Need Help Finding A Doctor That Will Prescribe Methadone For Pain Management In West Tennessee (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have a unique situation. I am a recovering addict with severe chronic pain. I have really bad scoliosis that's in my neck and back and been in several really bad car wrecks. Lets just say I'm a tree magnet when riding with other people. I have been on suboxone and subutex for the last 2 years. Before then I was going to the methadone clinic on and off for a few years but I couldn't pay for it anymore so I had to stop going. And before and during that I was going to the pain clinic for my back and neck pain. I was prescribed 120 10mg oxycodone and 120 60mg Morphine. Before all that I was Doing like 6 to 10 80mg OxyContin and 6 to 10 200mg morphine a day off the street from age 16-24. This was before I got insurance and found out I had scoliosis at the age of 24 and now about to turn 28. So there's no way I can take pain pills cause they don't work for my pain or my life. I haven't had a job or really got out of the house in the last two years because of the pain I'm in. I can't live a normal life on suboxone or subutex I'm just stuck in pain and became distant from everybody and everything I love. methadone was the only thing that has ever worked and gave me a normal life. If anybody can help me find a doctor I would appreciate it. Thank You
No law or regulation exists that prohibits a doctor from prescribing methadone to a person with a history of drug abuse/addiction and previous treatment with methadone for addiction. In addition, a person's addiction treatment history does not "appear" in his/her medical record. Like HIV, miscarriage, and obtaining counseling for domestic abuse, treatment of substance use disorder is considered protected information under US Federal law .. the only way that this info can be disseminated is with the patient's clear written permission.
Hi Screwed-I really identify with just about everything everyone on this page have spoken about-I know the feelings of wanting to commit suicide and the fear of going to Hell-(I am Christian) yet I am so tolerant to meds after three consecutive pain problems that anyone who thinks I'm getting high I would sometimes like to become physical towards! That would be a first. Chronic severe pain; whatever the cause will finally make you reclusive-withdrawn (sorry-redundant) and fear any social commitment. My friends I haven't seen in about a year had plans to stop by and I was petrified! All because I can't predict what my pain level will be! It gets pathetic-my sad story is I could cut my pain by quite a bit with surgery for one of the problems but can't afford the medicare copays. They're a drop in the bucket for many people but completely out of my reach. The friends I have left tell me (despite my age) "oh-you're so pretty-why not just meet a guy get married and have health benefits!" Honestly! I find myself looking at dating sites and it seems everyone is a skier, hiker; gym fanatic-you get the picture-all these things a girl with a nightmare of back problems and a lower leg full of steel who can't stand some days would interest! Seriously Screwed, don't discuss suicide and then not write again. We're all suffering emotionally and physically so drop a line. God Bless.
Hang in there. Im in the same sinking boat. Something must be done. You have drs that "dont believe in pain meds", you got pain clinics that treat you like a junkie child with the tolerance of a ferret or you can go to the clinic and get all the methadone you the govt is gettin their slice compared to the normal can bet on here you can have 240 mg a day of methadone at ten bucks a dose jus sayin your addicted to percocet used for pain that doesnt work anymore after ten years... orrr you can take the last cox-2 left on the market (for a reason they are all but gone)and wait on some boobs to grow on a man or a stroke or heart attack..orr you can get ulcers and hypertension and a bad heart from som meloxicam or other nsaids everyday and still hurt..hey you can even burn your liver out w tylenol and noones scared of the govt..nevermind..its futile.. hang in there.. i dont know what to do either. Cant work, relationships are over cause im irritable all the time, and i have no goals anymore. Jus take it hour by hour and sometimes minute to minute.. I ponder suicide often also. Just to end the pain. How could god be mad at me for that. I been hangin in like a champ for a dozen yearz now. My rope is gone
For the 1`0th times: addiction medicine is not a specialty recognized by the american society of medical specialist. no residencies to speak of and, most importantly, no boards to past. The last time an addiction specialist" worked with me on a case, I told him tat he was leaving, or I was — and I have a methadone maintenance license (or m y department does). I can't speak for all the alleged addiction specialists. butafter one horrific experience (and the guy was brilliant — just, in layman's terms, "f-----g" nits!
Adam-try an addiction psychiatrist. Cigna will pay for a Psych MD who can monitor you. Call the American Psychiatric Society in your area or Google psych MDs with a specialty in addiction AND pain management.
Take ALL your medical records!
Best of luck!
