Need New Pcp In Richmond Va Willing To Take Over Prescribing Chronic Pain Medications
UpdatedHello I need to find a new pcp in Richmond, VA that will take over prescribing my medications. I have a history of lyme disease, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, chronic anxiety. I was informed by my pcp that I would no longer be treated after over three years of being a patient. I don't have the time or money for multiple co-pays and doctor visits to find a doctor that is willing to continue prescribing my medications for pain, anxiety, and chronic fatigue. I do not want to go to a pain management clinic but rather visit my pcp each month so I have one doctor doing all my prescribing. I have been looking on the internet in hopes to find referrals to pcp that are sympathetic and willing to treat me as long as I am following the protocol. So stressed over this because I have a demanding life that I can't put on hold because I can't function. I have years of records and pharmacy records proving my conditions and treatments. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
1 Reply
Why are they no longer treating you? Did they give you a reason?
And as you are well aware, the biggest difficulty here is finding one doctor that will handle all of your medical issues and prescriptions. Most doctors aren't comfortable with it and would prefer that a specialist handle the areas that they have been specially trained to handle.
Learn more pain management details here.
How many different medications do you take?
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