Need To Find A Pharmacy That Fills Subutex Asap!!! (Page 16) (Top voted first)


I have been on subutex for 9 months now. But i have a very big problem next month k mart pharmacy will no longer carry subutex. I live in the tri cities in tn. I have called about 35 pharmacies around they either do not take new people getting subutex or do not carry it at all. I have no insurance i found 1 that cost 340 which is way more than the 215 i paid at k mart. Also some pharmacies I know only carry the small ones which to me do not work as good as the bigger ones. Huge difference. I go back on the 8th next month, so if there is anyone that knows of a good pharmacy in my area your help would be greatly appreciated.

328 Replies (17 Pages)

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Re: Jewell (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Iam having same problem right now I am doing on line one but now there have them nexts month I can't wait that long I'll be gone awhile now to

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Re: Cat (# 308) Expand Referenced Message

I forget the name but I got the number

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Re: TiredofTrying (# 26) Expand Referenced Message

Where's one pa only fill pa ppl please

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D&d pharmacy on Central Ave in Charlotte fills mine. Only one I could find. Dr's and pharmacists are only allowed 13 patients and same with pharmacies. They limit on how much they can order on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis. My pharmacy starlight in Mt Holly just stopped filling any scripts out of the blue & told no one & gave no heads ups because of the girl he's with got his license taken!!!

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Re: Marie (# 320) Expand Referenced Message

I need the name please.

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Re: Marie (# 319) Expand Referenced Message

Are they allowed to prescribe xanax on online visits???

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D & D pharmacy central Ave charlotte nc they'll even let an authorized person come get them for u my bf works all day & 7 days a week we own a big swimming pool co in charlotte and they let me pick up his scripts from day one till now and they've never met my bf in person ever

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Have you tried Costco? You don’t need a membership to use the pharmacy and they used to have really good prices compared to regular retail pharmacies.

But also if you’re looking for a specific manufacturer you can try contacting the sales department of that drug company and ask them where they ship their products. The first time I ever encountered an Adderall shortage that’s what I did because the pharmacies wouldn’t tell you if they have them in stock or not, so I contacted the drug company and I asked them which pharmacy within 100 mile ZIP Code they had sent meds to. They were able to tell me that they did not send any medication to my area so at least it saved me from calling around.

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CVS pride insurance

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What pharmacy in Florida carries the white 54 411 pill?

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Please tell us which pharmacy was it???? We go to A and R solutions in Pittsburgh and have that same problem.

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I need to find a pharmacy in TN that will fill my subutex I need the 54/411

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Which Walmart?? Also I think their all full of it cause how can people just leave their script for days or weeks and go without the meds?They can't and wouldn't they tell people all kinds of stories.My doctor tells me some patients have no problem getting them filled every month at a certain while others get denied. I notice nobody has posted a reply back telling anyone where to get them filled because everyone's afraid if they have other's going that may cause themselves a problem on their next script.I can't believe pharmacy can do people this way.

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To the girl Amy I think it was, sorry honey but the Roxane will no longer be available. Another pharm. company bought them out for 2.1 billion, and most pharmacies have replaced "54 411" tablets with the new white, round, "460" imprinted tablets. That's why the pharmacy told you that they weren't being manufactured any longer, and to that other gentleman that said the pharmacy has been saying they're on back-order, they are probably being honest with you, and likely don't know about the new change. The 460's are NOT nearly as effective as the Roxanne 54 411, and have TERRIBLE side effects- intense burning sensation while dissolving, leaving ulcers in your mouth, awful nausea to the point it feels like you need to vomit, fatigue, muscle cramps / restlessness in the legs, and other patients have experienced headaches, constipation, loss of appetite. Don't take them, is my advice. ANY of the other brands are better than those ones, in my opinion!

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The lie detector test determined that was a lie cuz doctors write it it as your pregnant

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I take suboxone right now sure to the fact I can't find a pharmacy for subutex now I can't find a pharmacy that will fill my suboxone

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Re: Ann (# 186) Expand Referenced Message

I had been on suboxone for awhile, (nothing) to brag about so please dont think I am, but I have tried I would most definitely say all of the brands they have had for suboxone...not because of pharmacy shopping of course but alot of pharmacies even if ur a regular sometimes they tell you they are out, which may or may not be the case at the time but u have to find somewhere else to go...Other pharmacies have different brands obviously...but I can confidently say the white suboxone by Actavis in the Blister pack round white pills about the size of a dime are the absolute worst! I know people will say its the same thing or its in ur head...NO, they all have buprenorphine in them and naloxone...I honestly think even though it clearly says 8mg buprenorphine its more like 5mg. I cant tell u what the difference is in those and the others. Maybe more naloxone in the Actavis brand? But if anyone has been on the orange AN 415s and then the actavis, vice versa, w.e order u received them in...u would have to say the same...some disagree. Seems like everyone has their preference and always will...but I just cannot even get my suboxone levels up taking the Actavis white suboxone in blister packs and I follow the same method even when my pharmacy is out. my Neuro doctor is certified in addiction medicine etc. and says the correct way to take suboxone is the following:


2. Start off by getting the tablet(s) whatever dose your on. If 2 a day okay same routine even with a quarter. CRUSH the tablet before putting it in your mouth.

