Nervmax Capsules And Indications For This Drug
UpdatedPlease provide details of Nervmax Cap and its indications and contraindications, scientific name, composition, etc. Thanks.
Nervmax are an Indian drug containing Pregabalin and Methylcobalamin.
Pregabalin is an anticonvulsant drug that is also used to treat certain types of nerve pain and Methylcobalamin is a type of B vitamin.
Does anyone else have more information on what this is prescribed for?
Taking the drug for Sciatica Pain.
My wife was operated for L4-L5 Nerve Stenosis in AIIMS in July 2009,consequent to shooting pain originating from right buttocks & travelling down to her right feet.Before surgery she was given three shots of Steroid injections for temporary pain suppression.She has relief from shooting pain but still has tinglling sensation in her right as well as left legs.After surgery she is under treatment in AIIMS pain Clinic and is being prescribed first Gabaneuron later replaced by Lyrica 75 in the morning & 150 mg at night. Lyrica is compound of Pragabalin plus methylcobalamin(Pfizer).Recently she relapse of pain at right buttocks & instability in standing on her legs.She was given pain control Tramdol injection at her right hip as well as another injection at her right hand nerve. and relief from pain came after 6/7 hours.She is now being given Nervmax Capsules as well as Bio- D-plus bds & D-gain satchet once a week..She is 78 yrs old & has advanced stage knee artheritis B/Legs.Pse advise whether she should go for knee replacement surgery.Will there be clash between two problems.I shall be waitting for yr advice anxiously..
I got my right knee replacement done at apollo Ahmedabad by Doctor KC Mehta on 27 Aug 2010. Even after ten months of operation , I have pain in R/ knee. I can bend it Approx 90 degree. Recently I showed my Knee to Dr Surya Bhan of Primus Hosp Delhi. He is of the openion that operation is Fine and pain could be some Nerve problem. He has advised to take one Capsule of Nervmax daily at night.He has not told any thing as to why I can not bend my knee more than 90 Degree.Could you pl through some light on this.
Three months before I got severe pain in right leg and got diagnosed with Disk Prolapsed with L2-L3.The shooting pain originating from right buttocks & travelling down to her right feet. At Spinal Injury Center Dr. K. Das suggested for Surgery is the only option for cure also one Doctor suggested for Surgery.
I am taking treatment in AIIMS and now a day the shooting pain is not getting frequently and also there is less pain in above hip (Kamar) but after span of three months still I could not carry my normal life.
Could anyone suggest should I go for Surgery and Is this curable by surgery?
I am afraid that after surgery I could not get normal life.
currently I prescribed with Nervmax and Physio.
I was suffering with Shingles a chickenpox virus and was cured by Acyclovir ointment, But even after curing the blisters I was suffering with burning pain. I went to Hiranandani hospital where Dr Vidhula Kamat has prescribed Nerve max for curing the swollen nerves that is giving the burning pain. She said after 15 days the nerve swelling will be cured and I will be free from pain. I have started from today only and will give the progress after 15 days.
When excruciating pain emanates from buttock down to the feet as said by you is mostly related to Sciatica pain. Now I am at 74 years; my sympathy is with you. I had this pain when I was 42 years. The medical experts gave me all available medicines but they only gave me temporary relief. I was one of the shed-floor in charge in Rly workshops therefore, I had strenuous inspection works. I suffered a lot with this pain. Finally, on the advice of my nearer I went to a Homeopath Doctor who is renounced in that practice. He examined my condition and gave two doses of that medicine. I had immediate recovery and from that day onwards I have not got this pain again. My wife also had this pain two months back and she too got recovered. Sciatica can be eradicated by Homeopathy. Therefore, find out a good doctor and take your wife there. with regards to Arthritis do not take any fast decisions and wait till the Sciatica is attended. Knee joint operations are not fully successful. But do not take any injections to knees. These days some knee gadgets are available in surgical shops. Try to get a suitable one. It costs less than 500/- each. I have one with me but I manage without that. Whenever I do long walking and climbing up stairs then only use them. Continuous usage will weaken the nerves of Calf and thigh. My Doctors, Sri. Mramachandra. at Tarnaka/ Secunderabad and contact number is 040-2700 2396. Take an appointment. He is a good doctor. I pray Lord Mahadev and Shiridi Sai to grant you early relief hereafter. Regards; I am thankful to Google-Team for their social work: my pen name is Manali D, I contribute articles to msn/India/Contribution;
round 15 days back, I felt numbness in my right arm which which stretched to whole right portion of my body. this situation lasted for 5-10 minutes and thereafter eased. I was rushed to medical advise where x-ray of cervical spine and all other relevant tests viz., blood sugar, BP etc. were carried out. The resultrevealed as under:
BP 160/90 - FBS - 132 PPBS-180 (I m diabetic for past 15 yrs) and as per x-ray report cervical spondylosis L5L6 disc space diagnosed. The medicines prescribed - ecosprin 150 and nervmax 75.
While I am consuming the abv medicines, I yet hv little numbness at times. Doctors say to undergo MRI.
Kindly advise.