I HAVE no faith in drs anymore............. sad bit true.... my husband was in the military .. served in Iraq and we moved ever 2 to 3 yrs.. as soon as he retired I was shafted... GOOD NEWS IS ... I am on no med... bad news is... I AM IN hell... I a STRONG ... I will live.. NOT.. not to sound morbid.. I don't believe in suicide.... but I WISH I DID MOST DAYS... I will survive... TY FOR LETTING ME VENT... sometimes we just need to let it out..... GOD HELP YOU ALL... I PRAY YOU WILL COME IN CONTACT THT HAVE COMPASION AND SYMPATHY... THIS I pray for ALL that are in pain and sorrow xooxoxoxoxo
Anyone in the medical field can see every prescription wrote to you, from where and for what! Its on a database fill called Casper sheets! For Dr shopping and so they won't prescribe you something that will make you overdose from not telling them what you already have in your system! Just like EVERYONE going to the hospital cause of idk back pain and getting narcotics, they do not give them out so freely now! No one does because people abuse everything and ruin it for others that really need it! I'm not saying you are one of them! An think if people waaay older and how they lived and grew up with pain and aches! People now a days are sooo quick to say ouch I need a narcotic for something maybe a ibuprofen could of helped!
there is a methadone clinic in Knoxville. I'm not sure of the address, but the phone # is 865-522-0661. I can't remember how much it is, but I believe it is around $85/wk. That seems high, but you can't put a price on the amount of pain you're in. Good luck.
I've been battling this problem for years as well. Wish I could say I'm winning but I'd be lying. My father had pain issues and consequently became addicted to the prescription meds. When doctors took away his scripts he committed suicide 4 days Later. He was my best friend and I will never forgive him for taking himself from me. NOTHING in this world is worth killing yourself for. No situation is hopeless please remember. On another note when pain meds stop having an analgesic effects there are non narcotic medications that will potentate opiates, promethezine (for nausea) clonodine (for blood pressure) if you add 1-2 mgs of xanax or klonopin if you can't get benzos there is a supplement called kratom that potentiates opiates as well. Please be very careful when mixing these medications as there is a high risk of overdose so remember that you can always add more, you can never add less. Start small.
Hello, Adam! How are you?
I''m sorry, but if you were already taking it at some point through a clinic for addiction treatment, that is in your medical records and a regular doctor will not be able to prescribe it for you. That's the way the law stands, so your only option would be to really go to another treatment clinic.
Is there a treatment clinic in your area?
This might help. Pain management docs will have pamphlets in their office. Find a pamphlet concerning Medtronic intrintrathecal pumps. In the pamphlet there is a list of Drs. the company finds knowledgeable and compassionate enough to recommend people suffering with pain. These drs will prescribe methadone while waiting on the pump or instead of the pump. They prescribe because their patients are beyond a level of pain a human being can live with and could possibly have a heart attack or stoke.
I mentioning this because these drs.are being harassed by the dea for standing by their oath and helping patients. It might seem like the drs don't believe u but they have to cover their asses. They might ask u to bring in an Mir
One more thing. You might be asked who referred you. My family Dr. gave me the name of the Dr I see now, I spent a night on pain meds in the er and the Dr there gave me the same name and said he heard great things. This same Dr was listed in the pamphlet and patient review online were like nothing I had read before. I'm in my though and in and out of the er for 6 yrs and scrappy drs.
I hope you have the same luck as I did. Review the drs listed and see what patients are saying. Make your appt. with those drs
God Bless
I pray for an end to the torture we have endured at the hand of our own govt. Breaks my heart
I have heard that Methadone us an excellent pain killer. I've been living next to neighbor who has had slipped discs in his back; methadone was the only thing that worked for him. He was also on oxyconton 80 mg 4 times a day. Methadone was the only pain killer that worked. He was also on the lowest mg of Methadone as well. I say hey kudos to Methadone. If it works for your pain and you don't mind the side effects then go for it. The major side effects are major weight gain tooth decay and loss.
That's me too. Everything you said, from no insurance to not even wanting to leave the house for fear of pain, and how ill be a drag to hang with old friends. Even makes it hard to see my little girl, she's 3 and is so full of life. And I'm doing my best to play with, but secretly can't wait for her mother to pick her up so I can crash from the pain.
