New Xanax Breckenridge Pharma Best Xanax Vs Greenstone Xanax (Page 5)


Hey everyone,

I just saw that there is a brand new line of generic xanax alprazolam in .25mg, .5mg, 1mg, and 2mg tablets that are newly approved generics for alprazolam xanax. the 2mg are legit made pharma rectangular bars imprinted b707 and shape is very similar to brand name (greenstone) front side says B 7 0 7 and the back is blank and has a curve up like brand name and greenstone. I am hoping to hear some feedback on these generics. they are dispensed by Breckenridge pharma but manufactured by centaur pharma which I believe is in China. Not sure. They again are Breckenridge Pharma Generic and blue bars with very similar shape to brand name but instead of white are blue. I believe these to be the very first legit pharma made alprazolam xanax bars ever made in blue. I am curious if anyone has tried any of Breckenridge centaur made generic xanax alprazolam and how they would compare it to other generics. I am going to search for the ingredients in it soon and compare them to the other generic ingredients but a new generic xanax bkue bat that is legit pharma has peaked my interest. any feedback would be great. there are very few images of this companies new xanax and alprazolam online but they go as so:

.25mg b 704
.5mg b 705
1mg b 706
2mg b 707 blue bar

any feedback would be great this is our first ever legit blue alprazolam xanax bar new! would love some feedback on these!

506 Replies (26 Pages)

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Re: goozer (# 76) Expand Referenced Message

B 707 Blue Bomers Brackenridge 2mg Bars are great and rite up there with Greenstone. They work Excellent!

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Re: Anthony (# 81) Expand Referenced Message

they have already been nicked name and they are not called blue boomers but i do like that nick name but their nickname jas already been coined months ago. if u had a cjance to pick whatever generic to fill at your pharmacy for your 2mg alprazolam what would you get? greenstone, sandoz, or india made breckenridge b707? so what wpuld u get bar g3722, gg 249? or B 7 0 7? this is my question to anyone who has had botj greenstone and the bew india made and shipped blue breckenridge? greenstone or breckenridge? usa vs india 2mg alprazolam? b 7 0 7 or g3722 greenstone or india breckenridge?

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Re: Sandy (# 79) Expand Referenced Message

no not all. just the big chain ones like activas, greenstone sandoz in some countries, mylan, blue point etc but not all and not as well made as greenstones platform. my question is to all wjat would you pick for your personal fill GREENSTONE (ie USA MADE AND IDENTICAL TO PHIZER BRAND NAME) or BRECKENRIDGE MADE IN INDIA SHIPPED FROM INDIA BY CENTAUR PHARMA. WHAT would you have em fill your rx greenstone lr breckenridge by india centaur pharma?

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Re: Annmarie (# 78) Expand Referenced Message

ya insurance is jacked now days to even having preferred tiers of that it is full bs. im glad and grateful for your input. it still seems to ke that greenstone (ie usa made and identical to phizer beats the new breckenridges by just a little but still better as greenstone is identical to brand name in every way but imorints and shape.

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Re: Martin (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I have the b707s but they look off...really thin, and a bright blue color. Does that sound right to you? Please post a picture of one of yours if u can please.

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Re: goozer (# 83) Expand Referenced Message

I support "Made in USA" !! :-)

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Re: goozer (# 83) Expand Referenced Message

Greenstone drugs aka xanax are made in Puerto Rico. All meds are made in different countries because it cost them less to make and that goes for any drugs xanax etc. They all have headquarters throughout the United states.

It comes down to one thing, how good is it and does it work good? Breckenridge blue b 707 2mg bars that are fairly new and gaining popularity due to feedback from people trying them and they rate them as good as Greenstone.

Bottom line is what works for you? Whatever it is you have the right to request any pharmacy to order a specific brand and that is depending if they carry it or can special order for you.

CVS has Joined with Caremark mail order that we know is the cheapest price for all of is for a 90 day supply. My 90 day supply of 180 bars 2mg. Breckinridge b 707 blues costs me 20$ every 3 momths. They work great for me. Thats my new Insurance company they changed to as of 1-2019. Remember that there's so much s*** out there that you have to try many brands and go with works the best for you.

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Re: Anthony (# 87) Expand Referenced Message

CVS mail order may be OK, but not their stores. I don't think it matters where a drug is made but who makes it.

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Re: Martin (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

In reference to your post in 2018; as it's now a new year. Happy new year. Back to the subject at hand. I get the same qty as you and have been on them just as long or longer [no contest here] just saying- and I think that the b707 are too hyped and I myself have a rx of them. No thank you. I'd rather have my french fries back or my single G 3721 whites [greenstone].

I compare these with the newer line up of aurobindo pharmaceuticals Y/21 white 2mg bars as they both feel the same. Maybe they are as good as the r039 french fries but that's an overstatement lol.

People see blue 2mg and are like "omg these are so clean." Sure they look nice but you might as well scream "take my money." To breckinridge for making a cool looking generic. I'm not going to lie they do look mighty fine. What you stated above made me chuckle because it's your mind hyping you up :] Don't take offense, it's just obvious. Cheers.

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Re: dandizzle (# 89) Expand Referenced Message

I have no idea what some of you are saying - I assume you're using slang & are so familiar with these drugs, you refer to their imprint. However, the Aurobindo 1 mg Alprazolam is poison.

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Re: Sandy (# 90) Expand Referenced Message

After almost passing away 9 years ago (3/28/2010) on Alprazolam I wanted it known that all forms of this drug, whatever shape, color, or maker it comes in are poison!

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Re: EDDY (# 91) Expand Referenced Message

If a person abuses any drug or doesn't take it properly, it's dangerous. But this mfg puts garbage filler in more than one of their drugs.

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Re: EDDY (# 91) Expand Referenced Message

Not fair. I could have passed away on this medication many times because I had the medication available to me. Taking your life on any medication is on you, not the medication. There are tons of meds available if that's the route someone wants to take. Don't blame alprazolam.

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Re: Annmarie (# 93) Expand Referenced Message

Was Eddy talking about committing suicide??

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Re: Sandy (# 94) Expand Referenced Message

Sounded that way. But I forgot about his reputation... ;-)

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Re: Annmarie (# 93) Expand Referenced Message

The Drug almost killed me when I discontinued it. I was hospitalized for a week and I was placed back on it. Now I'm just sick as all of you again, and have lots of Xanax. I take as little as possible, you should too!

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Re: EDDY (# 96) Expand Referenced Message

Why would you discontinue a drug without a doctor's care as I assume you did? If you think it's poison, why are you still taking it? As I said, if a person abuses a drug, doesn't take it the way the RX says & doesn't talk to their doctor, bad things can happen with any drug.

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Re: Sandy (# 97) Expand Referenced Message

I didn't, used all my Xanax & switched to Lorazepam, couldn't stand it so I just said NO to Benzos. Unfortunately the body & brain overruled my decision.

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Re: EDDY (# 98) Expand Referenced Message

It sounds like you did exactly as I said - you discontinued use of a drug & not under a doctor's care.

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Re: Sandy (# 99) Expand Referenced Message

I had been under Doctor's care. I had a huge supply of medicine left and the Doctor moved away

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