Nicotine Forums
Recently active Nicotine forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Nicotine and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I found a large round white tablet with L190 on one side and nothing on the other side. Please identify. ## I cannot find a listing for this in any of my resources, which is probably because most tablets marked with an L followed by additional numbers are over the counter products. Does anyone else know what this is? Is it from the U.S.? ## Sounds like a 4mg Nicotine Lozenge made by Equate - bought at Walmart. They are 5/8 in diameter and about 1/4 in height. Don't eat it! ## Why not? What does it do to your body? ## round white L190 NICOTINE LOZENGE [round white L190]
I smoke came up positive for benzo on a urine test. I do not take anything. I smoke e-cig,that's it. Please help me. I smoke around 2ml a day a 21 on my nicotine level. Will the polypropylene glycol and nicotine show up for a false positive for valium? ? That's what I tested positive for. I do not take valium. Thank You for your help and assistance. ## No, I drip and probably vape 3-5 ml a day at 6mg. Every one of my UA'S for bond supervision can't come back negative. I would try buying from a different vape shop if your concerned about the e-liquid causing positive tests ## I had this same issue. I was doing a 6 week outpatient program two yrs ago. I originally failed for marijuana and benzos, which were from 5 green Valium I had taken. During the entire program, I cont...
I'm finally over the smoking cigarettes I hope LOL. I used the smoking aid, nicotine transdermal system 14mg, then the 7mg and nicotine lozenges 2mg for the cravings. I was surprised that it wasn't hard as I thought it would be. It's been two months smoke-free and counting. Just wanted to share my story with someone who might be thinking about quitting too. I'm feeling so much better breathing and food taste better also. I must admit I'm gaining a few pounds LOL but I'm working out more now as well to offset the increase of my appetite. ## Congratulations on being smoke free! :-) I've used the patch in the past and found it easy, but I also kept busy and walked a lot which really helped me while using the patch. I quit for a few years, but dummy me I started ...
what is a white round white pill marked NL 45? about dime size, maybe thickness of 2 dimes. ## This is a Commit nicotine lozenge that is used to aid in smoking cessation. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dry mouth, oral tingling, and nervousness. Is there anything else I can help with?
this is a 2mg nicotine lozenge ## Actually, an oval, white tablet with the marking L374 on it contains 250mgs of Acetaminophen, 250mg of Aspirin and 65mgs of Caffeine, it is a generic or store brand for Excedrin. Side effects may include nausea, headache, insomnia, irritability and stomach irritation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Sir that's a 374 it talking about...the 734 is a cigarette crave killer...aka nicotine pill
I haven't smoked a cigarette in 3 weeks and I have a blood test for nicotine for my wife's employers Insurance (Aetna) tomorrow. Will I pass it? ## I think after 3 weeks of not smoking you should be fine. I read that on average Cotinine (what is broken down from nicotine and tested for in the body) should reach nonsmoker levels in the blood within about 7-10 days on average, and about 2 weeks for heavy smokers. This is according to and It looks like you may have already had your blood drawn. How did it go?
My Mum 55 years old . Doctor prescribed Unicontin 400 and She is taking for 6 months 0ne tablet at night. Her problem is difficult to travel upstair and hill . Now due to medicine problem is controlled . Is it Necessary to continue Unicontin 400 ? . Iam waiting your Response ## If I take u nicotine 400 mg per day does it increase frequency of urination . I went to 12 times urination in night .please reply ## This medication is most commonly used to treat respiratory issues. The NIH lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, and headache. 12 times? No, that is not a normal side effect. Are you on any other medications?
I am on probation for a minor marijuana incident, was sentenced a month to the day of taking a 10 panel metabolite drug screen for a pre-op. I had marijuana the day before my sentence and was a chronic user for approximately 5yrs prior. I used the 10 panel test to try to save money from having to take another test for probation but tested positive for cannabinoids. My test results did not show any levels so my P.O. is trying to have me take a super expensive confirmation test. I am unable to work, waiting for surgery with no income. A- shouldn't the test I took come back with levels since one of the things screened for was nicotine? B- what prescriptions could cause a higher than normal level of cannabinoids?
UpdatedGood day, I started a dose of urbanol 5mg capsules 5 days ago. I do feel the edge going off, because I was extremely anxious and had bad panic attacks. I feel it does help, although I'm not 100% yet. I have a very sore throat. Could that be a side effect? To add, I am a smoker and have been smoking more. Any advice if its a side effect and does smoking cause anxiety? Thank you. ## Hello, Natasja! How are you feeling? Yes, smoking may cause anxiety due to the nicotine, it acts as a stimulant and any kind of stimulant could do that. As to the sore throat, it is more likely that it's due to the increased smoking, or you may just be ill. The FDA lists the typical side effects of Urbanol/Clobazam as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache and drowsiness. It also carries the ri...