I was prescribed Trazadone for depression back in early 2000's and it did nothing but knock me out, for a long time, and made me feel droggy and dizzy the next day.. And I usually have a high tolerance because I have had to be on medication of some kind most of my life and by the time I was 30, along with illnesses (medical and psychiatric), since childhood, I ended up severely injuring myself working as a LPN, was out on perm disability with back injury neck injury, after 2 failed surgerys, now DDD, spinal stenosis, osteoarthritis(in every joint in my body including back neck even my jaw joints), fibromyalgia, hip dysplasia (1hip replaced in 2014)neuropathy, RSDS, migraines, TMJ, carp tunnel, and list cont.. I still also have my psychiatric conditions(many I've had since childhood) so I am not sensitive to mess by no means.... Yet Trazadone was horrible... Yes it helps sleep, but when you sleep that long that sound, it made me depressed.. Also, when I woke so unstable in my feet from like a bad hangover, I actually fell down a couple times.. It angers me that the government wants to almost do away with pain meds and chronic pain sufferers like myself, suffer... Yet meds like trazadone and amytriptyline are given and not considered a controlled drug... Yet ambien and lyrics have been classified controlled... WHAT???? They don't care what's harmful... It's all about power and money. (my opinion)..
I believe if about 2000 to 5000 people across the country would all go to the CAPITAL STEPS OF THIER STATES and all on the same day thru out the country and all threaten to commit suicide or some extreme other something if they don't make some changes in getting people the help needed for their pain maybe just maybe with the media coverage and spotlight being placed openly on the problem the laws could be changed. Why cant we have clinics for each county in our state that specifically treats this problem? Every man and woman should be afforded the right to have the proper meds to treat their pain without the f***ing government being involved. I mean look I see Doctor Phil and others say how bad Oxocode is and make such an issue of the addiction of these types drugs yet Alcohol and Cig do the very same thing and they are legal as hell. I had someone once tell me that they would not help me anymore with my pain due to the fact that they didn't want to be the reason I die. (A family member would help me with my pain y giving me one of their pills per day due to the fact that it is so hard to get any help with them now) ut they saw Dr. PHIL, and the six oclock news talking out how these pain killers were doing just that killing people. So I ask them "You mean your not going to help me anymore because these meds are killing folks and you just cant have that on you...they replied that's I said to them this is the only part of my day that I actually can function and I look forward to that one small pill every day due to the fact I don't hurt for just a while.....and your not going to help me out, you don't have any feelings about the two and half packs of smokes you buy me each day that are killing me for sure and not improving at all the quality of my life. And all because you heard Dr. PHIL says or some government agency. I am a fifty year old man that cant work because of a back injury about 6 years ago. And I cant get anyone to prescribe me anything that will even touch my pain due to the fact that the dam GOVERNMENT has made it so that our doctors cant treat us...
If you want to find out what your medication record is for scheduled medications check with your state prescription monitor program. Many time you can get this information by filling out a form that is on the internet or they can send you one. Sometimes they require you sign the form in front of a notary which the UPS store (not a post office) can do for you. There is a small free for the Notary. If you are moving to another state you might want to check the state you are going to since some states are now sharing this information. Not every state has the a Prescription monitor but most do. Also each state is different with what medication is reported and how many years they monitor. Having this information can be very helpful if you are seeing a new doctor. These days if you forgot you were on some pain medication and forget to put that in your history a new doctor may think you are not being truthful and send you on your way with no help (and get stuck with the $200.00 bill for the visit.)
I have heard that Methadone us an excellent pain killer. I've been living next to neighbor who has had slipped discs in his back; methadone was the only thing that worked for him. He was also on oxyconton 80 mg 4 times a day. Methadone was the only pain killer that worked. He was also on the lowest mg of Methadone as well. I say hey kudos to Methadone. If it works for your pain and you don't mind the side affects then go for it.
I agree, with what you said about people not coping with pain nowadays, but you need to remember for long term chronic pain, Ibuprofen will burn your kidneys up. Ibuprofen is great for acute pain, but not for long term severe pain. Also, in the old days people just died young. The average life span was typically between 30-40 years old. Totally different from today.
Hi Adam, concerned citizen here. Having been doing research and trying to find someone to give my husband methadone I stumbled across your post. I don't know if you'll even get this but I hope you do and I hope that you have gotten some help by now. I know it's tough. My husband was on STRONG pain meds for 10 years and when his doctor closed up due to cancer, he couldn't find anyone to give him anything because we live in NC in the county with the highest pain pill prescriptions filled. So, no one will give him the meds he needs so he ends up in withdrawals and goes to the clinic and they give him suboxone and subutex. Those do nothing for pain! So I am now trying valiantly to find him somewhere to get methadone because it helps with the pain AND withdrawal. I hope you are well!
Re: BZD (# 3)
No BZD your very wrong. I've been in a methadone clinic and all I have to do is make an appointment with a pain management doctor and they will send my medical records! I also was an addict for years and methadone is the only one that works for me + I also have chronic pain! They told me to find a pain management doctor who will prescribe methadone for me!
I have RSD among many other things chronic pain... How can I find a doctor in Tennessee who will prescribe methadone for pain?
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