Need To Find A Pharmacy That Fills Subutex Asap!!! (Page 17) (Top voted first)


I have been on subutex for 9 months now. But i have a very big problem next month k mart pharmacy will no longer carry subutex. I live in the tri cities in tn. I have called about 35 pharmacies around they either do not take new people getting subutex or do not carry it at all. I have no insurance i found 1 that cost 340 which is way more than the 215 i paid at k mart. Also some pharmacies I know only carry the small ones which to me do not work as good as the bigger ones. Huge difference. I go back on the 8th next month, so if there is anyone that knows of a good pharmacy in my area your help would be greatly appreciated.

328 Replies (17 Pages)

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Re: AmberWV304 (# 197) Expand Referenced Message

Can you please let me know what pharmacy you have found in MD? It's been about a week now. Also does that point marion clinic happily subscribe subutex? I live so close to there and drive out over an hour a way to just get to my doctor who gives me subutex without a hassle and haven’t had a problem until this month getting it filled all of a sudden no warning or notice and my doctor made me pay him first and then told me their pharmacy, that they have a contract with was out. Which already costed top dollar and wouldn’t accept savings cards. I am paying ridiculous amounts of money each month and they just stop with no help leaving me unwell on the verge of relapse and I can’t work sick like this.

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Re: Dr RB (# 290) Expand Referenced Message

I'm sure I'm speaking for many when I say that I absolutely can not take suboxone, anything with naxolone or narcan. I truly believe that when EMT mistaking administered narcan after finding me unconscious due to a bad seizure. The more I've attempted sobriety using suboxone, the more adverse reactions I suffer making life intolerable. Not to mention the damage to my health because naxolone caused my BP to skyrocket, constant vertigo and dizziness that kept me practically bed ridden, the damage to my kidneys or the blisters on my tongue and mouth which not only made it difficult to eat but studies have linked them to oral cancer. I wasn't able to take enough to relieve withdrawal so oftentimes I debated if withdrawal may be more comfortable. Subutex has saved my life. I have to pay cash for my doctor and meds as well as driving a 300 mile round trip. I've had to change pharmacies three times in less than a year due to the fear of DEA, etc even though my doctor is West Virginian born, educated and strictly adhering to Government and insurance guidelines. So many people would seek help and be successful in sobriety if only subutex was more readily available. It seems to me that the government lawmakers n legislatures, insurance companies and law enforcement are basically wanting addicts to continue making agencies pushing suboxone only treatment and pharmaceutical companies money by charging $10 per suboxone strip vs $4 or less subutex tablet.The addicts unable to take suboxone or unwilling to conform to some of the BS required by providers, insurance companies and government entities are basically sentenced die.

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The drug is meant to be a temporary thing. Not 14 yrs. I wouldnt fill it either.

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You dont need subutex. You need suboxone. Subutex is addictive and habit forming and doesn't contain naloxone. Good luck.

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hey man im to the point price doesnt matter... could you give me that info please?

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I'm having same problem getting script in pa and live in wv u find a place to fill them yet

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I don't understand why no one will fill my legit rx of subutex it's a generic to suboxen what Ishe the big deal mind as well get a script for oxycotin and it would be easier too much discriminating. I can't take I'm tring to get help but everyone keeps pushing me away.

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I went to waynesburg pa and got a script of 56 and she signed where it says substitute permissible, but I'm looking for 54 411. I called a lot of pharmacies but they say they don't have it. Please someone help me find a pharmacy in pa. My wife is pregnant. It says so right on the script and I'm going crazy. I found one an hour and a half away but they don't take the rx cards, so they're pricey. I might have to go there tho. Anyone need that info let me know so I can help u get there. But I'm looking for a pharmacy in pa who fills subutex and takes the rx card or reasonable price. Please help.

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