New Generic 30 Mg Adderall Xr (all Orange W/ R 3061 On Them) Not As Effective (Page 3) (Top voted first)


please share your experience with this never seen before, less effective drug that two different pharmacy's have given to me in last two months. they make me fall asleep!

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I take what you describe. .30 XR and 15 IR. I have the same time period as you with the XR, about 4 hours or so. The IR, being active seems to help. Almost as if you have to get your blood going for it to affect you. And i will never take Actavis manufactured Adderall ever again. I felt like I was poisoned.

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These new 3061 orange caps are a joke. I literally took 3, YES 3-30 MIL and absolutely nothing happened. I even fell asleep within a few hours. What the heck is up? I'm going to give myself a UA for amphetamines because something is screwed up!

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Re: Jessica (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

I know this is an old thread, but for anyone who happens to stroll through here at some point just as I have- this is a very interesting & objective topic that deserves attention & clearly remains relevant. There are an infinite number of controversial factors surrounding Adderall itself, Generic vs Name Brand & so forth. I tend to agree with those of you who claim to have a less effective experience with generic adderall, as well as certain generics being worse than others. I had absolutely no idea it was possible, or even that they were different in any chemical, pharmaceutical, medicinal fashion. My point with that is this: It wasn't "All in My Head" since I was completely unaware that there was any potential of that scenario prior. It wasn't until I began to wonder why it wasn't working sometimes (after receiving generic), and why it did (after receiving name brand adderall), other times that I finally decided to do a bit of research & find out what, if anything, could cause such a noticable difference. At that time I still believed "it's all adderall," the same medication, aside from appearance. ie: Daisy Paper Plates vs Generic, or Store Brand- they're all "paper plates." Yep, same "thing" or general idea, serves the same purpose, however- now we've started to realize that the name brand really is superior, it's more durable, or effective if you will.

Sure enough, there's a wildly common misconception that most of us are probably compelled to believe thanks to our unassuming human nature & we're naive enough to wrongly assume that "our doctors or pharmacists would never lead us astray" therefore we wholeheartedly believed them when they quickly dismissed any questions or doubts between "a labeled adderall and a no named adderall" regardless of the fact that they're comfortable blatantly lying to their patients while assuring us "they're all the same ingredients, or medications, one happens to be the brand name, and one's generic therefore the only difference is the name." That was good enough for me -(until it wasn't, and it didn't work anymore). Another aspect I just noticed is the vast differences in each of their formulas, or recipes, I guess. If you'll go back & reflect you can see there are drastically more inactive ingredients in the generic version of adderall. But why? If you're poor, or you choose to save money because someone you trusted lied to you & promised "they're the same thing" you deserve to be forced, blindly into ingesting several other (unnecessary) ingredients than someone who can, and/or decides to go with the more expensive, named brand label? If that's not a hundred ways to discriminate, thin out the herds, and falsely advertise a prescription medication- what the hell is? That's absurd, shameful, and quite frankly it's UnFackingAmerican.

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I thought I was the only one feeling this way. I'm really glad to know I'm not alone! I've been on adderall for 8 years and although there have been slight differences here and there, its never been this bad. I had to take 2 of the 30mg orange 3061 capsules to get the same effect as 1 of the real ones. The 3061s are not effective at all. Now I'll run out of my RX this month because of it. From now on its only DAW for me.

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Well I've been on Teva 30mg XR (two capsules a day) for years and I've always benefited from them greatly. My doctor helped find me the best price because of financial issues and it came down to CVS pharmacy offering 60 - 30 mg XRs for $150 with a coupon. That's half the price I paid for Teva's XR from Walgreens. I took the all orange R3061's and after a few hours felt like they were not working. I felt sedated and groggy. I took a couple more until I took 6 pills (180mg). After a few hours I finally felt the effects of the amphetamine, however it kind of felt like I took sleeping pills and Adderall together. I felt the the active drug working but I was completely in a trance-like state of tranquility.

I contacted my doctor and here's what he said:

"It’s a little soon to know exactly how these will compare to the Teva pills. All generics are a little different and sometimes that’s better, sometimes worse. Time will tell. You do have the option to call around to pharmacies and see who is stocking the Teva generic before you fill a prescription, if it turns out to be the best brand for you.

