Need Help Finding Doctor To Prescribe Either Oxycodone Vicodin Or Methadone 10mg For My Chronic Pain (Page 22) (Top voted first)


I have been suffering from chronic pain for 7 years and have always been on and off pain meds from tylenol 3 to 90mg methadone at the worst of any ever taken. I decided to dose down & get off of methadone as I did not care for the "clinic" enviroment per say as I was using more for pain then for addicition. I found a dr that prescribed me the pain meds for breakthrough pain and the pill form of methadone 10mg was what I chose but now he is gone as he lost his license which sucks for me because NO ONE will give me anything, not even the methadone unless I go back to the stupid clinc and I so don't want that... DOES ANYONE KNOW OF A DR. that would prescribe anything or just something to get me through life with less pain? I am in the twin cities of Minnesota and I will drive if need be.

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Re: BL (# 462) Expand Referenced Message

My physician who diagnosed kem15 years who retired. The initial doctor I had at this clinic retired and the new doctor (I've seen twice) decided not to refill (meaning giving me another script) YES if I want a referral they HAVE to give me one ex. Rheumatologist, pain doctor gastrointestinal physician and PAIN DOCTOR. Since you can not into one without a recommendation. Whatever meds the previous physician gave me they aren't supposed to change until they go thru testing. She sure didn't take me off blood pressure meds and since losing weight that's been fine.
What the problem is that since all these individuals have been abusing these type of medications it makes it difficult for the ones like me who don't abuse it. And you can not JUDGE someone's pain level with just looking them or seeing they're a younger age than who you prescribe meds for, that a BIAS OR PREJUDICE OF AGE. And I asked a different physician if that was ethical or not and they said NO!

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Re: Honor (# 486) Expand Referenced Message

Who told you "Whatever meds the previous physician gave me they aren't supposed to change until they go thru testing." There are no laws or rules that say a new doctor has to continue prescribing the same medications a previous doctor did. Especially in the case of Schedule II drugs. Each doctor has their own way of prescribing. It is common for a new doctor to not prescribe Schedule II drugs at first or at all. Blood pressure drugs are not the same as opiates.

There are no laws or rules that say a doctor has to give you a referral. Some doctors require referrals and some don't. Some insurance companies require a referral if insurance is going to pay the bill.. Some do not.

No doctor is required to prescribe you opiates. Some doctors prescribe opiates. Some do not. As I said earlier, it is unusual for a new doctor to prescribe opiates in the beginning. By insisting a doctor prescribe you opiates to manage your pain you appear as a drug seeker. It is possible some of the doctors you have seen would have prescribed you opiates after treating you for a while. A doctor saying they will not prescribe opiates does not always mean they won't. They say that to discourage drug seekers from coming back.

Reporting the doctor and/or clinic will do not good. It is up to each doctor to prescribe what they believe, in their professional judgement each patient needs. Another doctor saying a doctors conduct is unethical means nothing. There is no way of knowing if a doctors conduct is unethical unless the doctor read your medical records, talked to the doctor in question and is an expert in the field. A doctor practicing medicine in the same field does not make them an expert.


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How does one find a doctor that prescribes pain medication without sounding like a seeker? I just moved to Bangor, Maine and need to find a pain management doc, but this area is very limited. I have been on the same dose of an opioid for 9 yrs, work full time and have zero history of addiction personally or in my family. I want to continue with the same medication, but do not know how to find a new provider without sounding like I'm addicted or something. I don't know, there is just such a stigma for pain patients and due to the addiction issues in this country they look at all of us like we are all the same! What are pain patients to do? Many of us can work full time and lead productive lives on these medications. What are we to do? Please help me, if you can. Thank you!

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I am in El Cajon (San Diego) Ca. Since my wonderful dr for pain died of old age, I have had a lot of trouble finding a doc who takes Medi - cal insurance and will not refuse to give narcotics I have been on for almost 20 years for chronic pain to the point of dysfunction. Cant walk, sleep or anything without trouble. So much trouble to find a due to people who abuse. Anyone know of one in my area? Iwas diagnosed with ms , fibromyalgia and have severe Scoliosis since childhood.Am now 58.Thanks.