My friend found a half of a white oblong pill in her sons room the only marking is a F on it from the looks of it the half she found is the left side other side of pill is smooth doesnt look like it has a line in middle or anything. How does she identify this? ## Unfortunately, it's going to be difficult, without knowing the complete imprint that was on it. Has she tried just asking her son about it? I'll keep looking and post back, when I have information for you. Does anyone else have any idea of what this might be? ## Thank you for your help i had actually forgotten i had posted here because i hadnt heard anything come to find out she found more in his room they actually were nicotine pills so bad news is he smokes good news hes attempting to quit and isnt on pills.
Tried it all with my 35 year drug habit.Suffered a lot only to benefit drug companies greed.Im on my fourth day of recovery using cold turkey method and i feel more freedom now than i did after months of champix,nasel inhalers,gum and e cigs. There's two reasons for this.. 1 Because i no longer have nicotine in my body 2 Because i re educated myself from non profit making sources that told me the truth about nicotine. Knowledge is the key! Don't take nrt. The only conceivable reason to give an addict the substance he is addicted to would be to keep him hooked whether it be gum patches e ciggie or any type of nicotine. Would you give an alcoholic alcohol to help him recover?? Addicts make for very reliable consumers. Its almost like drug dealers competing for a junkies trade. So lon
UpdatedCurious as to what this pull is. Oval white pill with L734 imprinted. Thanks! ## HI, Becca! How are you? I'm sorry, but I haven't been able to find an identification for this tablet, yet. I know the L followed by 3 additional numbers is used on over the counter products, which likely explains why I've not found it, they aren't required to list those with the FDA. However, I'll keep looking and post back when I have information for you. Does anyone else recognize this tablet? ## it is a 2mg nicotine lozenge from wegmans (store brand).
The large round pill reading NL with 25 labeled directly below, is a Nicotine lozenge made by the brand Nicorette, that is why it has a somewhat pleasant taste. ## Thank you for the identification. However, having tried them, I am not sure anyone could legitimately describe that taste as pleasant! :-) Learn more Nicotine details here. Does anyone have any comments or questions?
found in teens room pill is size of nickel, round, white and has l873 or l878 ## This is a product intended for use in smoking cessation, it is sold under the name Nicorelief and contains 4mgs of Nicotine. Learn more Nicotine details here. They are sold over the counter in many stores. Are there any other questions or comments?
I found a large round white pill with the inscription: PL 2S The PL is on top and the 2S is underneath can someone help me identify it please! Thanks ## I'm sorry, but I can't find any listings for anything matching this description in our U.S. prescription drug resources. Where was it found? ## it's a nicotine lozenge from walgreens
Need to know the name of the pill thats white and oblong with the letter L and #s 424 on it ## I cannot find a listing for this tablet, however, I can tell you that these pills marked with an L followed by additional numbers are over the counter items. They are often sold by various stores as their store brands or generics. Does anyone else know what this is? Did you find it in the U.S.? ## L424 white round pill is Nicotine Lozenge. Was checking on son and asked. Sure enough pulled my bottle of wallgreen Nicotine Lozenge out and it was a match!
White pill with LI90 labeled on it, we are trying to figure out what type of pill this is. It was cut up into little tiny pieces in the pocket of my grandfather's pants. They smelled a little minty but we know that they are not mints. ## The reason it smelled minty is because it's actually a Nicotine lozenge, used for smoking cessation. It is a generic or store brand and that also explains the mint smell, because they are mint flavored. Are there any comments or questions?
Small white tablet NIC imprinted on one side and a number 2 on the other side, can anyone tell me what this is or what it is used for ## This isa 2mg Nicotine lozenge, they are small, because they are meant to be dissolved under the tongue, they are used to help someone quit smoking. Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, elevated blood pressure and heart rate. Read more: Are there any questions or comments?
Large whit round pill, not scored imprinted on front NL underneath 4C ## Located a match to a white round pill with NL above 4C, it's Nicotine Polacrilex 4 mg. To learn more click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.
In 1992 in Talahassee Fl, a Dr prescribed this patch that was new to the market at that tiune. I had smoked for 35 years and it worked very well, the second strength was not yet out after the 30 day full strength was taken! Cannot remember the name but it was a RX not OTC.