Need Help Finding Doctor To Prescribe Either Oxycodone Vicodin Or Methadone 10mg For My Chronic Pain (Page 9)


I have been suffering from chronic pain for 7 years and have always been on and off pain meds from tylenol 3 to 90mg methadone at the worst of any ever taken. I decided to dose down & get off of methadone as I did not care for the "clinic" enviroment per say as I was using more for pain then for addicition. I found a dr that prescribed me the pain meds for breakthrough pain and the pill form of methadone 10mg was what I chose but now he is gone as he lost his license which sucks for me because NO ONE will give me anything, not even the methadone unless I go back to the stupid clinc and I so don't want that... DOES ANYONE KNOW OF A DR. that would prescribe anything or just something to get me through life with less pain? I am in the twin cities of Minnesota and I will drive if need be.

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I noticed a few errors in res & Regs," but with NYS's being such a madhouse of conflicting stuff, there are meds I'm not sureI CAN write for. I cut her some slack because she is a layperson.

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That should have been "rules and regs." I don't think I'm faster than my high-end iMAC keyboard/; it might her my not being a "touch-typist". Apologies to all! - Dr Joey

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JUST TELL ME WHAT TO DO, my dear.. I always said a GOOD RN or NP was worth his/her weight in diamonds ("and that's because NPs WERE RNs first!") I don't know if that's still the case; they're may be BS/RN-MSN/NP programs at some schools, like the commanded MD/PhD programs...whch I am proud NOT to have been graduated from. THOSE PhDs only bastardize the degree.) You're one of the best

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Unless it's regulatory info I've known for years, I always check. Come top think of it, he stated I cannot prescribe Controlled Substances for my (immediate?) family. Legally, I no longer than prescribe CSs for MYSELF. I refilled my Mom's and Dad's HTN scripts for years and diagnosed and treated my sister's migraine syndrome (lower case b/c I don't recall the full Ddx and the RX was Percocet 7.5/325 for pain and (brand) Valium 5-10mg q6-8h for anxiety and muscle relaxation.) Never so much as a phone call from ANY of the pharmacists I've been treating my parents and sister for a little more than 20 years.

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Jassy we will see you on your next handle if I remain as of now your personas are driving more then a few pain clients here insane. Several who have my private information are disgusted by your condescending attitude; typically shown by an addict who has been let go of from several PM's.

Joey gave my permission for you to have my email at the rate I am dealing with several emergencies and I must present pro se I may not be here much longer. I would like to learn more about you as you are much like myself.

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Joey left permission for you to contact.

For some reason they are clearing my bon voyage to TROLL persona.

May be without and "out" due to my recent WIN in comp court but no panel and no money in the meantime my SSDI for the work injury is denied by some local pumpkin whereas usually I am analyzed by the hub in Philadelphia.

So see you on the other side bro.

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Jasmine, P450 has serious anger issues. Several people have posted they are leaving due to P450's attitude. P450 stated they hadn't worked in a very long time due to disabilities. They need to take the time to research info and post links to correct info instead of being rude. But, that may be part of their disabilities.

P450. it is not unusual for there to be a shortage of Schedule II meds towards the end of the year. The quotas have nothing to do with President Obama
If you would take the time to read the Federal Register you would know that.

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And how do you know people of leaving because of P'450s attitude and conduct? Speaking of sources of knowledge, where did you earn grad degrees in Pharmacology or any medical-related field? don't hide my pedigree — MD, Columbia; PhD, Yale and assorted residencies and fellows.

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P450 isn't a "THEY," she's a SHE. Didn't you pass English 101? Where and when did this sudden burst of psychiatric knowledge and insight come to you. Yeah, most people who want to return to work, like P45) but CANNOT, are angry. No big diagnostic leap there, Its not only basic medical knowledge, but its been studied and researched within an inch of its statistical life! You seem to be good at extending warmth, support, etc, unless that poster comes to disagree with you And P450 has her medical facts straight and the degrees and licenses to back then up.

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Professionals, especially when they have multiple degrees, speak in a professional manner. Name calling and bullying are not signs of a professional.

No one should let people on the internet upset them. People that post here are anonymous. Any information that is given by anyone needs to be verified before believing.

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BL yes anonymous is a choice; my multiple pain forums and have by the way since you like to compete have prevented through referrals (written with my legal credentials) over 10,000 SUICIDAL pain clients throughout the world. Pro bono and the reward gained was helping another suffering in pain.

