New To Methadone, Need Help, Please!
UpdatedMy new PM doc pushed methadone 10mg x 3 daily on me after being on oxy 20 mgms 2 yrs for back issues. Im having problems, every bone in my body is killing me!! its terrible, the only relief i get is taking the percocet for break thru pain. I have an appt tomorrow again. Also, i now have extremely high blood pressure, could this be causing it?. He pushes ONLY methadone, i cant understand why... he swears its the best pain reliever around yet, im not doing too great on it. any ideas why? I almost feel like im in withdraws from the oxycontin i had taken... any help is much appreciated.. :)
15 Replies
Your Methadone needs to be a higher dosage. If you have Percocet for breakthrough you should have at least a 40mg dose of Methadone once each day. In my humble opinion.
ask ur docotor to switch you to suboxone. its better than methaodone, and help alot more with pain, i was taking 100mg of oxy a day, n suboxone helps with everything, pain, takes ythe thought of opiates away, makes u feel normal,
I have been on methadone for 2 years now. You are feeling so bad because he does not have you at a comfortable level of methadone. If u were addicted to the painpills and built up a tolerance then the 2omg of methadone will do you no good... The MD fills in trying to take the place of the pain pill and it is not enough to fill it up. It is a OPIATE BLOCKER. The Suboxone I have heard alot of GREAT things about you will be able to come off the SUBOXONE Soon the MD you will struggle to walk away from. If I were u if you are really wanting the meds for pain and don't care if it is ever walked away from then try getting your MD level increased. I was taking like 20-40 percocets a day and a friend was doing 5 or more 8o oxycontin a day and she is on 220 mg of MD much higher than me but I took more narcotics a day than she did. Everyone will have different reactions to the MD but if your entire body hurts then all the MD is doing is knocking off the sickness you would have. Go tell them all these symptoms asap because it will not get better for a while and the pain pills are no good for your body at all. Good Luck at trying to get comfortable. I know because I broke my back in a motorcycle accident and I know I would be facing pain everyday for the rest of my life had I not started the MD clinic 2 yrs ago...
There is also a possibility that the Methadone itself could be causing the pain to worsen. Some narcotics do this to some people, so it may just not be the right medication for you, no matter how much your doctor prefers it.
Some narcotics can actually worsen certain types of bone and joint pain, because they can cause inflammation in the affected areas.
If this doctor won't help, you may have to try going to see a new doctor.
There are many choices on the market for pain relief and you can learn what they are here:
Are there any questions or comments?
i am prescribed from a new pain Dr.10mg methadone 3times day and 30mg roxys 1every 6 to 8hrs she changed what was working fine for me,morohine 90mg 3times and roxys 1 every 4hrs or as needed.i dont like the MD they do nothing for me i told her this she didnt want to hear i'v stopped [on my own]MD and take oxycodone as i need but without the morphine it takes 10 to 14 oxycodone tabs to get my pain down to about 4 i have stage 4 head and neck cancer i'v done chemo ,radiation and many surgerys it's my.time to try and heal without so much dam i try to talk to her one more time or hunt for a PM Dr.that will listen??
If you are only on 20mg of methadone, you REALLY need to talk to your doc bout upping your dose cause if your body is hurting like that then it means your dose hasn't stables out, and it's gonna feel worse than the withdrawals from oxycontin...that was my drug of choice, but I was taking.160mg or more a day, and had been on pain pills for a lil over 10 years till I started on the methadone.... Anyways, when you start twitching, or your bones and joints start hurting you REALLY need to talk to your doc bout upping your dose...I've been taking methadone for months, and I go up on my dose bout every 2weeks....they'll only up you 5mg, but honestly they were supposed to start you st 30mg...
i am a disabled man on medicaid that has degenerative joint problems and fybromylgia. i've benn taking methadone 40mg twice a day for over 2 years now and my dr retired last month. i'm now having a problem finding a dr not only to perscribe this drug, but also acceptence of my medical card. i live in the northern surburbs of illinois and would appreciate any help with a solution.thanks john.....
so true!!! gets into your bones and everything, and is harder to come off of than any other opiate...even Methadone is easier to come off of as long as you wean down slowly!! I was on suboxone for 8 yrs and had to switch to methadone after they just stopped working basically. Methadone worked way better at killing the cravings and just making me feel better overall. wish I would have started with that in the first place!!!
Many people believe that methadone and Suboxone get into their bones, making detox next to impossible. But that isn't true. These drugs get into every cell of the body and are able to pass the blood/brain barrier. Both are very-long-acting narcotics.
I have chronic pain and have been at the clinic (2 years now, for addiction to opiates). My dose was 82mg per day. I've gotten it down to 49mg. I get 6 take-homes per week (blessedly) and have started splitting the dose to achieve better pain control. It works.
I fear coming off completely. What would I do then for pain?
Someone walking in the door of a methadone clinic desiring treatment cannot state that they need methadone for pain. Legally, the only reason anyone can get methadone from a clinic is for ADDICTION. If you need a clinic, don't tell them it's for pain. And, clinics have stringent rules. If you can follow them, you're golden.
Sounds like thats whats happening. Maybe you are withdrawing from the oxy. Your doctor is giving you methadone because it's the cheapest pain pill on the market is he giving you the short-term dolphine or the big long acting wafer? Just curious.
Re: Michael (# 10)
Hey I thought there was a short acting methadone pill that's white it looks like an aspirin and it's called dolphin?
Re: johnny m (# 7)
Go to a methodone clinic and I think you have to lie and say that you're on opiates in order to get methadone.
Re: BUDDY (# 5)
Hey do both!! Go find another Dr. AND ask the Dr. Who you see now!! Good Luck.
Re: Kiki (# 6)
Please don’t give such bad info. This person is going to a pain dr.- not a methadone clinic for opioid addiction or the methadone clinic for pain management. This is two different things- For opioid treatment in most cases they start you at 30 mg. You said they’re supposed to start you off at 30 mg so this has nothing to do with this person. Thank you.
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