Nerve Pain (fibromyalgia)
UpdatedI have been taking Gabapintin (Neurontin) for fibromyalgia pain. Although it has worked well I have gained close to 35 pounds. Does anyone know of a anti-nerve pain pill that does not cause weight gain.
8 Replies
There is really no way a doctor or anyone else can know ahead of time how any medication can affect anyone. They can only assume that it will be effective based on medical records, current health, age, what the condition is, whether or not any other medications are being taken at the same time, etc. Any of these factors as well as others can affect how you respond to this drug.
Personally, I think if you are able to do so, that a significant change in diet and exercise habits would prove to be effective. From what I can tell, the medication you are taking may cause cravings and/or prompt your body to store what you do eat as fat, more readily than without it.
If you focus a large portion of your diet (about 75% or more) on fruits and vegetables, I would be willing to bet that the weight will start to come off, even with little exercise. Granted, everyone is different, but no matter what you'd be doing your body a huge favor in the long run. I have a couple clients and friends that I've turned onto this type of lifestyle and they tell me the weight loss is effortless. There are a number of vegetables that strengthen and cleanse your nervous system with their antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties; pain is typically caused by inflammation, so this would be a win-win approach in my opinion. Please post back if you're interested in more information.
Unfortunately, all of the ones that I am aware of can cause weight gain as a side effect.
There is, however, no way of knowing how any one of them is going to affect you.
Have you spoken to your doctor about it? It might be worthwhile to do so and see if you can try something else.
A very similar medication, that works in the same manner is Lyrica, which contains the active ingredient Pregabalin, so you may want to ask about it.
Thank you both so much for the information. Eating a better diet sounds like a very good idea for me. I tend to wait until I'm starving and then grab what ever is available. I love most all fruits and vegetables so changing my eating habits should be fairly easy if I put a little more thought and effort into it. I get no exercise at all. I'm in bed most of the day. I noticed a big decrease in the amount of pain I was having when I started the Neurontin so I would prefer to stay on it. I have not had any side effects other than the weight gain. It also helps me sleep. I will talk to my Doctor about Lyrica and see how he feels about possibly changing over to it. If it works as well as the Neurontin but doesn't cause the weight gain then it would be a good choice for me. In the meantime I will start eating more fruits and see how things go. I am open to any ideas you might have. Thank you for your response.
Hi Panze,
I put together a list of fruits and veggies that contain a good amount of folic acid (that can improve nervous system function). Its deficiency can lead to neurological disorders such as depression and cognitive impairment, but the items listed below would be very helpful to keep these levels steady:
It can be found leafy green vegetables, legumes, sunflower seeds, oranges, bananas, cantaloupe, raspberry, beets, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts.
Supplementing with Vitamin B12 (or B-complex) tablets or patches might also prove to be very helpful with nervous system problems.
Not many people can afford to buy a nice juicer, but I do think if you are eating mostly vegetables, that it does make life a lot easier as far as consuming them more easily in liquid form. When it comes to fruits however, I would recommend just eating them as is, and as much as you care for (including fruits not listed above).
If you explore the site below (in depth), there's a ton of information on the benefits of consuming plenty of fruits and veggies to prevent diseases:
Other helpful related topics to consider searching would be:
green drinks (juice feasting)
80/10/10 diet
It's a lot of information to grasp, but whenever you have time it can be motivational to help keep you going strong. Just wanted to share what's been helping me! Sorry if it's an information overload.
Hi Verwon, Thanks for your info and suggestions. I read up on the web site you posted about Pregablin.
I cant decide if I want to take a chance on it or not right now. I have no side effects on Neurontin except the wt. gain, for that reason I an hesitant to try anything new. In reading on the site it mentioned that Lyrica can cause an increase in appetite. That has me somewhat concerned. I will give it some thought and possibly discuss it with my psychiatrist.
Wow David! You sure are helpful. I will make sure that I include the foods you mentioned in my diet. I have cut out bread, rice, potatoes, and am trying to eat less fruits and cut on sugar in coffee/tea and have been losing slowwwwly. I have fibro and have gained about 20 pounds. Anything else I should consider?
David has given you great advice. Fruits and vegetables are the healthiest things to eat. Gluten causes inflammation and bread will put on the pounds. I lose weight effortlessly when I stick to a vegetarian diet. I do eat chicken and fish but red meat is terrible. I have cheated and I gain weight every time. It's tough I know. You're in pain and you want comfort food.
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