Need Help Finding A Doctor To Prescribe Me Xanax (Page 38)


Please give me a list of doctors that will prescribe me xanax? I have bad anxiety.

753 Replies (38 Pages)

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I live in Ellijay, Ga.

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Re: Donny (# 741) Expand Referenced Message

Hey alright! Here are 35 Doctors you can try!


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Re: White (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Alliance Mental Health...Ernesto Isman will provide you with xanax...good luck

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Re: Mario (# 744) Expand Referenced Message

Everyone in this forum is looking for something. Most of the time it is helpful information. Do you have helpful information for the group?

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I do suffer a lot with anxiety and very bad panic attacks. Please could you find me a doctor who will help me? I've tried therapy. That's all my doctor says I need, but it does not work at all.

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Re: chelsea (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Dr. James Marx.

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I need a new dr or nurse practitioners in anchorage that I can make an appointment with who will prescribe me Xanax 2 mg bars and Klonopin with my current records of getting them.

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Re: Theodore Parker Aka Teddy (# 747) Expand Referenced Message

Current records or a recent bottle is more likely in today's climate to dissuade the provider from prescribing them. This medicine is intended for short term use. To ask for both Xanax & Klonopin, and at the higher 2 mg dose, in Alaska of all places would be tough, I'm sure you know this

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I am a 62 yr old woman. I a breast cancer survivor , I. just lost my mom I took cere her every day for a couple years it was hard , and now my dad he is not feeling that good a lot more now he’s 86 I am trying to be there for him and now my son needs me to babysit my 2 year old grandson 12 he day every other week . I have a 70 year old husband at home that I try to take care of when I’m around he has sone health issues himself. I need something to help my anxiety it gets so bad my throat starts to feel like it’s closing up I get to shacking inside my my body and my heart will start to race and I start to hyperventilate a bit it the awefullest feeling overwhelmed I feel so bad at times . I have had Xanax in my past for cancer days but then they went away when I got better. The xanex worked so great for me helped so much . Now with all this I’m going through now I need them again so badly and I need a doctor that will help me . Please help I live in Torrance California thank you Annette Still

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Re: Annette (# 749) Expand Referenced Message

Possibly try ol' Doc Dennis Dasher over at the Hollywood Health Center, a private walk in center. Sure am having problems posting, keeps on saying ERROR

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I also have life-altering anxiety. That doesn't seem to be helped by the medications. I've been prescrimemphis grab which have been adamant. And I've grown a tolerance to it as well. As it doesn't work. As well as the next does

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Re: Mrs1717 (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

I need help I have anxiety problems

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Anyone please help me find a provider for my anxiety meds. I suffer from severe trauma and it has become debilitating to the point that I haven't left my apt in 2yrs now. Can someone please point me in the direction of a prescriber in or around Portland Maine.

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