My health concerns have prevented me from stepping back into my own forums although they remain open and further are "clearance" only meaning one is interviewed and legitimate for the very reason you so aptly symbolize; trolls, addicts (unless legitimate pain clients and medically one can be both), sometimes their family or care giver, and identification IS expected.

If you intentionally post here so you cannot be SEEN it appears you may have a problem yourself attaining pain management. You know every insurer and physician (or so you state) in Louisiana and HOW NO ONE WILL ATTAIN treatment there it sounds like you cannot, will not, or otherwise. You were GROSSLY wrong about multiple statements you made about Texas, and you do judge addicts "in your case it may take one to call one," BUT not in my world which exists now in this world as well.

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BL aka TROLL the Federal Register I presume you also believe in Cinderella and Santa Claus. There are no shortages whatsoever it is called "with holding the product to increase the price," and the price of 90% of opioids has quadrupled in two years specifically. Aside from opioids this progressed to B12 and several other medications which were relatively inexpensive and now are not. Basic Economics 101 but if you did not pass English 101 it makes sense.

It must be nice to live in a sandbox but not when it is empty. BL if you notice any advice or support medical and otherwise given by Joey or myself and other pain patients in the know for PAIN is an expert opinion based on self suffering not based on you or any other TROLL acting as if you are the King/Queen of a pain forum.

I've taken my break back to work. And I'm sure I've worked as a Director of Nursing and CNO in less than a long time. I'm a regulatory expert now and it does not take me long to keep up on nuance. For you well I do not think your comprehension level is very good whatsoever.

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They way I was brought up, my parents (and my Mom had more degrees than a thermometer) taught me never to condescend to anyone, no matter how much smarter I was. I don't condescend to my Residents, but I accept they call me "Chief" or :"doctor" because other Service Chiefs insists on that. "Joey is just fine; in front of patients, "Dr. Joey"). The information on my ID badge "MD, PhD, Executive Chief of Psychiatry" tells all they need to know, As my Mom said once to a particularly nasty class of graduate students, "I usually don't ask my classes to call me Dr. P.....I know I earned my PhD with Honors; I know I'm a Superintendent of Schools and I don't need ego food six timers a day. BUT FOR THIS DOCTORAL CLASS I'LL MAKE AN EXCEPTION: YOU WILL ADDRESS ME AS "DOCTOR," "PROFESSOR" OR NOT AT ALL. I've had enough arrogance from you wannabes to last me two semesters and if you piss me off, I"ll ave my son grade your papers. He has a PhD, the required credential and he was a newspaper reporter. He's merciless wen it comes to sloppy writing and syntax."

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At last I get a chance to use my English and Journalism degrees (BA, Brown, BA, Michigan State). Your first sentence, BL., does don't address P450's points — major or minor. That's indicative of weak argumentation or no reliable sources to support your arguments. Sweeping statements, especially about Health Care Law and Public Policy are unwise to make. In Louisiana (who was governed by the infamous Earl Long from a mental institution for a while!), anything can change at any time. Less so for other states. My sister went to Tulane and I've been there many times. Being condescending is something MANY intelligent,multi-degreed people have "the right to be," but are not. I try not to be condescending.Except where the patient needs to know I'M THE DOCTOR or I'M IN CHARGE (Chief of Psych) is "Dr. Joe" or just "Joey" is fine for staff when patients aren't around, Psychiatry is a tricky specialty in terms of physician-patient relationship. General, I HAVE to draw the line in the sand. "I'm Dr. Joseph or Joe P.....and I"m Chief of Psychiatry here." With teens, I can loosen up once they realize my last name isn't spelled "FEELGOOD". Eleanor Roosevelt said, "Ono one can make you feel inferior without your permission.: I could, but I don't. No person of goodwill should — ever. You're trying to hard to play in the Big Leagues. For example, although she is NOT an MD, I consider P450 my professional equal, maybe my superior in certain areas. I have no problem with this.

Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated in our forums is intended to be taken as medical advice.

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Hi, i live in Mooresville, NC and need to find primary doctor that will prescribe hydrocodone for pain. I've had two open heart surgeries and am in constant pain.