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I'm looking for a Dr in Las Vegas Ares that will prescribe narcotics for chronic pain. I'm 62 yes old and just moved herr from a smsll town in Ca.I Have fibromyagia,ostoarthritis,degenerative disk dease,spinal stenosis,and mild scoliosis. I've had my neck fused,2 disks repaired with bone spurs removed,had 12 sets of vertebraes replaced with cadaver bone held in place with 3 rods and screws,and had foot surgery while needing another and still need the top of my back replaced or fused. On top of these I deal with hypothyroidism, Itb,and seisures. I have severe aniexity attacks that are making life very difficult to navigate in this new environment. I ended up here with no mental healrh drugs and have only 10 days of oxycodone 20.I am trying to get my records here and to get referrals for a pain quickly as possible but am being told no one prescribes on first visit.I have my med bottles but not helping. I got off a lot of pain medsmeds after surgery but this is about as low as I can go and have any quality of life..Does anyone have any suggestions for me in the Las Vegas area quickly?

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Re: CeeCee (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

Where are you located ? I am relocating to Springfield Mo & I am in near despair. Please any info would be greatly appreciated.

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How old is this discussion looking for input on my opiate use

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I need a doctor near Watertown Wisconsin that will prescribe Vicodin for my chronic pain...

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Re: Lost girl (# 491) Expand Referenced Message

Due to the high rate of abuse and addiction among Medicaid Recipients it is difficult, if not impossible to find a Medicaid Doctor that will prescribe pain meds. Many receiving Medicaid have had to pay out of pocket to see Pain Management Doctors if they want pain meds.

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Re: BL (# 496) Expand Referenced Message

That's fine right now my pain management doc is paid by work once I settle he said I'll have to pay him myself I'm taking 80 mg of methadone and 180 mg of roxicodon a day so it won't be that bad.especially since my doctors screwed up on two surgeries that made me 100%disabled stupid doctors I can't stand them any more and what makes it worse is the one doc got really mad at me before the surgery because I wanted an interpeternal because she was Chinese and I was white so they just got mad and didn't tell me she was on a fellowship from I can barley walk from them cutting my souphenous nerve be carefull out there.

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Im trying to find a pain management doctor here in arizona ,chandler,gilbert, mesa,,,that prescribes oxycodone 30s ,i have been seeing a doctor in california for 7 years now i need to find a place here to keep me on my same meds, oxycodone 30s,,,does any one know of a place?

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Re: Jonwho (# 497) Expand Referenced Message

Are you sure you take 180mg of Roxicodone? That is a very high dose of one medication. I take Roxicodone and the highest i am able to take is 15mg 3 times a day. I know they have 30mg but that is the highest I believe. Be careful if you are taking that much.

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I'm in severe pain from shingles and need some vicodin to help with pain and it appears either my doctor won't prescribe it or his nurse hasn't told him! I don't take pain pills often but the pain has really gotten to me. The shingles are blistered and are all over my body such as left hip, private parts and back. Any doctor is or around Michigan that might write a prescription? Desperate!!!

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Re: Brim (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I live in Pennsylvania and have always needed a prescription for Tramadol

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Re: MelNorth (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

What is the site called so I can by? I never knew this!!! Thanks allot!

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I need a dr prescribing 30 mg oxycodone and 2mg Xanax in Glen Burnie Maryland.

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Re: MelNorth (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Not for long girlie. And I'm very sorry. Tramadol is being treated the same as hydrocodone and that class of drugs. I know this because it's happening to me in real time. My Xanax is getting hit now. I have had severe panic attacks and anxiety for 40 years.

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Re: MelNorth (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Is it expensive to refill online?

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Re: kjinpainneeddone (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Did you find a doctor. I am in a very simular situation and moved to TN 4 months ago. I have severe scoliosis and sciatica w neuropathy in my feet.

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Does the methadone help with the pain better then the oxycontin? It was 3- 80 mg of Oxycontin that they cut him in half on in 2 and a half months. That was after saying that he was a good patient who's pain was controlled. Then no doctor wanted to carry his pain contract he was on for 4 years. So, they cut the dosage in half and in a couple months. He is destroyed with pain, and sadly, tricked into going back there and they See how bad he is now. It's the same doctor and nurse, and she even said the first time how cruel it was , and Is!

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