3. Place the crushed pill (buprenorphine w/ naloxone OR without) under your tongue.

4. After putting it under your tongue DO NOT SWALLOW OR SPIT and grab a book or whatever he says to hold your head down for 20 to 30 mins... 30 mins is ideal (again DO NOT spit or swallow during this 30 mins). When time is up u can spit it out or swallow because the buprenorphine has already entered your bloodstream, but just in case i usually just swallow it. So after this, like I said NO nothing in your mouth for 30 mins.

If done the right way u should feel quite a difference if u are used to just letting it dissolve..after trying this my suboxone levels did increase over 400 and I felt much not myself. But HOWEVER my doctor even suggested a different way of taking them and I looked it up after he had mentioned trying it...its called "Bupe Shute" ?? if ya know what I mean...I never have done it b4 nor tried it after my own doctor suggested this to me. I have heard its very effective...It would go like this. #1. Buying a needless syringe. #2. Filling it up with 2.5 to 3 of water after letting it dissolve of course. #3. Stick the syringe (NEEDLESS) well u get the would be something like an enema....and u are supposed to lay that way as well on your most dominant side... He said u have a mucus membrane in ur rectal cavity all the things ur jaw/ur tongue require which is why you just cant swallow the whole tablet itself...except this method u dont have to wait 30 mins to eat, drink, brush your teeth, smoke, etc. You can do all of that immedietly I said my doctor recommended this which made me feel a tad uncomfortable lol.

As for my Subutex (buprenorphine 8mg) I finally went to Blankenships in Johnsoncity, Tn. They filled it with no problem although they were a bit pricey. They were around 86.00 there, and with an Rx coupon, I can get 14 tablets total for right at 40.00 at Walgreens. If only I could find one to fill them and that's actually my main pharmacy & they still wouldnt... Anybody with no insurance can get 14 Suboxone (buprenorphine w/ naloxone) for a total of $53.74 @ Walgreens, and some places. You just have to check different places. Hope that info helps some of u guys.

Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated in our forums is intended to be taken as medical advice.

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Re: Coco (# 198) Expand Referenced Message

You're going to havw an extremely hard time getting any pharmacy in WV to fill an out of state script from any state. You'd probably be better off to get it filled in MD where the Dr is, that's more likely to happen. I am also from WV but I don't know of any pharmacies in WV that fill out of state scripts, at least none accepting new patients.

I have heard Preston Family Pharmacy in Kingwood, WV will fill out of state scripts but you must be a resident of Preston County and your ID must have a Preston County address (can't use someone else's ID either). I was told they are not accepting new patients but perhaps they have a waiting list.

Some other pharmacies you could check with are CVS in Sabraton WV, I've heard they fill out of state scripts, Kingwood Pharmacy in Kingwood WV, not sure if they carry the medicine and Bellldinas Pharmacy in Masontown WV, usually not accepting any new patients. Otherwise your best bet may be just taking your script around to different pharmacies until you find one. I've heard certain Walmart Pharmacies fill out of state scripts as well so maybe check a few Walmart Pharmacies.

If you do find a pharmacy in WV that fills your script for you, please do share the name and location of it with me. I too would like to find a pharmacy closer to home in my own state. I am currently going to the Dr in PA and traveling to MD to get my prescription filled and it's well over a 150 mile journey one way.

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Have you asked the pharmacy if they will carry other forms of Buprenorphine? Suboxone and Subutex seem to be prefered by Addiction clinics, but there are other forms of the drug. I assume as well that you need the pain reliever versus the Naloxone added to Subutex and Suboxone. Purdue makes Butrans, a seven day patch that does not contain Naloxone. Had I not had an allergic reaction to it, I would have stuck with it. There are now also extended release versions of Buprenorphine as well. Sadly, some doctors are not fully aware of the many forms this drug can take. As such, you may want to do some research which you can present to you doctor. Lastly, go to the GoodRx website and input the medication and address. It will show you where it can be found and how much it costs without insurance. I hope you can find a version and a pharmacy. If you cannot, please contact your insurance and your doctor. He/she will either force the issue with the Pharmacies or prescribe something new.

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When there was an adderall shortage years ago I called the customer service line on the manufacturer's site and asked them what pharmacies in my area had ordered recently and received product. They found one in RI 4 hours from the state I am in.
You can try that because the pharmacy techs won’t tell you they have stock.

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