New Jersey 2017 Prescription Laws
UpdatedI have situational anxiety, my pcp prescribes me 0.5 alprazolam. She normally writes a prescription which states to take 1 tablet orally 1 x a day. Heres the thing i take them as needed, which is not nearly as much as i am prescribed! it is now 5-5-17 ive had the same prescription since 3-17-17 and still a few left. My pcp is telling me she can longer continue my prescription due to new laws. But ive searched and cant find anything of the new laws pretaining to alprazolam. Can anyone tell me of the new laws
3 Replies
There are new 2017 regulations on Opioids in your State, nothing I found about Xanax. You might want to look for another provider
The main issue has nothing to do with laws, but the fact that certain directives from the DEA have caused doctors to be afraid of prescribing such medications. They have to account for every prescription they write, why they wrote it, and etc. If the DEA decides their decision was questionable, they face the potential of losing their license to practice medicine, jail time, and very steep fines.
The FDA warns that this medication also carries the risk of being habit forming. The typical side effects are listed as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, and irritability.
Thus, I have to agree with Eddy, you may be better served to find a new doctor, because I also didn't find a record of any law changes.
Does anyone else know anything about this?
The 2017 Opioid prescribing law in New Jersey is about to wreak havoc on my life in a huge way. I have a number of chronic health issues that I have been being treated by my Physician/s since early adulthood. These conditions were treated by New Jersey Dr's since I had been living in NJ most of my life. Eventually, I suffered a stroke, which ended my career and combined with the effects of the stroke and my other medical conditions, I had become disabled and was approved for SSDI by the State of NJ. The better part of Ten years ago, after losing someone very near and dear to me some years earlier, I met someone and long story short, I ended up moving to Kansas. While there my medical care continued uninterrupted which was both a relief and a comfort. As far as the relationship, for whatever reasons, it did not work, which brings me to the here and now. I have arrived in New Jersey (which, incidentally, is when I discovered the relationship was over), it's December 2017 and I'm Sixty years old now.I'm have been taking a long list of medications regularly for years while receiving regular medication reviews. One of these medications happens to be Morphine Sulfate 60mg ER 1 tab twice per day. Since as you may know, a Thirty Day supply is the maximum that can be dispensed in Kansas (as well as, I believe all the states). So a number of days have gone by and I notice more than half the dispensed number of tablets have been taken and it's time to start thinking about asking my Dr. to phone in an electronic refill which they can do in Kansas, however, I'm not in Kansas, I'm in NJ and I'm now apparently here permanently. Since my Dr. is still my Dr until I can get in to see a new Dr, she can refill any of my medications I need for now through my Pharmacy except, you guessed it, the one I need most and now I'm getting concerned and try to explain my situation, that I am under the care of a Physician and have been for years; the Physicians and other resources I called in NJ simply don't want to hear about it and want no part of it. Now I'm getting really nervous and my anxiety levels are increasing significantly. I'm thinking, surely there's a solution to this weird dilemma I'm now finding myself in so I reach out to Medicare, explain the situation and get another list of possible resources. As I called each Dr's office on the list, before I could even finish speaking, I'm told No!, we do not write "any" scripts, none! I was in a state of disbelief, I even said to when, "the Dr's are afraid of the new law, aren't they" and I received my confirmation came in the answer, "yes, they are absolutely terrified". Now I begin to understand a couple of things; 1, This new Opioid prescribing law was, from what I understand, was designed to stem the flow of what was being reported in the media as an epidemic of opioid-related overdoses, 2, after reviewing the law itself, it appears it was created from political pressure, 3, the motives of those who drafted the law as well as their qualifications are questionable at best, and most importantly to me personaly 4, there is no way in God's green earth I'm going to get my pain medication or even for that matter any care at all, at least anytime in the near future without having to tie up a number of Nurses and at least one Dr's time in an Emergency Room where to top it off I would get a bill which on a small fixed income I cannot afford. In the end, I've come to the conclusion that this law does nevertheless, have real potential, unfortunately not so much for what it was haphazardly put together for, but instead, what it does is to remove the autonomy from Physicians and ties their hands, it makes Physicians who have studied for years to have the ability to make these kinds of decisions and makes them "terrified" to freely practice their profession and amoungst other awful things it makes people who it has taken years to finally find the right combination of pharmacologicals that gives them some relief and some sence of normalicy and throws it all in the trash can so they have to suffer through the whole process over again only this time with much less a chance of ever reaching the relief they have achieved. The future is dark, especially in NJ, where this new law is "the toughest in the nation." Until and if the insanity of laws like this is ever stopped, I, and many like me, will pay a huge and unbearable price from unbearable pain which has been treated for centuries by one of the oldest medications and most stable medications known to man but will no longer be. I personally am afraid, no I'm terrified of what lay ahead for me and the awful pain that will return with a vengeance. I've tried to work with the system, a system that no longer works. For now, I'm writing letters asking for help to the unintended effect of this law, and I'll keep searching for a solution that may or may not come, at least until I run out of my remaining prescription that I originally received years ago, in New Jersey.
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