was in Haines city Florida because I myself left that CVS because if that very same reason....sad they can do people any kind of way & actually get away with it smh

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Cvs does make the pill yellow pill Norco

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I talked to a CVS pharmacist.She is very rude and judges anyone asking about brand names of any narcotic pain pills. She said they order different generics. She also said they do not stock much. She said the laws are against them and exaggerated a lot.

It is clear that many pharmacists are against pain meds on a personal level.

I quit using CVS but when I did use them, they gave me Activis Norco 10. They were out of stock a few times and then refused my written prescription when it was 29 days since my last one. I moved to Walgreens. They have Activis too but there has always been stock on hand. I think it helps if we get all of our prescriptions filled at the same pharmacy. They do not want to lose our business.

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I just recieved my monthly refills fpr norcos 10/325's but these have a 176 printed on them, are these norcos?? They are white and oblong??

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The brand IP 110 does not work at all for me.Seems like a plain Tynlol.Next month I will be sure to ask for a different brand.I wasted my money.Oh can we ask for a different brand?And this one IP110 makes me itch real bad.

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I looked on line and the Norco 10/325 IP 110 are real. The pharmaceutical company is Amneal and maybe they differ from the other generic you were using. I have had no luck in asking for a different generic. I receive Activis Norco 10/325 every month.

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Jasmine I know that Watson bought out Activis and use the name Activis. Are they oblong, yellow and have a check mark on one side and 3601 on the other? I've been getting these for years and they work great for me. If you find something better please post it.

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Beagle my Activis are white and oblong and they are the same ones most people here are complaining about. My doctor writes generic on my prescription but I am told these are the branded ones.

I cannot judge because I never had the yellow ones. I had Mallencroft from CVS and I am not able to tell any difference.

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Jasmine, I just remembered I use qualitest, which are yellow and have the check mark on them. The only white ones I ever had was a few years back I had Watson white pills and recently M367 which I did not care for. Years ago, the yellow Watson was the best as far as long lasting pain relief. I use CVS also and hope they do not change up generics on me. I wish I could just buy regular Norco, I will ask my pharmacist if I can get those.

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I had a nasty pharmacist at CVS. She got mad because I asked about a different generic and at 29 days she refused a written prescription.


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Watson also makes a white 10/325 norco same shape as the yellow pill but just white. It's the white norco pill that looks like a 800mg of motrin you want to avoid. Those are placebos.

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Yes they are better than the white m367 which are also 10/325 Watson are they best if you can't get the name brand narco.

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Yes they make them in those colors as well but you should look into seeing which maker does the yellow ones. They were the best. I really don't know why they do not but they seem to work the best. The yellow ones work the best. I've tried them all and all the others are s***......need to find out why.

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