New Generic 30 Mg Adderall Xr (all Orange W/ R 3061 On Them) Not As Effective (Page 9)


please share your experience with this never seen before, less effective drug that two different pharmacy's have given to me in last two months. they make me fall asleep!

197 Replies (10 Pages)

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This pill made me so sick I thought I was loosing my mind. Severe headaches, total brain fog, and no energy. It was awful! I feel so bad for young kids that might have this experience on generic and not know what is going on.

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The Actavis Elizabeth generic R 3061 Adderall needs to be investigated. I’m convinced this company is a fraud. At the very least, this product specifically IS NOT ADDERALL XR.

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

You are incorrect sir. There are major differences in the Actavis Elizabeth brand of Adderall.

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I've been taking Adderall XR 30mg. two capsules a day made by SANDOZ. It has always worked for me until a week ago when pharmacy dispatched me the medication but this time made by IMPAX GENERICS that I call (IMPAX VENOMS). Very weak energizing effect that lasts for approximately 3-4 hours, then I got the crash along with racing thoughts, extreme anxiety, tremors, negative emotions, etc.

If you go and pick up your medications, before leaving pharmacy, check the manufacturer and if you get to read IMPAX, return them and ask them to give you another brand. This IMPAX Adderall XR is worse than Hell!

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Re: shaun (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

This chemical composition is unpredictable. I'm not abusing the Adderall xr. I enjoy the down ride. In my opinion, this Actavis pharma doesn't qualify as a generic adderall xr. I actually got this brand because I tried to fill my script early. Then had my awesome doctor call and tell the pharmacist it was ok to fill before the written date (23rd). So the pharmacist either purposely gave me this brand instead of legitimate teva. Most likely because I looked like a drug seeker. I was cool, maybe that's all they had in 30mgs. This s*** is unpredictable - all peak and crash like some illicit drug.

It is dangerous when you're expecting a familiar reaction and have a mission or some work to do. I just planned to exercise and chill. I had a bad experience to say the least. I started to chase the peak. In 25 hours I ingested 270 mgs. If I'd done this with 25 mgs of legitimate generic Adderall xr I'd probably be dead. My point is, I don't ever do that with the quality amphetamine. This stuff in some sense is maybe safer, though I've had bad times taking better brands and I had energy for days. Just good time playing games or better exercising. My face is swollen and hurts to the touch like a sunburn. I'm could be allergic to so called inactive ingredients. Most likely it's dirty and got a counter measure chemical to punish abusers.

I get it though I'm 80% moderation. It's far better that way. I'm actually not opposed to amphetamines or benzos being less controlled or legal in a minor capacity. I'm not qualified enough to be certain that such substances should be more easily obtainable and significantly decriminalized. Very intelligent people are well payed to determine if the risk/benefit factors are balanced enough. LOL. To the benefit side I assume.

Be careful with any Adderall Xr , this amphetamine for myself is way more dangerous. I'm f****d for a month if I can't get my doctor to rewrite though that's unlikely. My insurance is the main issue. I'll probably pay anyhow or buy a couple at a time if they do that with narcotics. S***, now I have what I think is somewhat relevant here. Just wanted to share my little skirmish with this specific generic adderall xr. On a positive note I've learned a bit about what can qualify as generic, what I thought meant indistinguishably identical to the name brand at least to a 90% something standard. I've read about wellbutrin and other generics not meeting a standard though I think this one might be for now just cheap dirty f*** you junkie s***. I wouldn't doubt if in certain cities and very low-income communities this stuff and others alike are your only choice?

This R3061 Actavis could be the most beneficial alternative. For financial or sadly it's higher quality among the vast array of options. Or limited. I have little knowledge on how many generic ADHD MEDS/Amphetamines are out there on the shelf behind the counter LOL. God bless, we all get what we need to function more efficiently to maintain comfortable sanity. With lots of healthy safe excitement. That promotes longevity, life survival I guess. I'm just having a nice time coming off THIS less effective alternative.

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Re: shaun (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Are they the R 3061 because thouse don’t work as the ones you are talking about

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Re: Jackie (# 159) Expand Referenced Message

You have to take a break. 1-2 weeks.

The laziness happens from too big of a dose - I took a 3 week break and it was well worth it. Get that tolerance down.

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Re: Markus (# 165) Expand Referenced Message

"I'm not abusing my medication". Also, "I took 270mg in a day". Junkies like this are why doctors are cautious when prescribing Adderall.