Dear Mahendra: my sympathies are with you. Your diabetic readings FBS and PPBS are high the Fast PG has to be within 70 to 110 mg/dl and PPBS has to be 110 to 170 mg/dl—both are Indian Standards. I am at 74. Untill July 2010 I have been very healthy without much complications, except a/arthritis. In the month of july 2010, I had sudden weight loss and I seeped from 67 kg to 59 kg. I suspected something wrong in my health though I was performing my routine normally. I had Plasma Glucose check and found to my surprise and the readings were—Fast 313 and post 485. I had a second check after two days and it went up to Fast 318 and Post 540. I contacted my Doctor he suggested me to see him at once. On 19th July 2010 the treatment was started. He is an experienced dialectician. After 15 days when I checked the fast was 87 and post was 119mg/dl. He gradually minimized the power of the medicines and now I am on the lowest power of medicine. But I have been regularly monitoring the condition with the help of Gluco-meter. To control the diabetic there are two essential factors-dietary discipline and at least 15 mts walk in the early morning and after dinner +medicines. Dietary disciple will control well. Do not take potatoes and any roots extracted from ground. Take raw Jamoon and Kakarkai (a vegetable that is freely available in India. Take it in your first morsel. Consult a good dialectologist of M.D having good experience. My Doctor is Dr. S. MANOHAR (M.D), Professor of Medicine/Vidyanagar –Hyderabad. Contact number-040-2767 4469; you have not mentioned to which place you belong. P.G checking meters are freely available in India it costs around Rs.800/-. My advice is to buy a meter and check twice in a week till such time you have established at normal values. Vigorous Pranayama will definetly help in this condition. Better visit Baba Ram Dev once and learn from him. Tell your problem. He will guide you. God bless you for an early recover. you may contact me for any further suggestion.
if one has a sciatica nerve problem with a slip disc is it advisable to have a knee replacement surgery
Hallo: Try to consult Dr. C.N.Prasad, M.D, Professor in artho. He visits daily at Yasoda Hospital, Panjagutta, Hyderabad. Ii is my belief he could guide you. When the age is advancing due to our works there would be good wear and tire of our bones. Further, the body adds some more problems to this. When you take any object of 1.K.G to your hand it impels 3 and half kg weight on our knees. Keep this in your mind.
i have been prescribed nervmax for being short of hearing. i have no pain anywhere and am only slightly short of hearing. how will this drug help me?
I would like to enlighten the people who follow this page. I had severe neck pain and I was not able to turn fully to my right side. In fact, the pain was just behind and slightly down to my right Ear. For many good days it was suspected for formation of glue-wax like. I used Deborox oil to soften the wax so that it could come out. But it went not so. I took Rush tox-30 Homeopathic medicine once and it worked well. But still very slight experience I have and hope to get out from it. For osto arthritis I regularly use Arnica a homeopathic medicine at 6potency. I think the FDA has approved the usage of Arnica. Better consult homeopath in this concern. I just gave my experience. For all my body pains I use Arnica.
what if by mistake a person has taken nervmax sr 75 pills that also 6 , at one time. what r d effects, can someone please lemme know.
This capsule helped me.I was operated in March 2012 in Primus hospital, New Delhi. I was treated for knee replacement surgery by Dr. Surya Bhan.
I have been getting pain in my legs starting from hips. This has been happening for almost 4 months. I am a guy who takes lot of stress in life. I spend most of the time thinking about many aspects of life when I am alone. I have been working in a private company, where I have to work on laptop most of the times. I would like to ask your suggestions about which doctor should I go to.
Before using any drug, refer to FDA ( Of course, your doctor will guide you better. But, we will get educated by going to the website. According to FDA, Lyrica is having serious side effects.
This sounds very much like sciatica pain. My dad has just had disc surgery and my mother had a hip replacement in the same hospital. I would highly recommend parekh's hospital in Ahmedabad. Dr Dimple Parekh is an orthopedic surgeon, and in my experience a very good one, highly recommend you to get yourself checked out before the pain worsens. You will be advised and guided in an honest manner. Good luck
I advise you to use Latex Free Anti-Embolism Stockings. They are available at all major Surgical Stores. They take your calf size and give you. Take full length of Toe open. They cost around Rs.1300/- do not think that you are sitting and doing the job. One has to use them after 45 age.
dear mahendra,
i m also suffering from spondialysis of cervical spine disc C5 & C6. i m also taking medicines but Dr advised me for physiotherapy is the first treatment for this type of problem. if there is no relaxation then go for last option that cursory.
so please go for physiotherapy center i m sure u will get relax in the pain and live a normal life as previous days.
Most Recent Replies:
NerveMax has been prescribed to my father by apollo hospital in Delhi, India. I want to know where to locate a pharmacy that carries this medicine urgently?
I had a strain in my back while lifting something. The doctor advised medicines like Ultracet, Myoril, Rantac and Nervmax.
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Dear Sir,
I am waiting to get the answer of my query.
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I would like to know if the capsule shell of Nervmax capsule is halal or not?
please try this method it gave me relief
take a spoon of fenugreek soak it in water from night and drink water with early morning continue doing this method and you will get releif
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Go for a surgery
I have done recently it helps....
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