Neugaba 75 Mg Side Effects
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my mom is having pain in her left hip wich extends to left leg,dosctors advice neugaba 75 to her ans she is not feeling gud by taking these medicine. she has lost her appettite and feels giddiness all the time.. plz suggest me is dis medicine are good and do they have any side effects..
3 Replies
side effect of continus usage of nuegaba
i am filling to sleep..sleep..guiddy. irritable, and what not after this newgaba 75
All medications carry the risk of side effects, even over the counter products.
Neugaba contains the active ingredient Pregabalin, which is an anticonvulsant that has also been shown to help with certain types of nerve pain and to help with some mood disorders, such as bipolar disorder.
Learn more Pregabalin details here.
Has she informed her doctor? It can cause the symptoms she's experiencing as side effects, in some people, so it may not be the right medications for her and she might need to try something else.
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