New Xanax Breckenridge Pharma Best Xanax Vs Greenstone Xanax (Page 4)


Hey everyone,

I just saw that there is a brand new line of generic xanax alprazolam in .25mg, .5mg, 1mg, and 2mg tablets that are newly approved generics for alprazolam xanax. the 2mg are legit made pharma rectangular bars imprinted b707 and shape is very similar to brand name (greenstone) front side says B 7 0 7 and the back is blank and has a curve up like brand name and greenstone. I am hoping to hear some feedback on these generics. they are dispensed by Breckenridge pharma but manufactured by centaur pharma which I believe is in China. Not sure. They again are Breckenridge Pharma Generic and blue bars with very similar shape to brand name but instead of white are blue. I believe these to be the very first legit pharma made alprazolam xanax bars ever made in blue. I am curious if anyone has tried any of Breckenridge centaur made generic xanax alprazolam and how they would compare it to other generics. I am going to search for the ingredients in it soon and compare them to the other generic ingredients but a new generic xanax bkue bat that is legit pharma has peaked my interest. any feedback would be great. there are very few images of this companies new xanax and alprazolam online but they go as so:

.25mg b 704
.5mg b 705
1mg b 706
2mg b 707 blue bar

any feedback would be great this is our first ever legit blue alprazolam xanax bar new! would love some feedback on these!

506 Replies (26 Pages)

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Re: Annmarie (# 57) Expand Referenced Message

Oh Greenstone is "Authorized" and the other marketers of Alprazolam are "Unauthorized"?. You should try and cut back on the amount of medicine you are taking, making you insane in the Brain.

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Re: EDDY (# 61) Expand Referenced Message

OK, you probably don't know how to search the internet, so I will make it easy for you. From Dailymed/NIH (PDF) (that's a government agent, you probably don't know that) -- I tried to make it all pretty for you and so, so simple to read, but Snips are not allowed in this venue, so here you go in just plain black & white:


Marketing Category:
NDA AUTHORIZED GENERIC (Hello!! NDA means it was the generic was filed using the original NDA/New Drug Application WHICH MEANS it was simple to file as the generic has the same exact ingredients and more than likely manufactured alongside the Brand drug)

Application Number or Monograph Citation:

Marketing Start Date:

Marketing End Date

Got it?

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Re: Annmarie (# 62) Expand Referenced Message

Ann, you are getting fixated on brands and fillers. All these brands are FDA approved and yes some work better than others. Xanax is a very dangerous medication and use with that in mind, or what's left of it!

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Re: EDDY (# 63) Expand Referenced Message

You think and believe whatever you want to believe. You just are not worth my time and energy. Good luck to you. Conversation ended. (Well, you can keep spewing whatever; I'm done trying to ... communicate? ... with you.)

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Re: Annmarie (# 64) Expand Referenced Message

No don't go, I wasn't sure of the question. Your material showed me about 1981 when Xanax was approved in the U.S. A bottle cost $100+. Now a bottle costs me 82 cents but what was your point as Brekenridge just started a few months ago and seems to be liked a couple here. That's great but don't let Alprazolam get a hold on you, at first you will blame it on a filler or a brand that seems weak but it's the danger of Benzos, any of them! I'll miss you

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Re: EDDY (# 65) Expand Referenced Message

XANAX still costs a lot of money. If a person is taking the brand and not the generic, someone somewhere (insurance companies) is paying a bucket load of money for it.

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Re: Sandy (# 66) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Sandy, not sure if you are referring to me re: Brand, but I am not taking "Brand." I am taking a generic manufactured by Pfizer that is 100% the same as the Brand, Xanax. Because of the way it/the generic was submitted to the FDA (under Pfizer's original NDA for Xanax) and given approval for the generic, it is exactly the same as Brand. Trust me, no one is paying a lot of money to cover my generic medication. It's just a matter of getting the same as brand for probably 10% or less of the cost of Xanax.

