New Fda Requirement For Opioid Manufacturers
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FDA Moves Forward with Mail-back Envelopes for Opioid Analgesics Dispensed in Outpatient Settings: "Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced it is requiring manufacturers of opioid analgesics dispensed in outpatient settings to make prepaid mail-back envelopes available to outpatient pharmacies and other dispensers as an additional opioid analgesic disposal option for patients." Source:

6 Replies

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Re: Optimistic (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

What a bad idea!

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Re: Optimistic (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Put the imprint in Google. There are several sites that identify Prescription drugs by their imprint. Of course if you did not get your prescription straight from your pharmacy, there is no way of knowing exactly what is in it. Some illegal drug manufacturers use the same imprints for their counterfeit drugs.

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Re: VerFree (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I just got the strangest fat 10 mg oxycodone. They look counterfeit but I guess they’re just big because there’s an “abuse deterrent” in them. Idk what it is but it hurts my stomach and it gives me a headache I am going to have to switch meds if they’re all like this.

Any idea if they’re all like this now? 10 mg oxycodone (M) on one side but the bottle says Spx or something on it (sorry it’s in my safe).

Are all the oxycodone like this now? I don’t want to go on fentanyl patches just because 10 mg oxycodone hurt my stomach now.

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I have to agree with what Optimistic said, as I'm well aware of how often things get lost in the mail, packages get ripped open, and etc. Package, and mail theft has always been an issue, and if you are supposed to drop them back off to your pharmacy, that really doesn't change anything, since you could always take leftover medications to your pharmacy for disposal.

As evidenced by this article from Nevada, people are even breaking into locked mailboxes.

I understand that they want to gain better control of the opioid supply, but I think they are grasping at straws as to how to go about it, since most other options they've tried haven't helped much. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised is some pundits started calling for all of them to be banned.

I haven't taken any for years, except in rare emergency situations of acute pain, like a few years ago, when I fell on ice, and had to go to the ER, so I have no personal experience regarding them being prescribed regularly.

Has anyone experienced any issues having their prescriptions changed due to these opiate directives?

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Re: Optimistic (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

This new ruling makes no sense to me. Will Postal employees have to worry about being held up by those looking for drugs now ? There are numerous ways to safely dispose of unused drugs at home. Anyone can do it and that includes the elderly.

I think this ruling is going to cause problems. I do not understand how those with experience in this field do not see it. Perhaps they are not looking at it from a common sense and every day view point.

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Lol yeah envelopes full of unused opioids will for sure not get “lost” in the mail LOL

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