New White Watson 853 10/325 Problem - What Is Going On!? (Page 15) (Top voted first)


Hello all,

I am a longtime chronic pain sufferer. I have taken opiates for pain for over 10 years. I recently got a prescription filled (from a well known pharmacy chain in the U.S.) and I was given these new Watson 853 white (not yellow) hydro 10/325 pills. I wanted to ask the forum here if any of you have had the same experience with them as I have. I know there are some very smart people with advanced chemistry knowledge here that may have delved deeper into whats going on with these things. They are ineffective for me. I've taken hydrocodone 10/325 for 10+ years and have never ever had a problem with pills being ineffective but that is the case with these pills. I've had about every brand you can think of and never an issue. Ever. I thought nothing of the color change when I got the pills home from the pharmacy... I've had the yellow Watson 853's before and figured they just changed the coloring. I've seen people complain before about differences in brands before, but I've never experienced anything like that.... Mallies, Watson, Qualitst... all the same to me. I didn't start looking around for answers until I noticed these pills were not working well at all. Something is 100% wrong.

Based on some initial research I do see that they have taken the yellow dye out but there are other reports from people with the same issues as I see. Obviously you just don't know how reputable some of these reports are... I've seen posts talk about pharmacists telling the patient that the pills now are structured to release hydrocodone slower (even though its an IR pill... what?)... that Actavis/Watson employees have claimed there could be "kinetic imbalances" in their formulation when upset customers have called them... etc.

The only truth I know is that there is something amiss with these things. Any response would be appreciated from you guys.... experiences/info/links to other similar reports, etc. This is the most frustrating thing I have ever run into and it just doesn't make much sense to me at the moment with whats going on....and the implications this could have if these pills have been truly altered by the manufacturer in some way.

I know it doesn't mean much to just say it on an internet forum, but I'm not the type to cry wolf over something like this. I realize it could be a bad batch I've received, but it looks initially like the problem is more widespread.

TIA for any responses to this thread! I came here because I believe this site has people that have the intelligence/knowledge to get to the bottom of it. Again, any info at all in relation to this would be appreciated greatly.

381 Replies (20 Pages)

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I just got my Watson 10-325 and have had to take 3 , I only take 1 of the yellow ones and I am good to go, I called walgreens and they told me they were the same just take 2, I don't like how they make me fell at all,going back to CVS for my yellow ones.

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jaydee , have you talked to your dr about Percocet 7.5/325 ? It is about the same strength as hydrocodone 10/325 acetaminophen. It is very dangerous to take more than 3,000 mg Tylenol (Acetminophen) in a 24 hour period. You won't feel sick right away because it takes time for the tylenol build up in your system and effect your organs, and by then it is too late.

It is common for there to be a shortage of Schedule II drugs arounf the first of the year. You need to call the pharmacys agaon and see if they have gotten any orders in ? Also call independent stores.

100 mg Morphine is strong. One of the most common side effects of Morphine is it making you sleepy, putting you to sleep and it making you very tired. The higher the mg the worse these side effects are. It is bet to start someone out on a lower dose of Morphine to see what side effects they have and how severe they are. It is also best to take your first few doses of Morphine when you don't have anything that you have to do. Do Not Drive until you have taken a few doses of Morphine, no matter the mg, to see how it affects you.

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Dude if you take a 10mg it's on going to release the 10mg.these pill are designed to just released the mgs.let's say you take 3 pills of 10mg it won't add to be 30 mgs it will still be just 10mg that's release extended relief that's how they designed them.

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shawn, if you take 3 10 mg extended release meds, you will receive a total of 30 mg. They are released slowly, but the total from each pill is the same. When I said that Morphine is strong, I wasn't just talking about the 100 mg, I was also talking about Morphine itself. Different people react differently to meds and what knocks one person out may or may not knock the next person out. But, you certainly don't want to be behind the wheel of a car when you realize that it is going to knock you out.

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I know this is late on reply.. I just received this message.. The white had gelatin and gluten fillers that have been removed. . They are also allowed a 2% variable in the hydrocodone. . White are basically a 7.5 and yellow can be as much as 12.. this was part of the reason for the reclassification that happened with narcotic pain meds.. I did not just pull this out of the air.. I asked a couple dr's off the record and I work in elderly retirement homes.. the only part that stays the same is the Tylenol percent. .