For now, give it a little time, and let your body adjust before we decide. 2 to 4 weeks should tell the story. "

So I guess I'm stuck with them for a month until I refill it next time at Walgreens. Nothing like thinking you got a great deal only to find you just got screwed :-/

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More than likely, its not your pharmacist its your insurance company.....the generics are CHEAPER! I'm afrair to ask what will happen to us now, now with the affordable healthcare.

In May 2013, I was prescribe Adderall 10 mg (now 15 mg) soon after (2 months) the new health insurer got comfortable and I was switched to the generic brands, which was different each time it was refilled. I didnt make much abou. it until I began feel weird, weird thoughts on top the side affects that were not listed within the information phamplet. During that time, i was communicating the noticeable changes as well as becoming withdrawn and not wanting move during the day let alone leaving the house or caring for myself. My doctor wrote 4he prescriptions for the name brands; however, I kept receiving the generic forms. When I protested, the pharmacist handed me a printout that stated that the generic as reqired by my insurance provider. Long story short, i had to appeal the insurance co. decision--denied reason other generics are available and my age. During my journey, I found it to be the norm for a number of their clients. While observing the insurance companies denial, they recommend3d that I could appeal their decision by sending my request to the same office and person who initially misdireted me, withheld all the pertinent information to support my initial hearing and was not truthful about the support that was written on my behalf by my doctor. Neeedless to say i went another route and next week I have a hearing with the city's office that has a natural interest. I am greatful to read some of your identical experiences and to know that I'm not crazy and more importantly I'm not alone--neither are you.

Again, thank you and let's report to FDA the worthless and harmful generic brands before it turns for the worst....we really havent seen the yet this is just the beginning, so get active today.

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A few issues to consider: The Activis generic has the same dosage of amphetamine salts, but a different formulation. Second, it's known that acidity inhibits absorbtion of amphetamine, so try avoiding acidic foods/beverages when taking within two hours of taking the medication (e.g., coffee (ugh), citric juices, cranberry juice, tomatoes, etc.) Google acidic foods and you'll get a list. Drink your OJ later in the day. I put lemon juice in my water at dinner sometimes to make sure I'm getting my vitamin C. The message is not to avoid acidic foods, just to pay attention as to when you're consuming them and eat a balanced diet. Also, alcohol is a depressant so avoid alcohol when taking this med (guess that means don't drink in the morning). Finally, don't take this med (brand or generic) 7 days a week or you'll build up a tolerance to it. Give yourself a break on the weekends or when you don't need it.

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I too have started getting the all orange capsules with white beads and within 45 minutes, I'm falling asleep at my desk! I thought I was given the wrong meds and that it was some sort of sleeping pill or anti anxiety meds. They are horrible!! Definitely need to address it with my Dr and get the name brand version. I think with my insurance, it's a $20 difference. Definitely worth it if I can get my work done every day!!

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These all orange 30mg generic xrs do not work at all. I am tied all day and "squirrel" all over the place. I cant stay focused for 5 min on one thing. Then joy of joys about 8pm (12 hours after I take it, I cant get to sleep until 1 am. These things are crap. I pay the extra 40 bucks for name brand when ever I can. But half the time I have to go to 4 or 5 different pharamcys to find them. The same thing with my son ( who is 25). So its not just me. They need to take this off the market. Its horrible the struggles I have to go thru just to get thru the day when all I have is this. I am going to talk to my dr. And ask him to switch me to the 30 mg regular tabs and just break them in half taking twice a day. I took a couple of those in generic form and they worked fine. Shire makes these horrid things, and they bought out the company that makes the freaking name brand. WTH?

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big pharma is either trying to poison or dumb down people who can't afford brand name, or save an enormous amt of $ by making fake stuff...they can target the poor easiest. Actavis blue pill/3060 20mg ER, it's not close to Adderall XR at all. Suffering a migraine with auras 2 hours after taking. Visual disturbances, check with your pharmacy to see what generic brand they have before you fill it, call around, someone mentioned malenkroft generic instead. Maybe ask doc to switch to a IR that may be better if your in a bind, sad to think kids who need the meds are getting deceived, if your kids don't feel better listen to them, then switch.