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P450, I never said the indigent or those on Louisiana Medicaid couldn't find pain management. I said that Louisiana Medicaid will not pay for a pain management Dr for chronic pain, because it won't. It will pay for office visits to regular drs if they write a prescription chronic pain. Since you seem to know pain management drs that take Louisiana Medicaid, I'm sure those that are on Louisiana Medicaid and need a pain management Dr would appreciate you sharing their names here. Those on Louisiana Medicaid can pay out of pocket for a pain management Dr.

I will post on this site and reply to anyone I want to, including you. Your warnings mean nothing because you have no authority on this site. There are a few Professionals that are Moderators here. You and DrJoey are not Moderators or Administrators on

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Hi everyone,

It has come to our attention that there has been increased amount of arguing in this thread. One individual is very upset because they have been accused of posting as multiple people (which is actually not true at all). They have written to us and may very well avoid coming back to the site. This is particularly upsetting because our intention is to help individuals connect, empathize with one-another, and share helpful knowledge.

Moving forward we will not tolerate further bickering. Stick to facts, knowledge, personal stories, and refrain from name calling. It is OKAY to respectfully disagree with one-another but it needs to be done in a civilized manner. Everyone is entitled to their point of view and conflicting opinions should be exchanged without berating or invalidating other individuals. We have already started cleaning up this thread and will promptly ban any users who do not abide by this request.

Rule # 1 under our Discussion Thread Guidelines (underneath the SUBMIT button on the reply form) states:

(1) Act civilized and be respectful towards others.

We put this wording in there for a reason. Nobody should ever feel upset to the point where they do not want to return to our site! Please help us to realize our mission of connecting with and helping one-another. Wishing you all good health!

Thank you!

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If anyone would like to read about the Schedule II quotas for 2016 you can Google Federal Register DEA controlled substance proposed production quotas 2016. Select the link for Federal Register July 17 2015 or any other .gov link.

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BL. People come here in suicidal pain. If you can refer them to a physician do so NOT tell them what they cannot get or do as if you are the Governor of Louisiana. You are not and I have 10 years residency there, and as a professional nurse in excellent standing do KNOW.

Administration can look up my license on a national web site in seconds. Now I have asked you not to refer to me or post at me can you understand that and move on. Clearly when I give medical facts they will easily be found by any adult with the sense to look up and
confirm said information.

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Joey just scrolled down and read your posts. Thank you. I am sure now that you have my information you too can confirm my information--my background is not why I ran into this site. But unfortunately I too need a physician who with the current FDA attempt at controlling overdose deaths "due to prescription medication" are attacking the wrong population.

When I send you some of my information Joey and will when you are comfortable enough to evaluate it (not just for referral I will find someone with a license to handle my care right now fighting a system that legally gave me full medical for life 100% because they don't want to pay is part of WC which in every state has different regulations) you will see that I am a "rare case."

The FDA has seen appreciable downward numbers on overdose deaths. But like the Odumma administration are supporting ILLEGAL USES or drugs and the highest list of these users are street dope fiends causing those legally prescribed to SUFFER harsh, unacceptable hits and losses.

Those so prescribed have NO RIGHT to allow those drugs out of their site. On the high level I normally am written I literally carry a book bag because those medications DO not stay at home and DO not leave my site. When I travel which I was forced to do for five LONG laborious years to the infamous Dr. T in California due to the death of the BEST pain management physician that existed a psychiatrist for 40 years and pain management specialist (Dr. Joel Hochman) and who also as a young psychiatrist was assigned forensic evaluation of Charles Manson.

Joey you and I know that federal listings are just that and inaccurate. Further what they literally MEAN for example I am in good standing with OIG so if I take an interim DON position I can work legally. I think that way day in and day out I was born to do what I do. Just like Joey and it sounds like his awesome mother (would have liked to meet her Joey).

In my short time here I have referred as many as I can to physicians that may or may not work just by the way I find the physicians and feed back that tells me if they will "write" or will not. Further as a professional I realize that addicts too are treated for pain.

Example a heroin addict comes in the ER. His appendicts ruptures it is my job to assess what his dollar use is per day and somehow treat his pain now in like manner NOT TO JUDGE. It is medical malpractice if I or the treating physician say "Dude you are a junkie you shot up 5 bags today so no morphine for your ruptured appendicts and no anesthesia when we do surgery. Oh and when you wake up screaming because you are in withdrawal from your 5 bags and in pain I won't give you more medication because DUDE you are a dope fiend!

I think enough is said I must rest and hit SSA bright and early (well maybe depending on pain.)

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