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Ok I just had ankle surgery and I've been getting the yellow ones,this time they gave me the white. That's why I'm here right now I'm looking them up and I've read all your post.these better work or I'm taking them back and tell them I only want the yellow . that's a shame if that's what their doing to us.

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I'm sure everyone is aware by now that it was announced last week another crackdown on doctors who prescribe narcotics,the only exception is for cancer patients.

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Yes for cancer patients and only 3 days after any surgical procedure.. guess I won't be having my knee replacement.

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I noticed too that the white watson hydrocodone dont work at all. walgreens in independence mo still has the yellow

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What manufacturer did you get? Thank you! I am at the doctors office right now. Happy April Fool's Day! (But this is no joke, I really am sitting in the doctors office)

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Update: I went to a smaller pharmacy, but they only had the Watson 853. I asked the pharmacist if I could special order a different manufacturer next time and she told me I could try but she couldn't guarantee delivery. She was nice enough but seemed clueless as to any variation or degradation in the Watson meds. I can't remember what she kept repeating exactly, but it was something to do with the percentage of active ingredient having to be exactly "such & such percent" (seems to me she said 21%, but that can't be right, can it?) which is regulated by ?? (The pharmacist said some initials of an agency, but I can't remember!Argh! All I can think of is BL, which I am sure is because that person is on this thread).

Anyway, bottom line is, I have to report that after being without Norco for a week prior to my doctor appointment today, I feel much better than I did yesterday. We'll see how I feel after continuous use. I'll maybe check in after a week or so.
Oh, I almost forgot, I asked my doctor to increase the amount I get and he did. But when I went to fill it the pharmacist said I have to have pre-authorization for the change! Hahahahaha!
I went back to the doctors office and told them what the pharmacist said and they said they would submit the pre-authorization today and I should hear from them by Monday or Tuesday.
Well, I've dealt with this kind of thing before and they never respond that fast. So I ended up getting the same amount because I could not even fathom waiting any longer for relief. Come the last week of the month I'll probably be sorry....

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I have pink 7.5 325 hydro from mom n pop they usually don't work these do??? Crazy .

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If you start a mail campaign with senator or representative let me know and I will follow up. There has to be an advocate somewhere that will help.

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Well, unfortunately I don't have good news regarding these last pills I got. They make me very sleepy and do not work well at all. But, they are better than nothing. We are expecting rain tomorrow and I feel it coming. I don't know if I should ask my doctor for something stronger or not. This batch of Norco are the worst yet. They never made me sleepy before. They gave me energy and I got things done! This latest prescription barely touches the pain and soon after taking them I am taking a nap.
BL: is there anything a little stronger that I could consider that you know of?

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How do you think a letter to Senators, Councilman should be worded? Specifically, I'd like to know who regulates and controls narcotics, as far as the amount of narcotic put in tylenol, etc whether it's the DEA, FDA. Thanks.

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I understand that the DEA is also responsible for how many prescription narcotics are prescribed by a physician:as in if he is writing too many scripts and pharmacies filling too many narcotics

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I completely agree with you. I think they do not work well at all! Not sure what they are doing differently but it's significant. I did come across an article about the acceptable level of active and inactive ingredients in narcotic medication (this ma be true for all meds but I can't speak to those). Apparently the FDA allows for a fairly significant margin for the levels of the actual narcotic and the inactive ingredients. I wonder if this is what's going on with the white tablets. I'm sure this would be cost productive for them if they did it in every batch. They charge the same but use less of the most important ingredient.

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Amen marie. Sick of it myself. Every bone in my upper body was crushed by semi into loading dock. We all need to start litigation against watson, f.d.a.!!! Pharmacists and drs to if need be. Ritieous asses. Lazy i****s sit and stand all day. Make them get a real dam job. real work. Like carpet installing for 35 years after crushed. Fortunately i got ways to get what i need. just cost me. Rt now my shoulders, upper half back, lower back torn discs, and left arm feel like a fire raging through body. Three dam garbage watson 853 and no relief!! One yellow norco its bearable. The drs, dea, pharmacists, and f.d.a. u know nothing!!

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You can get another.brand,my big chain pharmacy orders a few different brands.maybe check another pharmacy

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I agree with u totally, I have
Been taking these for almost 20 years and I have always loved the yellows. It sucks today. . Being someone whose been prescribed opiates for over half their life.

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