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Re: Jessica (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

I know this is an old thread, but for anyone who happens to stroll through here at some point just as I have- this is a very interesting & objective topic that deserves attention & clearly remains relevant. There are an infinite number of controversial factors surrounding Adderall itself, Generic vs Name Brand & so forth. I tend to agree with those of you who claim to have a less effective experience with generic adderall, as well as certain generics being worse than others. I had absolutely no idea it was possible, or even that they were different in any chemical, pharmaceutical, medicinal fashion. My point with that is this: It wasn't "All in My Head" since I was completely unaware that there was any potential of that scenario prior. It wasn't until I began to wonder why it wasn't working sometimes (after receiving generic), and why it did (after receiving name brand adderall), other times that I finally decided to do a bit of research & find out what, if anything, could cause such a noticable difference. At that time I still believed "it's all adderall," the same medication, aside from appearance. ie: Daisy Paper Plates vs Generic, or Store Brand- they're all "paper plates." Yep, same "thing" or general idea, serves the same purpose, however- now we've started to realize that the name brand really is superior, it's more durable, or effective if you will.

Sure enough, there's a wildly common misconception that most of us are probably compelled to believe thanks to our unassuming human nature & we're naive enough to wrongly assume that "our doctors or pharmacists would never lead us astray" therefore we wholeheartedly believed them when they quickly dismissed any questions or doubts between "a labeled adderall and a no named adderall" regardless of the fact that they're comfortable blatantly lying to their patients while assuring us "they're all the same ingredients, or medications, one happens to be the brand name, and one's generic therefore the only difference is the name." That was good enough for me -(until it wasn't, and it didn't work anymore). Another aspect I just noticed is the vast differences in each of their formulas, or recipes, I guess. If you'll go back & reflect you can see there are drastically more inactive ingredients in the generic version of adderall. But why? If you're poor, or you choose to save money because someone you trusted lied to you & promised "they're the same thing" you deserve to be forced, blindly into ingesting several other (unnecessary) ingredients than someone who can, and/or decides to go with the more expensive, named brand label? If that's not a hundred ways to discriminate, thin out the herds, and falsely advertise a prescription medication- what the hell is? That's absurd, shameful, and quite frankly it's UnFackingAmerican.

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I have really bad results with generic adderall made by Aurobindo. They don’t work. I used to date a doctor who told me generics can vary in potency by 15% more or less, each batch. They are fine unless they are more than 15% stronger or weaker than the real medication. Do you go to Rite Aid? I don’t know who they order from, but a lot of their meds feel fake. I drive to another city to use Walgreens.

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Re: Mag (# 170) Expand Referenced Message

Hi there and welcome to the "generic Adderall" turbulent world. I have been on Adderall XR 30mg twice a day and the original Adderall is more than fantastic but sadly some insurance companies don't cover originals anymore. I have been a psychiatric patient for almost 30 years and know medications from A-Z. Unfortunately, BIG PHARMA won't tell you that the difference ratio from original to generic could result from 15% to 50%. SHHHH don't tell anyone! lol. FDA rarely monitors BIG PHARMA facilities unless there occurs a class demand on certain medication. To make this short, based own my long experience with Adderall XR I will mention the worst Manufacturers: Impax Laboratories, Actavis, Teva, Barr, Aurobindo, Amerigen.

Most of these companies locate their "headquarters" (meaning only the offices) in a United States location so when you look them up in the internet, they appear with a U.S. address when they really are mostly in the Middle East and China with NO FDA supervision at all for years. The real problem with most generic Adderall XR is the timed release of the medication once it is in your system resulting in a wide spectrum of mood and thought disorders. Based on my trial and error with generic Adderall XR, the best and closest to the brand name Adderall XR is SANDOZ PHARMA which keeps me focused and in a great consistent mood all day. I get them at Walgreens and call them up a few days before the date of my next script to make sure they have them and if not to give them a couple of days to have it available for me.

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Re: HEMARO (# 171) Expand Referenced Message

When was the last time you filled your sandoz ir and what dosage was it? I recently filled sandoz 20 mg IR as for the past few years felt that was the only generic that worked for me but this last script was miserable no focus effect body was vibrating etc.. Seems to be a common thread lately with alot of these generics something shady is going on and big companies are buying smaller ones and seems like they are purposefully messing with the formula! O btw, sandoz was recently purchased and underwent internal management changes.