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Re: Annmarie (# 67) Expand Referenced Message

I was talking to Eddy because he made a comment about how expensive the brand was when it came out many years ago & I said it's still very expensive. I take the generic made by Greenstone which is the brand I think you're talking about.

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Re: Sandy (# 68) Expand Referenced Message

Yep, that's the generic I take, Greenstone. Hope you are doing well on it.

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Re: goozer (# 36) Expand Referenced Message

It is 10 mg max for a human. I was on on 2mg 4x per day for years. Now down to 6mg and moving to the ER soon supplemented with some IR for the extreme panic attacks. The ER is safer, less mid dose withdrawals and longer Half life so level remains in system fo longer. Easier to taper on the ER.
Just got Breckinridge for first time; not sure yet. Seem to work as well as the DaVa at least, takes a couple days to adjust but no major difference noticed so far (took about 45 mins ago).

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Re: TrustNo1 (# 70) Expand Referenced Message

Is Dava still on the market? They were bought by Endo. I'm working on some Dava Bars now, from 2012!

Alprazolam - NDC Database 371 records found

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Re: Jfame (# 22) Expand Referenced Message

Couple months late reply but my CVS has the new(er) Breckenridge generics here in New York. I have been using that brand for the past few months with the prescriptions I have had. I have tried most other generics at some point, and I would say Breckenridge compares pretty well, even on my relatively high dosage. Works fast and seems pretty potent. Not the best generic I've had, but a solid choice.

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Re: EDDY (# 71) Expand Referenced Message

Davas are now purchased wholesale by Par pharma. You want the Dava bars, you will need to request Par 2mg alprazolam from your pharmacy. The green tablets s 9 0 3 will be under Par wholesale. Hope this helps eddy

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Re: EDDY (# 71) Expand Referenced Message

dava is now under par eddy hope this helps they r still out there mamy pharmacys here have them under par

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Re: TrustNo1 (# 70) Expand Referenced Message

ya im on 2mg 2.5 times a day and the 3mg xr by greenstone which equals 8mg in a day total

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Re: Anthony (# 60) Expand Referenced Message

b 7 0 7 is made in india. You really think they are better than greenstone brand name which is same as pfizer brand in ingredients? really?

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Re: Annmarie (# 59) Expand Referenced Message

Is the Breckenridge better than Greenstone? I see you have had both?

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Re: goozer (# 77) Expand Referenced Message

Yep, I have had Greenstone 0.5mg and, just recently from CVS, Breckenridge 0.5mg. The Breckenridge was good, but I am still partial to the Greenstone. It seems to work a little faster and work a little longer than the Breckenridge. I was shocked (or embarrassed...) when I contacted Greenstone's Locator Service to try and find the Greenstone alprazolam without having to wait for my mail order to get it for me, and the Greenstone Locator Service made some calls and then informed me that the RiteAid 5 minutes from my home had it. LOL doh... RiteAid is not a "preferred pharmacy" with my insurance, so I hadn't checked with them recently. Even as a non-preferred pharmacy though, it only cost me a couple of dollars more to go with RiteAid instead of CVS, which is a preferred pharmacy.

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Re: Annmarie (# 78) Expand Referenced Message

Greenstone has a 'locator service'? Do all pharmaceutical companies have that?

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Re: Sandy (# 79) Expand Referenced Message

Yep, Greenstone has a Locator Service, and it sure worked well for me! They have an app (Greenstone Locator by Pfizer Inc) you can download to find local pharmacies or you can call their Locator Service directly at 1-888-222-8588 (see website: I called instead of using the app. They were closing soon, so they took my information down and said they would do some research the following morning. They called by around 9:00am the next day with the RiteAid pharmacy 5 minutes from my home. They actually called RiteAid to be sure they had the medication and the quantity I need. I was very impressed!! Not sure if any other pharma companies have locator services, but I'm pretty sure I've noticed it at some other pharma websites.

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