Need To Find Out What This Reddish Brown Coated Round Pill Is
UpdatedI've only got half of the pill. It definitely has a coating on it; there is a 2 imprint clearly marked on one half and nothing on the other side of the, unfortunately, half that I have.
1 Reply
Hello, Ophelia! How are you?
I can't be completely certain, but from your description it sounds like you may have found an over the counter 200mg Ibuprofen tablet, a store brand or generic for Advil or Motrin. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache and stomach irritation.
Like I said, I can't be certain, but there is one on the market that matches this description.
I'll also do some searching to see what other possibilities I can find and post back, when I have other information for you.
Does anyone else have any ideas of what this might be?
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