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Hi Shaun, I do not take this drug but have been curious generally about generics. I do not know if I can post a link on here as no one else has, so briefly this is what I have found out. Generics do not have the same therapeutic dose as brand names they can be 10% either way of the prescribed dose. They also are only evaluated on a few people. When a generic producing company gets a drug recipe from a brand name brand drug manufacturer they do not get the recipe for how to manufacture the ingredients. Now, these ingredients can be sourced from chemical manufacturers anywhere in the world or made by themselves, and this means they are or can be sourced from India, China or anywhere. Chinese meds have been under suspicion for a while the FDA are a bit slow I have read in checking up on complaints but only what I have read as I am not in USA. It bears investigating and it's all on the net. Just type in “are generics and brand names the same” and you will get the usual denying any difference, however, there are some very interesting posts and web pages about this. If they are the same why are they cheaper for starters!

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Re: Mollie (# 173) Expand Referenced Message

Hello all! Hope you all are doing fantastic today. I just suggested SANDOZ and SHIRE Generic Adderall XR because these two are the ones that my body tolerates better and does not mess up with my mood too much. You will always experiment the classic ADDERALL crash at certain point that may make you feel almost suicidal and psychotic but that is the way amphetamines work. I have been consulting Psychiatry teachers from various reputable universities in the U.S. and the biggest lie that states that generics may have not more than a 15-20% variation of the main ingredient per pill is ridiculous. I have confirmed by professionals that it may be up to a 50% difference of active ingredient, the rest are fillers. So generic doses could be 50% more of active ingredient per pill or 50% less. This is a trial and error thing with this subject until you find out which brand is more consistent.
In my case, the best ones I've tried are made by SHIRE and SANDOZ. Besides those two, the rest are pure chemical garbage.

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Re: Charlotte (# 59) Expand Referenced Message

Most of the Walgreens, have the Teva brand. To me, there better, than all the others. But here lately they seem to be not as effective as usual. But again, for me better than others.

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Re: HEMARO (# 174) Expand Referenced Message

Shire has a Authorized Generic agreement with Sandoz and Prasco for their Adderall XR.

With that said, although they technically arenexactly the same as Shire, there have been reports they are not.

I have tried these and I would agree they are the best option for IR...thats a whole different game...


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I hopped around from IR which used to have decent generics years ago but now they are all awful. I was on 30mg ir 2 times daily till 2014 when I stopped and I usually took the Barr Teva brand. They were all way strong enough for me to get through the whole day on just one pill if need be. Also the quality was very good. Then I went back on in early 2018 and was given the mylan brand because I didn't check not knowing there were lots more brands. I ended up needing to take way more than I should have to even feel it and the sides were awful.. even the Teva brand was not even close to when I left off. It tasted like there was no medication in them just fillers now. I was so frustrated I switched to Vyvanse which had too many sides and didn't help my concetraion like Adderall. So finally I decided to try the Adderall xr but on brand name because I'm sick on generics. It is pretty good but I ended up needing twice daily dosing even with the xr brand name. I wouldn't even dare get the generic form.

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Re: SHAUN (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Shaun,

I'm new to this so pls forgive any errors I might make.

Re: RX: Adderall, I've been the immediate release 30 mg for years and only know the orange, OVAL pill vs what I just got.The adderall I know is by Teva and works adequately but I just got my new RX and it's orange and ROUND and is weaker. I understand the frustration with the pharmacy and their double talk! WHY DON'T THEY HEAR US? I guess it comes down to who is doing the buying the supply of the patient's meds.

Would you be willing to share what it was your doc did in order for you to get the right brand for you? If the doc can write on the RX, "Brand is medically necessary", then you do get the med, doesn't that mean it's still available despite what the pharmacy is telling you? That's B.S.!!

I guess one thing we can do as patients is call our State Congressman and let them know about this problem. I think RX drug issues and drug costs (specifically) are supposed to be addressed under President Trump. It's easy to get your state's Congress-person's OR your area's state Representative's name and phone number. My experience has been I either leave a message or I DO get to speak to someone. Thank you for posting your experience about how Critical it is for the patient to get the medications that actually work for them. It's not a cookie cutter situation where one formulation works for everyone!!! It IS a big deal to me too! Thx again??


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Re: Lydia (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

I am also a narcoleptic have been for many years none of these time releases pills work. They also put me to sleep.the pills that use to work the best the FDA took of the market. They determined it didn't work.who ever determined that I don't know. I suffer every day. But I'm only one person guess I'm not important.

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Re: upstatenyer (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

The generic orange adderall XR is terrible. I take Adderall XR 30 mg once a day.
I miss the days when Shire and Barr produced Adderall and Dexedrine. Years back the medicine actually worked as intended for focus and alertness. I have ADD and MS and I am unable to get really anything completed and it certainly does not last 12 hours!!! I am lucky to get 4 hours from the medication.

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