New Doctor Refusing Ativan (Top voted first)


My doctor just retired. I saw my new "nurse practioner" tonight. I was getting refills on my prescriptions and she looked at my ativan and said no this isn't happening. She said ativan doesn't work and she will not be prescribing it for me after the next bottle. I have been on ativan for 12 years. It completely controls my anxiety. What do I do? Can she do this?

2 Replies

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Unfortunately, she can do it. It's extremely unethical though. She should, at least, provide you with an extensive titration/taper plan.

I would try to find another doctor. One that will continue to provide you with lorazepam or slowly taper you off.

Benzo withdrawal can be protracted and last indefinitely if not done properly. Even then some withdrawal symptoms can last for years. I wish you the best. I've been taking xanax for nearly 8 years now and my anxiety has anxiety about the thought of being in your situation. Good luck! I hope you find a compassionate and ethical medical professional.

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From what I can see, Ama, you are posting from Canada, and yes, they can do so, they have been given very strict prescribing instructions regarding any medications that carry the possibility of being addicting.

The NIH lists the typical side effects of Ativan as possibly including nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, headache, and irritability.

I know this really doesn't help with your problem, I am just telling how the laws currently stand.

As Mason said, the best thing you can do, it it's possible, is to see a different doctor.

Are you on any other medications? Did she offer you any other alternatives?

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