Nizagara Information
UpdatedCan anyone give me informations on Nizagara?
need information on mfg. genric?side effects....ect
Need all informations for NIZAGARA and SANAFI about mfg. genric, side effects..etc. Thanks
i just received some tablets that i ordered as viagra...i received tablets packaged under the name nizagra..they look exactly like my prescribed VIAGRA.
j kramer,
do you know which country you got the meds from? Also, does it list the active ingredients in Nizagara? Even if it contains the same active ingredients as in the American med Viagra, it may contain some filler or other substances which are not regulated by the FDA. But that doesn't mean that it's still not a suitable, safe, and cost-effective alternative.
It came from india, I ordered 50 mg but they sent 100mg pills. I do not have the ingredient with me but I can provide them to you later. So should I take these pills?? Any side effects?? Has anyone taken these pills and how they perfermoed afterwards??
mine came from india also I ordered 100-100mg tabs but received 124 tabs..ingred says sildenafil 100mg excipients 0
I just got some pills that I ordered. I had ordered viagra and when it came it was nizagara is that the same thing as viagra.
Well, if it lists Sildenafil as the active ingredient, then that is the same ingredient that Viagra has.
Ultimately you want to use your own discretion when taking these pills. I have heard of people getting foreign substitute meds, and the only down side is that they did not work as well. But if you ordered from a reputable foreign firm then the pills should work (if they in fact have Sildenafil as the ingredient).
Can you post more information for us such as where you ordered them from, and also if the box of pills lists the manufacturer of them?
When posting a web site please post it as [sitename dot com]...
the company the nizarga came from is Canadian pharmacy
If the site you ordered it from is displaying images from independent verification programs, such as PharmacyChecker, Certified Canadian Online Pharmacy, etc. then chances are what you got should be good. In order to maintain active seals like that the site must maintain a minimum set of standards in order to qualify for such programs. Always try to click on any such seals to see if a verification window opens.
Is there a manufacturer name on the box or container?
3 days ago, I received 120 (100 mgs) of Nizagara Tablets which I originally ordered Viagra. Although the packet says Sidenafil Citrate Tablets, underneath it says in bright red NIZAGARA Tablets. Are both Nizagara and Viagra the same. The only two ingredients listed on the packet are Sildenafil Citrate and Titanium Dixoide. However, it does not mention the other 7 ingredients which I read thru goole info. I called the support group in 1-830-299-3221 and asked them where country the product was being shipped. I don't recall exactly, but I think it was somewhere in the Netherlands. Can you enlighten about this product Nizagara, and is it as good as the Viagra that I get thru my pharmacist, and is this Nizagara safe to take and/or as potent as Viagra?
Your question to me Is there a manufacturer name on the box or container?. Unfortunately, I through the package the VIagra come in.
tried the normal dosage last night and had identical results as side affects at all It,s been two days with no problems
I ordered Viagra 50mg tablets from a Canadian pharmacy. Order came end of last week. Post mark is from India and the tablets are NIZAGARA and say Sildenafil Citrate Tablets and they are all 100 mg tablets. I am also concerned.
Just got my order today. I have never taken any kind of erectile supplement but am very curious as to how they work. I am like the other guys here in that I was unfamiliar with the product name. I came to this website to investigate. I think I'll try this out alone first. :)
jkramer, glad to hear you had positive results.
Mark, I am interested to hear yours.
Yea, same thing, ordered Viagra and got Nizagara from India. I want to know if it is safe to take? Nizagara doesn't deem to show up on medical sites? Only ordered 4 tabs so my ingrediants are cut off but the back says Nizagara tablets in bright red and turquoise blue. Should I take this stuff?
Most Recent Replies:
Re: roy (# 10)
they work the following day I think the body needs to rest
Re: thomas (# 60)
I ordered antibiotics from them as well, I also received a 4 pack of Nizagara. I don't remember the manufactured date or exp. date,( I can let you know ). I did used the antibiotics for the onset of a tooth infection and they worked great with no side effect. I am a 46 yr old diabetic and I am tempted to take the Nizagara that came with my order. But I’m worried about what I have been reading. I’m not sure If I should try a half a pill or not.?.
Re: Hunga (# 167)
That's a good idea...never thought about that...Thank you
I took these pills for about a mth.dey sent 5 free with the 10 I ordered.the 5 free pills worked fine with no side effects. But the one I actually paid for made my chest hurt an my heart felt weird.
Pills feel apart and they don't work. Every pill I have gotten from a Canadian company has not worked. Go to fortune health and get your pills from India, they work.
my b/f took one last night and then his stomach starting hurting he had diarrhea not sure what else..was wondering if this is a side effect..was wondering if he should eat when takeing it.
I was sent unsolicited pills which I have not requested with no plan, no how to take, no side effects etc
I am a 74yrs old woman!
Sir you received the wrong ones...i assure you the real ones are shaped like a football and say nizagra on one side and 100 on the other ...they are blue...and they work
One side effect is nasal congestion, I put one 100mg pill in a bottle of small water, let it resolve , this stuff works in 5 minutes, amazing
I use them alot, they are strong. I cut the 100 mg in 4 pieces...I paid 36 cents a pill.
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