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So if you try the generic, and it doesn't work, the insurance company probably has a policy like try the cheaper one first, then you can step to the next one, like the brand. Just tell your doc, it's not effective, like I.e. It doesn't last, or it gives you nausea or dizziness, or whatever. Don't take something you feel is ineffective or bad quality, cause it probably is. They have to listen to the patient, but you should have a medical reason for getting the better one, it's about money to the insurance company, but your doc should really listen to you, if they don't, get another one...if you have government/military medicine, than your probably outa luck (unless you pay)

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Just call other pharmacies and ask what Pharmaceuticals companies they use until you get what u need . It's that simple. I open my Bottle in front of cashier at pharm. Counter cause if it's the crap kind u can say no i want another or my script back. U can do this

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This s*** is bulls***!!! I took 90 mg and all I want to do is take a nap!!!

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Does not work for me. I have been taking adderall 30 xr for over 8 years and the new generic from Actavis does not work for me. All I get is a headache and stress.

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Same thing Here . That generic 30 Xr activis orange capsule made me sleep all day !!

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Gastric Bypass patient 16 years. Finally found a physician to prescribe immediate release amphetamine salts (Adderall) but negative effect using Watson's Actavis "scored" 26 20 mg 3 times daily. Vyvanse is a good medication but at 70 mg I only got four hours of effective relief because as an extended release the bypass, that vitiates the stomachs Duodenum, the Ilieum and the small GI tract is bypassed with little "area" for bioavailability, proper absorption and the stomachs integrity has been compromised thereby it CAN NOT produce the enzymes, acids, or proteins to release XR/ER medication throughout.

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Actavis is worthless!!! I got my rx today and saw that it was a different generic. Went on the internet to see what others thought and wanted to cry when I saw all the negative reviews. I have severe adhd. I can't even drive safely without medication. Anyway, I called the pharmacy and they have no other generics, so I just took my dose and hoped for the best. Nothing. I ended up having to double my dose to get it somewhat close to the level of my previous brand. I don't know what I'm going to do for the next 30 days. I won't be able to get much work done and probably won't drive, at least with my baby in the car. I really wish the pharmacy would at least offer me brand name adderall. I have good insurance so cost isn't an issue. I know they would order it for me, but I am guessing they wouldn't be able to swap pills being that I already started taking them. This blows.

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I just got this same RX. I am not shocked to find the same results from others. I am use to the generic Adderall by TEVA this is a new one by ACTA with 3061 on it. I have not had the same affect. I have felt tired all day long, unmotivated and confused.

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I am a 36 year old woman. I was diagnosed with ADHD in 2009, (although looking back I don't know how anyone missed the signs) I have taken Adderall since 2009 same dose with no problems. Until somewhere in 2014, I started getting the blue pill. Didn't think much of it except for the money I was saving. But at some point, I noticed I was losing my focus and becoming more impulsive. A couple of times I took two doses in a day because I thought I had forgotten it. Eventually I was taking more and more and achieving less and less. In hindsight, I should have talked with my Dr. about it, but I was afraid he would stop my prescription. At this point I was physically addicted. By 2016, I was going through my 60 EA 20mg pills and 30 EA 25 mg pills in a matter of a couple of weeks. There were days I easily took 150- 200 mg a day. I was still able to fall asleep fine, and I managed to gain 40 lbs in 2 years. The summer of 2016, I started researching, and realized most of this began when I started taking the Actavis brand. I talked to my Dr, and we began trying other meds. I have been on focalin, Vyvanse, and a nonstimulant. My body has recovered from the physical withdrawal of the Actavis Junk. I have had 2 months back on Adderall. The first being a different generic, right away that fog was gone and I could think clearly. The second month, I started with Actavis, just as an experiment. Back to the fog, and forgetfulness (what other people view as carelessness). After a week I took the rest back and told the pharmacy my experience. They switched the rest out. There is a whole lot more to my story, I just wonder if I'm alone? Out of concern I started going to rehab because of the addiction side of this and the problems it caused. Has anyone else had anything like this?

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I feel better, knowing others have noticed. I was afraid the part of me that had the addiction was just making up excuses. On your next refill, I would ask the pharmacy which brand you have gotten in the past and if they have any different brands. If not, try Walgreens or CVS. Most pharmacies should be able to order a different brand. And talk with your doctor. I think while I was trying different stimulants, it sort of helped to wean me off, so the withdrawal wasn't so bad. It's so frustrating to know how good life can be with meds, but not being able to get it back. At times it makes me wish I didn't know how good it could be.

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